I Mexican land struggle l-.iiinors. in Ihr snnthr.ist I’,it Hit if rum ul Mr\it:o .in- lutllun; soil rmsion i .iiN'il h\ I hr I’m ri iinir/it s,un I it inn I ilrslrut lion nl torns I I. mils is uni I ,is ./ roprossi 1 r fiohl i till iitl mi n ist nit ion. s,i\s lustnui \ loriilrs. ,i i ottrr thrown trom i limit.is Xlni.ih’s mill In,m I.in Hrrmk Ir.idrrs in /hr stniuiilr lot idhinpr. will muil\/n Ihr rol.it innship.s mnoiiL; polilii s. rconomii s mid rrolop\ in thru homrlmid tonight .it ' HI in Room 100 U illnmottr. Photo by Martin Thiel |“| QQQS ( ontinued from Pam1 ot Illinois, whore she has a si holarship to play on then wheelchair basketball team \iter 27 surgeries and ninth rehabilitation, lozei is now able to walk short distani.es She hopes In be able to yet around u ithont hei wheel i hau eventually, but she will always need it toi sports Ini the Low Riders tile game will be bnsi ness as usual, but tor the Du< ks it will t|uit*‘ a i hallenge The Dm ks will be playing the name ot has ketball with a whole new set of rules In wheel (hair basketball players must dribble the ball o|ii e put it in their laps and then give the chairs two pushes Ain more than two pushes w ill diaw a trav eling foul Lai h plavei is allowed tin sei ouds in the key before be she must shoot the trail I tin nk it's going to be pi Living I nun a diftei enl perspective, said Dm k center Richard Lu ( ,ls ' i(inard) Keith Mixon asked d > pointers were allowed, but what are the ch.uu.e-- ot him hav mg llif .inn strength to make .1 t pomtei Irom that 1.11 assay while he's sitting ilowu' l.nt.is asked |!oth I.liras and lursvard Keith Reynolds said that they were a little nervous about playing lias ketball m w lleell hall s lull tiles Were not filing to ss oi l's loo min h about it llupetiills we ll put up a pood game hut d we don't, let's just go out there ate have tun said Reynolds, who will be playing his last game in \h \rthm t mill AYe want everyone to have a good tune iu/.ei said. It sou like sports volt’ll enjoy this game and It is ill give people all idea ot what ills allied people are capable ot the other umi|ue aspect ol uheelchan lias ketball is that no one on out team lias a jump shot." 11 i/.er said I n kfts an- S.1 in adsante and S.' Ml it the door l lies are available at the KM1 Main I tesk tile ANtU) Olliie i Suite I 1 AH I the I'diversity Athletii d ll ket ()ffi« I- and tile Volunteei ()tfu e at Sai red I leat t I iospital r [ YELLOWSTONE TRIVIA #3 Q: What is the population of Yellowstone National Park on an average summer day? < A: 30,000. I Learn more about Yellowstone by living and working there this summer! Positions available in all phases of our hotel and food service operations. 1 Recruiters on campus: I’re sen t .i t i otui - A)': i 1 1 •' Interviews - April 18 ,s 19 the Student limp toymen t. Oft ice! LSee the Si nv RECRBXT1C TW RECREATIONAL SERVICES (307)344 -7901 A/KOK MKHA v w v v » v v v v y v v Vi .y yuv KA! KAPPA DELTA SORORITY IS COMING TO UNIVERSITY OF OREGON > > > > > > > > > Rush Registration: April 5-19, 1990 Register in EMU Lobby by the Fishbowl Rush: April 20 22, 1990 F or moro information < ill ext )H8H > A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A I ake note of tin- latest in tisie nevs s . . \\ .1(1 h lor *“ 1 rulav's P I niiTuinnunt Siction Awesome Coffee Great coffee on campus, at these locations: Fresh roasted ^ for you by Breeze way Cafe Skylight Refectory Fishbowl Espresso Willamette Atrium Cafe 4. AIRBRUSH SAL 20%OFF 15% OFF PAASCHE AIRBRUSHES IVVATA AIRBRUSHES OLYMPOS AIRBRUSHES AZTEK AIRBRUSHES COMPRESSORS: 10%-1r,% OEE! AIRRRIJSH INKS...1 S% OFF! COM AITS. f* MAtTIS-S IAOIANTS IOTIIMC. MISUX L MWTON 1**011) S. tH*A 15% OFF ALL ERISKIT FILM • AO.il ‘ )I»SA ‘ KXl» AND MORE!!! YIKItlllSIl DEMO: Michael Rogan vs ill be in our store to demonstrate airbrush techniques... THURSDAY, APRIL 1 <) 4:00-7:()0PM FRIDAY, APRII 20 1:00- 1:00PM 003 ?/f)7 77G r.vst 13th. ruQono Upstair* in tho Cmtth family Building fl 30-7 00 Monday Friday 10 00 5 30 Saturday 12 00 5 30 Sunday SAil ISW 4 r vj lIMITff) TO flOCIk l>N HASrO