Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1990, Page 13, Image 13

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( ontinued from Page I 2
In previous wars. students
have viili'd to oppose llii' pro
pnsi'il River front Research
I’,irk .mil tu ki'i'p thr nvrrsiili'
soi i er licld frnni being im 1ml
oil in thr pi.iniii'ii develop
It the .idministr.ilioti were to
adopt tho measure in the I in
vcrsitv's planning process it
would prevent most types ol
laboratory operations in the re
search park, said Diane Wiles,
project representative in the
I 'niversits Planning Otfii e.
Because the federal aits gin
ern the use pi i uminon sub
stances used in making every
day produi ts and experiments,
the research park would lie se
verelv hindered. \\ ile\ said
But the measure would not
have binding authorits on the
I'niversitv administration and
would ximpl\ "encourage the
administration to follow its di
ret live, according to the meas
ure's wording.
(.raduatioii pledge
halhv Taylor, a I hiiversitj
( ontinued from Page 1
Alter several i miMilt.ilions
w ith stmlon! groups .mil tIlf
('oustitntion (aunt to Inul the
most appropriate wording tm
tllr measure. Hoop was lett
with very little time to gatliei
the liei ess,ii \ signatures
Student Senate ( .'hail 1’itlany
Weed said slle believes it s im
portant to 111! lease the 11IV el sit\
among student senators hut
she doesn't think enlarging the
senate is the lies! wav to do it
I think it's .1 really good
ide,distil idea, lint there are
some problems like with
landing. she said lh.it
would almost double our budg
el "
W eed also vv olidel ed it
enough students would he in
terested in being senators e.u h
year to till to seats I Ills year
si\ senate candidates are run
ning unopposed
Knglisli graduate teai lling
telhm |ett Harrison was anoth
ei person who wrote a measure
tint rail out ot time to gel signa
Harrison's ballot measure
would have allowed students to
del ide w blither the A SI ( )
should support 01 re|ei t the
planned i onslriu lion ol the \l
der Street parking garage
I he \able ol it being on tin
ballot is it w mild I>e! ome a
ptiblii issue." he said 1 won
del il people i are in not sii I
want this to lie public ly de
lest Your Best!
( lasses Forming Now.
C. Ij». . i »• !jk. i ... . •
anthrnpolngv student. pro
posi'ii llio idea of .1 volunlnrv
pledge .11 futlire graduation < er
emonies tfi.it would have gr.ul
mill’s '‘thoruughlv investigate
and t.ik• • into .11 1 mint the six i.d
and environmental rouse
qiHMU.es of an\ joti (llievl run
sider. ,u cording to the word
ing of the measure
I lumholdt State t ’iiiv ersitv
ini killed a similar pledge in its
graduation 1 eremonius in lflH
ami has developed a pamphlet
loi graduates explaining lulu to
investigate potential employers
in order to ahide In the pledge
"Hopefully the pledge will
encourage students to think
about the responsibilities the\
have to the world and the mi
pai t they < an hav e. l av loi
I he .11 lual met hanit s ot how
the pledge would he taken 01
signed have not vet been dei id
ed on. hut l av lor has suggested
a printed statement that would
he available to graduates at the
eel cllloin
Hr.illli insur.tiH e
VS! () President AihK t l.it k
relerred In I hi’ ballot .1 measure
tli.it w ill give students Imir up
(inns to suggest ,1 diris tiim tin
llir \S1'() Student I li’.illh In
sin,1111 r Program
I In- lirsl uptinn would In- .1
mandatory 0nn > 111 n«* 111 pulir v
Inr .ill students lust siu h .1 pru
posal ri’i eived In1.ili’il iippnsi
linn during winter Iitiii. with
I 1 si inli*nts going is 1.11 as itr
including a rri .ill i*1i-i linn nl
I lark from nitu i*
TI111 students I'vi'iitu.illv
w ithdrew tin' ilmnaiid and !In•
proposal is mm 01111 ul llir lour
ii[iliniis dii this measure
Tin* second option would use
a restrictive waiver system that
would allow students involved
in a simil.n health insurant e
plan 110I to pun hast1 \SI ( ) in
suram e
Hie third option would 111
voile a louse waiver svstern
Im conscience sake that
would allow students to retrain
111 nil I lie plan ll the\ hale utliel
miMits of providing tor thru
hi*.ilth urrds ( I.ii k said
lhr tonrt11 option is thr sanir
as thr presrnt insurant r pro
gram it provides a hralth in
siiiamf plan tor thosr students
u ho v\ ant to pun hast* if
Hut ausr tin* 11*V «*i ot brlirfits
anti premium costs is direc tl\
linked to how main students
an* involved in tin* program,
thr first and src oud options
would hr min ii t heapei ttir thr
individual studrnt (lark aid
although hr drt Imi’d to rsti
matr thr at tual rusts of rac h
(»pt ion
( ounsrlmg ( enter
Hus measure t alls for an in
< ii i i of ‘si »() ,i term pri tu
dr lit ft) i iratr urn t omisrling
st.df positions and was
brought to thr ballot bv prfi
t ton
I his w iin 11i llli Irasr trrs lot
the i ounsrltng c enter to 'si a
trim pn studrnt I hr funds
laisrd b\ tills measure would
hr mate brd In ( unrisit\
The mi’.isure would ill.>u for
ihr Imins l|t trill Iimc psy
i Imlogixt in prm nlf services
loi 1‘ihnii minorities interim
tiim.il students .uni y,i\ .mil los
In,in students I iii' yi.idu,ite
If.K limy fellows would ,dsO lif
hiird with tbr'sf funds In if
dm f i uiiiisfliny i futfi w.dtiny
I All ( 11 d 11 i .lie
This miMMiif .dsn lirntiyht to
I!)f li.dlyl In jifltliiiu, uiiiild
im reuse Iff s .a In in I HO i fills ,i
stride nl |if i If i in loi llif I Ml
( liild ( ,uf ,ind Development
( 'enters ini rcnsiny this Iff In
V! pci student per lerui
St111it• 111s .ire 'I , pen fill nl
llin e served In the pinymin
■..ml kiislen Hi,null I Ilf pro
yrums ( nnl.u I pel soil
\ lentil mens ure nun He oil
I Ilf toil Ini II I Ilf I 111 id flit,11 1 f f
< oinmillff i .nmol reduce next
\f.O s lilt idflil.d Iff liudyel lie
Inn I In- \SI ( ) (lulls! dot ii>11.11
limit nl r pen fill, ,i tiif.isiire
Mill Ilf I f If I I I'll In the I I.ll Ini If
i|iiesliuy the luylifi ini re.ise
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