Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1990, Page 10, Image 9

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    END OF
50-70% OFF
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nist j’ bit *. k< hum . .)??!/»i/s
1621 1 19th
M l 9-6. Sat 10 2
Saturday Market
Celebrate Handcrafting with Us1
two Zephyr > 1*1
hoc Barbara Snou' ikm**>(■*•*«
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| 10am HI 5pm RAIN OH SHINE 8!'i A Oa« j
UMrvnfmr of aaroow
961 E 18th Ave
Facvtty Artist Senes
Mon . April 16 8 p.m.
$4 General Admission
$.? Sludenls Senior Citizens
STEVE LACY and the
Lacy Jazz Sextet
Guest Artists
Tues., April 17 8 p.m
$10 General Admission
$5 Sludenls Seniors
Student Ensembles
Thurs , April 19
FREE Admission
8 p.m.
For mere information, call.
346-3761 (Music School)
Men's team seeks another Pepsi win
Cougars are
Bn \shlov C onklin
l murald Spurts Kuportur
II thoro is ono (ortaintv about
Saturda\ ■ I’**{>si Invita
tinnal. it 4* tho nil'll s portion of
tin* moot w ill tio min ti f Iiim-i
this voar
( .){ COU! so it (.Oil 1«If I t t)l
mut ti moro <>t a blowout than it
was last season when Oregon
ran awa\ with tho moot soot
mg J UP points t«» 11 n for sot
one) plat o Illinois
Thr Due ks aro again tho tram
favorite wtion tho moot kit ks
off at 1 J. id p m w ith tho ham
mot throNN However. Washing
ton Statu is hat k and solid
s-quads from (Jeorgetown and
Division II ('.id Polv San l.uis
()bispo should make tho moot a
good ono
\ nliko tho traditional two
team dual moots whit h art*
sc tirod > i 1 Saturday s moot
u di limit lociiiis to t\\ o entries
por oNont and \\ ill bo st urod on
a u ‘ n » 1 PIS 1 format
( uiliing oil an H‘i t u in over
Washington Slate last week it
would appear th.it Oregon
would lie a lugger favorite ill a
big-scoring meet like the Pepsi
meet but ( begun i oni h Hill
Dellinger said that's not nei.es
sal il\ the ( ase
"Quite Irankls the formal at
lualh will favor U ashington
State more Dellinger said
( )ur dlst.uue strength will be
bn.ki n up moie b\ (ieorgri
town In that regard Washing
ton State w ill be tougher than
the\ are hi a dual meet
I think it's going to be a
(lands of a meet he added
Some ot the outstanding unit
viduals will overshadow the
team raie but It's going to be a
good team meet
(.eorgetow n s |olm I ran!
inann. wlui lias alreads ipiali
tied tor the N( A.\ meet in the
lit.nun meters but with no
1(1.IKK) at the Pepsi meet will
match up with Oregon's Kric
Peterson in the 1 iUO meters
Peterson ran a Pai tin It) ( on
fereiH e leading I -f-f i t last
week and is looking to meet the
\'< A \ standard of t -f.’ _'U
Oregon's Damn Pope/ and
Washington State's Marls
Stiosi Ill-in will go head to head
I’holu h\ \mln K.iiim-ii
Ori'iidn's Irii Peterson (II .mil limrm Hownrth (JJ) will imr/ Ceargetown's NCAA III.111)11
meter qualifier John l rnutnuum in the I ..WO meters ill Saturday \s Pepsi ln\itntiim.il
in till* .4.000 meter St«*«*|> 1 t*C base
Ini tin* first time tins simmiii af
Iit St tom hein ran tin1 800 and
1, >00 hist weekt rid
Tin* a. 000 meters should it I so
hr ,» good battle bet wren ( nu
gin 1 i (am, \\ ho won 1 hr
event in hist yerii s uurt.
against ()regon’s Peter Ionsim .i
and lhit I irillet
i’hr poll* vault is likelv to
tenter amund Washington
Stair’s Patrik Job.unison and
Oregon’s Brian ('alien, the tup
two \ aulters m the l'a< 10 ( al
Pol\ s Steve Williams is the
Mustangs best ituhvidual per
former and lias also been ovn
1 feet in tin* vault this season
Meet Notes. The 1 hit ks ha\ t
sev en \( A A (jualifiers after
hist week s inert Besides ( ill
li'ii 1 onset a and Peterson, oth
er 1 )iu ks w ho ( oiiid ijuahtv
Saturday are Latin Herrv and
Spent er Williams in the triple
tump Brian Wright in the 400
hurdles and \n k Anastassiaties
in the hummei Big 10 pouer
Indiana has agreed to he in next
\ e.ir s Pepsi meet
Hhulu U\ Mji w ^ li'ii
\lter nualitying tor the \'( l.t meet last weekend in the
stee/ilei base. Oregon's l)itnn\ l.ofie/ Mill battle Washington
State's Marti Strosrhein. the ileteiuling Pm-III steeplei hose
t ham/iion
Featuring Jack Casady & Jorma Kaukonen i
of Jefferson Airplane
with special guest Peter Kaukonen
Friday April 13, 8 pm
Eugene Hilton, Playwright’s Hall
$9.00 Cl of O Students $ 1 1.00 General
Tickets available: EMCI Main Desk.
Face the Music. CD World. Record Garden