/^^TN^TTSoiSl^sJoSrTlTuSsTTT^^TuHM'^MToO^Tir^^TTvc'TH^'TDS JJV^S f TRY CHJR HAPPY Hf ART POPCOR* PQPPt D I* C A*Ol A OH THg HfAl THY CHCtCi<_^ ~ T 20 » XI • W U«< t X A SEDUCTIVE COMIC fj VAIJENTINE ENRICHED BY ’ STTLE. EEEIJNO AND \ ^ APLENDID PERFORMANCES ' "Here, la that greet dark * V detective flick jrou ve been ^ waiting for "»» »»-*-* \ * f tMtahmth Pmkin* r ■ Not VcKing Tot* Umw'pmt ■ A/\n» A/e/*m Directed by Also Rudolph 3 **'/•*! ■ O'. U»i 4 go cr-O 6»f»rl Day L#w»a »n h«s o#£ rot/ S£f rue pure love Of GREAT VO VIE MAKING » y«*r>tfr«r tt •» fcr-f W-'l t«C»C«r»J*lY 04-«Tf to a p»**N fond xWa of m* at Qhna*y ftfrwor- t m b«.»n «r<4w J*-W arwl • (*tf »it a? atex-i' Va»a*Wia«r i » i —• Daniel m LEFT FOO - - ' . " *'■ ■» * *! •■ *«- .1 •-» ADULTS ONL*! ©©fiagBVs $igrmr n O 7 f- N Com-sa CAFE HI'.h DC PI •«* M(X»I' »C* JOMH lANOGlH TTl WKSTIf AA 11 T , It** h@u$e Fashion with an Ethnic Flair1 t New n.ittifjl tihfe . i. 'thin^ I in iich i, 'ii m. I.il'i" .uni stvies 1 ' . .».1.ini.He will; f. .I.w.i>'■ i'i_.iw ■.» i.illev Hi>ii .'! .i .irw. tie1'-- .in.l |<-*• if. ri ?fi2 t HlhAvt' f U• XT ti ■ 'ht • 1 X* t ■ '' M \ I tto • •! i .*1 M.itM-l I laif r,H < 2204 FOLKWAYS IMPORTS ClOlMiNG JfWflOv & K» AR! fROW AROUND Tm{ WORlD SPRING SPECIALS FROM ENGLAND AUDIO Denon DCR-4170 ri'K Sli!)1) Spec ial $1!)!)* (Jn.ilih sound in .in .111111< 1 .iI>1 <■ |),k k.!>»»• Irnni Dciiun [tenon IX:R-5170 i « $:(()>! Special $209* Ofnon mtcgnH in .1 l)l\ < Ii.isms Nakamit hi CD-760 ri-K . Spec ial $897* Wik.imit hi s st.itrinrut o! Ir.itlriship in iiutonu*ti\ r ( I) tin turning) Nakamichi RI)-2t>0 r»»j> S tJ'i Spc( i.il SUtill* Smiplii il\ iiiul i'm flli'ii! sound with N ihumii hi s pnInrni.mi i' kir^iin! ■! 11mpiiifii! prii i's onlv. instdilution is I'xtr.i ENGLAND AUDIO Kugeno's newest dealer for K\i I'llciH v in Car and Home Audio. We practice “The Fine Art of Listening” 17 11 \\ ill.miette Street Suite :t02 Eugene. ()K. <174(11 087-2927 Uchm.i Hl1 tingei in the iniisii nl the Tills and curly 'tills.'' I„k \ s,iid ill the time |iisl prei.titling the sextet's Inrmn tinn "Ue trv In he joyful. light .is u till ,is serious I ,.n \ |iist rele.lseii a lieu nl hum. Anthem and hi' will most likely feature some ol the piei es on th.it album in his F.u gene perfonuam e I hese pi.. .ire not dark and somber but rathei dynamic. lighlhe.irl ed and exploratory In the last JU years the l.u< y sextet has rarely followed in trailition.il jazz's footsteps hut rather paved its own path "He's experimental in na ture, " said Si ott Barkhurs! Musk Si bool puhlii it\ duet tui "He's not Dixieland not he hop. not l.ouis Armstrong It could he called avalit garde jazz. " But simply desi ribing and categorizing Ians iihish is near impiissihle. "He's been involved with avant-garde jay./, hut lie has ties to other jazz eras." explained Steve Owen. I'niversitv dirts tor ot jazz, studies lie has his inusit al fingers in all our diffei ent pies I,at v’s sound is all encom passing lies studied jazz styles, played a various mix and landed where he is today It all started III the "‘ills "lie's a jazz musii inn who started playing traditional jazz I Jixieland, then he got into the e< let til .mil the eccentric, j which is modern avant-garde explained Mike 1 leffley . lot al neyy musii promoter producer involved in bringing I,ai y to Kugene "lie s a man oi arts and letters in jazz "lie dabbles into all jazz areas " Owen said "There are styles that people i all jazz fusion jazz like Kenny (1. be bob like I ’ll 11 Woods and avant garde like Anthony Hraxton but someone like Lacy has got ten himself involved in a mini 1)01 Of |d//. dlfilS As t.ir ds I.di is i imi ernod it's dll bn ill (lit till' best "Von (an dvant dll (he guides uni udiit Imi wh.it 1.011 is Arm strung and Karl Mines did in 1(129. it doesn't get am bettei than 1 hat.'' he said In an Oakland newspaper, he i larif ied more "We i ould play be bop, sure but