OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko's Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Gourmet Espresso • Coffee 860 E. 13th 44 W. 10th 344-7894 344-3555 UO BOOKSTORE THIS WEEK'S TOP 10 HARD COVERS HARDCOVER FICTION 1 OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO1 by Dr Seim 2. THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM by Robert i ndium 3 TEHANU by Ursula LeGuin 4 BURN MARKS by Sara ParotsKy 5. CARIBBEAN by James Mirhoner 6 THE THINGS THEY CARRIED by 1 mi O Boon 7 DECEPTION by Philip Roth 8 HAYDUKE LIVES by Edward Abtrey 9 TALES FROM MARGARITAVILLE by Jimmy Bullet 10 DEVICES AND DESIRES by P D James HARDCOVER NON-FICTION 1 MEANS OF ASCENT by fit ibort Cam 2 MEGATRENDS 2000 by John Naisbitt 3. WONDERFUL LIFE by Stephen Jay G. uld 4 SOVIET WOMEN by F tannine DitPlessix Gray 5. THE WAY THINGS WORK by David Ma aulay 6 PARTING WITH ILLUSIONS by Vladimir f'os.wr 7 THE WRITING LIFE by Annie Dili ud 8. THE CHRONICLE OF AMERICA ■ i ! , i Das.. s 9 EMPEROR S NEW MIND by R m • P. ■ • 10 WEAL TH WITHOUT RISK by Churie-. G.v ■ b)UO Bookstore _Universitv_ Fraternities await fire inspections Fire alarms needed Hv Tr.tvis Kishnp I miTaid ( ontrihutor ,\i curding I() !; i g e n' ■ s fire marshal. new tire mspei hulls ni 1 'isi\ ei -11\ mln*s sororities ami . i> ops ire m In doled tii i)< urn w ithin the nest I (tuple ol w eeks Following Inst summer's ( losing ol five ir.i lernitv houses for failure to meet fire node rogula (ions, lliis spiings inspections are important to ,eMire that lire lodes have been met. said l)i( k t I. IS sine 11. lie. el of (lode I I lion eluent for the ( it\ "These problems had been built up over a Ion : pel Mai ol lime (iassman said 'Whirl we want to do is Im look i lose this spring to keep the situation in i hei f and not let it build up on us Slim Hoosmget who has since stepped down as deputv lire marshal lot Kugetie. began mspei ling I 'niversitv fralerrutv, sorority and co op houses in April 198!! Its late Inly, live fratermlv houses had been posted ‘nii mi upnncV bet arise ol violations, and Pan lower a I'niversitv co-op, was under close si rut tin | In closed house-, were Phi (lamina Delta *11 I )5th Ave laUtibda ( In Alpha Hitt I lath \v, Sigma i hi M in I Pith Ave Sigma Alpha Fpsilon, it I J I 1 4th A \ e and beta I hela Pi. 1 OO’I Patterson SI In addition the I an Kappa Fpsilon traternilv house Hat I lath Ave was posted at the same time and has been boarded up and remained vu i ,mt foi the Pl89 oo si llool Problems varied I rum bouse to house but fire alarm systems were the majoi com ern. (Iassman od ( ithel I ill'll pl'ihletll.s iiu hided liloi Kml evil wavs till doors that remained open, fire rvtm guisheis that didn t vvotk addle-ses that weft'll I obviouslv visible from the street and sleeping iofts that didn't meet lire safetv i odes The haul wired lire alarm systems that i itv otiii cits want installed in till nt the houses UMl.lllv lost I let we.". St. lion and MOIMIO said Roger ( debt ltd I ngene lire mat slut I Add that to the ( usl of installing new fire doors and bringing sleeping lofts up to code and the costs to fraternities niton easily approai lied SiO.OOtl or more SiglU.1 Chi spent more than Si t.(H)t) bringing then house up to i od. and plans to spend .moth ei sn,(Kin this summer lor the installation of a ' hard-wired tire alarm svstem. said kirk Thrill, tratoinitv president Costs for the repairs in mam oi the fraterni ties were absoibcii b\ the housing 111 building corporations that own manv ot the traternilv and sororitv houses on . ampus said l orn Oherhue I ill- photi I nsult' housing nmditions .it I’niversity fra ternities that led In t itatiuns hum Eugene lire nllieials lust summer will be the subjet I nl an utber round of inspections to t het k the pro gress nl repairs. intertratermt v < ioutu il president 'Most building i orporationx imve some re serve funding set up tor situations like this but some ot the bouses bad to tap into alumni to get the monev l«i p.i\ for the repairs ' (Mierhue said With the upcoming inspei lions, both > it\ anil i attlpus ollii i,iIs ale hopelul that the experi eni e ot last summer i an be built upon " I .ast vear. he (Boosttiger) \\ as i noting dim a hard on them tor then own good and we all learned a lot about lire violations." said Shellv Sutherland, assistant direi tor ot student develop meiit and I'uiversiH advisei tor fraternities and sororities Tins veat 1 think evervbodx is pretty well prepared We all have a mm h better expei tution ot what is going to happen. Sutherland said COMPACT DISC WORLD S 1st ANNIVERSARY EVERY COMPACT DISC IS ON SALE 12,000 rims is sux k All ()\ SALE ALL ACC LSSORIES ALL ON SALE 12,000 TITLES l\ STOC K ALL ON SAIL STORAGE UNITS ON SALE XT' 1 HIM i.«\ VI PKIV VII Ml MC IlfllS Pi l S I HI tMtftt PKIV VII Ml vlt { \ IMlW. VI i V! V\SIV I KS VM V SAH Pffit »' 2100 W. 11th 68.5-6902 f L®i \ rw»v| (,KI M PKIV Vlf Ml SIC mils Pll s INI I N I IK! PKIV Ml Ml SIC ( MAItK. Ml VI VSMVlKsvKV SMI PKK Is HINT: Find the answer at SunShower! SPRING IS HERE: SHORTS! BODY LANGUAGE!! TAN LINES!!! Bnng in the ad and receive * 2 FREE tuns or a FREE rnovi0 ticket' ‘(With minimum purchase of 10 tans - not vaHd with .'.ny ofh«?r coupon Otter) : ■ SunShower 874 E. 13th (By Kinko s) 485-2323