Sports_ Oregon men edge out WSU in invitational win Taylor, Foster help lift Ducks to victory By Ashley ( onklin tmcrjld Sports Reporter Two unlikely heroes literally lumped into the limelight .it Saturday s I’ Team Invito tinnal and helped Oregon squeak In Washington Slate in the men's portion of the meet johnny Taylor and Ron Pus ter surprised .ill of the d.JH i in at tend.i m e at Hayward field by pulling out vie lories in the tn pie |unip and the long jump re spei 11\ el y . to lead the I )ll( ks past the (lougars. iillH-211^ ( al Poh San bins (Ibispo was a third with 1 1 t points and (ieurgetown fin ished fourth w ith 1 It) points. I aylot better know n as a re serve i iirnerbai k on the lootball team. leaped a w mil aided ->u V. in the triple jump .mtl |-osier .1 freshman Irnm l-nke Mew went .1 wind aided a.) 1' in the long jump Their points were desperate l\ needed on a day when i.atin Berry and SpefM er Williams Oregon's top horizontal jump eis. were far from their host Hem eompeleri in pist the long lump hut fouled on five of his si\ pimps and finished 111 eighth plm e Williams nursing a previous groin inpirv took only one tr\ 111 the triple jump het ause the Hulks needed the points It was the first tune l as lor hail ever heeii over the TO foot mark fils best before the sea son was -tit 10 but with the football team going through spring drills l av Ini had barely prat tired (he triple jump since spring break I guess I always wurk vv«*ll undfi pressure." Taylor said There s only one w ay out and that’s right through every thing Harder in the week I.ivlot didn't expei t to i ompele in the meet but hei riUM- the football team had its weekend scrim mage a day early, and Oregon assistant coai h John Gillespie i ailed T.iv lor on ! uestlax to ask if he i ould i ompete situ e Berry couldn't To tell you the truth I i ante out here i ompleteiy i luelexx to day l ay lor said Tm usually trying to chase Hoik (Berry) It s fun to i ome out here and he Turn to Invitational, Page 1H sv rltvB 43S*> 11 Crape Bo wot t V a * \ MU KA \Afv ISOI 29 Kecyc Im* Amiitixu Day 'Priontirt for i Healthy Society* lecture 7 JO p m IXl' Fir K**»m Call Survival C enter ^■^16 "Ancient Torah, Future Earth" talk on prevent inn nurlrar hokxauat 7 JO p m 100 Willamette Call Hr.4W> 23 F'risbee league begins today $30 Ire call K!St Hr. 4113 30 Youth All* Prevention Theater 7 m p m. Hr an ( umplr* t. all l niv 1 knjwn# Ut»4777 17 24 IN GenderSpeak Cumniunik-a lion Workshop S-7 prr\ ( *r»on f .aid (•Hff. pirjA' k *liahAH uty iias 25 "Ducks on j Roll" wKrrlt hair 7pm Mac Court call Mt* 1774 Kir tit Utk* 79 Election* today and tomorrow 2b The Oneness oi i very thing" muhtrukurs] crlrbr jtton 7 JO p m IS KM l Hjilinxim C «il Survival Center }4t>4.VS6 20 ‘Aerobi Fun" kprvvil *rr\>t'K'» event 1 JO-3 JO pm $2 00 Ortingrr Son Porch 1 call RIM .14*4113 27 >iet for a new America” kr> rvrtr Wvturr t»y John Ki4»*»u\» >m 5-Ml Hjliroum s; ill Survival t rntrr V4A4.1S6 21_ rtuinrn i I IraIth l onlrrrntr N<»on prr 41 Onturv Ki»«n» til ASH) VVomrn » C rnlrr Mb-AP* Sell lilitm Workshop l all (.ALA 1 \4#v WftO 28 Wellness Month has teen coordinated fry COS At f and the l 'run of Students' Off we. lor mure information, contact [oarne Kobertson, Assistant to the Dean for Training and Prevention, or Karlin Conklin, Media Kslatvns Assistant, at M6-3J05. C:SAFE Campus Organization for a Substance Abuse Free environment Photo h\ Nl**\«* ( .ml Orvtion's Inhnin l.nlnr turned in .1 spot Ini ular perhirin.ini e in the triple pimp hi help lead the Ihu As hi .1 dllH-dtIJ 1 it ton in rr thr M ,S7 (iou^ars ,it Saturday s in\ 1t.di11n.1l COMPACT DISC WORLD'S 1st ANNIVERSARY EVERY COMPACT DISC IS ON SALE JIMMY BUFFETT SONGS YOU KNOW BY HEART JIMMY BUFFETTS GREATEST HIT(S) MCA , 1 NEIL DIAMOND HIS 12 GREATEST HITS MCA OVER 12.000 TITLES IN STOCK AND ALL AT SALE PRICES i\(X k KLU- \t\\ ACt tl.ASSKAI JAZZ. RKXIAf OHAIRA AND MUCH MORE ONLY 1088 SALE SALE SALE SALE . - RACi NITS ANiY C ARRYISC. C AM' AIL ON SAIL ONLY 1088 FOR ’Hi'; Cl V' V.iAWltS k \ Mi 2 100 W. 1 llli in 683-6902 nn\ - Dms \ uhk Who's next I ELTON JOHN § GREATEST HITS *COPIES* SELF-SERVICE ONLY 21/2* 8V2 X 11 White NO LIMIT Tte Copy Sl«$p 539 E. 13th 8:30am-8:00pm You can buy STAMPS at the DO Bookstore!