we i mild go to sleep too That’s win I hdi ked out ol the si cue. to look lor and otter an alternative to that something that was more awake I .at \ w ho was born in New York in 19.14 and has lived in Paris sun e 107(1. is one of the few masters of the soprano sa\ nphone," Hetllev said It is that inasten that has prct eded Ins winning ol Down Hr.it A/aga /me s soprano saxophonist ol the veai tor a numbei ol years in a row mm ( <»urt»*M (Miulo f xjiriinirnt.il s.iuiphonist Slnr / .i« » it ill sh.itr Ins nnriil-.i kiml stninil .it ,i Hr.ill II.ill i inn rrl iursil.n nit;ht .it It ()n lop ol this hoiiui his s,i\ .uni composing skills con vim c'd tIn- Prcm h Ministei ol ( ulturc to ( ominissiori him to ( .route .1 i ommemor.ition pits e ut thf french Ki'vohition s hi t •-ntfiiiu.il I'li.it It. minute pits e tilled Prelude .111(1 An them appears on . tntlwm People that .ue interested in seeing something more like art than commercial musical eutei t.iinmi'iit will be intiTi-sled in ihis 11nil i ll -' I ii• t! 1 ♦ • \ said Id//. niusii i.ms i s the title of a lecture to be held in the EMU Walnut Room at 3 30 p m Lec turer will be Deborah Gray White associ ate professor of history at Rutgers Umver Sity Works — 1972 to Present: Survey of Se lected Works and Ideas is I he title t i shdeillustrated lecture at 8 tonight in Room 177 Lawrence Hall Presenting the lecture is sculptor Alice Aycock MISCELLANEOUS The Phoenix Poetry Society innounces the Spring 1990 poetry contest The con test is open to all poets and will run through June 15. 1990 Entry tee is $1 for each poem entered The categories in elude traditional, free verse, poets choice love, ecology and humor Send SASE for rule sheet to Frank Rodocker 5601 W Missouri St 100, Glendale An/ 85301 or call (602i 937 5429 for more infor mation Eighteen cash prizes will be awarded along with 18 certificates of hon orable mention TG.I.S. Thank God it's spring!’ However it is also a time when many of the students of the University of Oregon think about their housing needs. DARRYL & TAMMY CRAWFORD 475 LINDALE DR SPRINGFIELD. OR97477 747-5411 Formally Ashlane Apartments A cut above the rest... CARE’N FOR HAIR 561 E. 13th AVI EUGENI, OR 97401 (503) 4R5-4422 OPEN 7 DAYS WolH tanning available by appointment 0,0*’ 3-D PHOTO SEE YOUR LATEST LOOK IN 3-D WITH COLOR OR PERM SERVICE (NO GLASSES OR VIEWER NEEDED) CAMERA & EQUIPMENT SALE AVAILABLE Easter Brunch with BJ’s! | Make your Easter special j with brunch at BJ's j Restaurant & Lounge! From 9 to 3 on Easter j Sunday, you can enjoy a 5 delicious brunch for only $8.95 with student ID! ^ Call us today! Restaurant & Lounge i 44 E. 7th Downtown ) 342 6869 ) PEACOCK 9 TAVERN 745 8522 • 125 S W 2nd Corvallis Live Mufic THE LUCKY DAWGS! Fri April 13 & Sat April 14 WEDNESDAY NIGHT BLUES JAM!! April 18 II I sliU Mull I l r l;. a » i sy* win Ml.II I \ H. S I III KMMI Ml.II I I - ■>-. A Bc.fijf. 1,495 I K11 > U M(. II I HHQ K ■ A ll'.trj,'. S3 7 5 s \ I \ 'I \ Ml,III .s i Mt ,tk , I l In \ s.il.nl Xhese Wi ings Will Let Your Career Soar \ i ( ntinrnt.il F I'K 11 I I Al IK%IX\NlI .mii^.u i will s>m[ with .! starting s.il.m »i SI4no per flight h«»ur In ;uMiti<*n lii ili. hour\ eu.ir.tntccJ l<»i Krseive I lij-’lii Vferul.intN >"ii will also receive unique travel privileges \l IM( \ I It)NS: • ( uMmm r Vnnv ^ xprnmcr • • \t kail 3) *n*r\ *>f jgi- • • \ Ifaiiti Vtoml Diploma • * rqupak'nt • <2 ««r 4 vi a/ o4k-tfi drgnr prrferrrtl) • 5*0" 4nd f>‘2" shots) WMfchl id pnipabot (o hrtgN oimvtahir (•» 20 Ml m b**fit-r Hum! in Sjumsh <* hnwh * pfo> VII 11 ’ I K . 1 I i 1 ' si’ll''. Mllllill- M I- H .11 'll. II 1 * ■ " ‘ v.ill*ill-* Houston l\ iKnwr lO Honolulu HI I VuvUn l \ N v,iik \J (. L \ l.m ! ( >11 oi S-Mill \X \ I or turfhfi ml-tm.ition plo.isv soul •' Icftci .in .ipph iii. ( ontinrnul Virlims. \tt I li^ht Mlcndani Ktiruifin)> 1*0 Box -T4X. Dept < Ol . Houston. I \ T'lU) 4'4H CONTINENTAL Ac l ' >()porlof>