Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Hawaii Club luau provides taste
of native food, dance and music
H\ |olif Andrade
i morale! Reporter
Members 11! the I uiv ersitv
1 law aii l.luh will i elebrale tin'll
i ulture hv sharing food song
and dame with students and
the Fugene i nmmimilv .it the
< lull s t 5lh animal luau
The i u 11ure in Iiavvaii is so
different. said .\ In • ■ I in- lead
co-chairwoman of the luau
"We want to keep it going
among us and share it w ith the
communitv Ue want to give
the communitv w hat tliev ve
given to us."
People will have the opportu
uitv to taste authent it; I law anan
fond, sin h .is loini lomi salm
Oil. a mixture ot dii ed raw
salmon onions, green onions
and tomatoes, and haupia a
gelatin desert made with coco
nut milk (diesis w ill also he
entertained hv traditional I la
waii.in inusii and dam e
The luau, t (insist mg of two
shows will open with an an
i lent dance performed hv men
and women, known as the
hahiko Fourteen other dances
reflei ting the I law anan i ulture
and others from Tahiti and
\ew Zealand, will follow said
|ohn Molohiro. I law an ( luh
A slide show will also lie pre
seuted and door prizes will be
awarded Haw,ui ( dub t shuts
flowers and other produi ts
trom Hawaii will he sold at the
I[1,111 Motohirti said
I Jespite tin* la. I that the luau
is on l .istci Sunday Hustead
said ih.'V have had no problem
selling In kets tor both shows
It s .1 dilter.'iil w a\ to spend
I luster. Motnhlro said "and
sinie it's targeted more ,is a
lumih tiling d s really a show
that ey er\ one i an enjoy
I've been telling people to
go to i him h in the morning
and then i nine to the luau at
night said lavna Maruynma
hi.ui i o chairwoman
It people are mteiested in an
Master brum h the\ i an i orne to
the dav show instead. Nlotohiro
The only (iillerence between
the dn\ show and the evening
show is the amount nl food
(i nests w ill sample one sen
tug ol eai ll dish at the day
show whereas the evening
show will oiler an all you .an
eat butt.'I Motoliiro said
because the night show al
wavs sells out and fire safety
. odes have < ut .low n the mini
her ot people who can attend
the i lull dei ided to serve him h
instead of just dessert dining
the dav show Maruvama said
This is the tirst veal the i lull
is doing this hoping to ultra, t
those who can't attend the
evening show she said
The doors open at t p m for
the day show and l> p m lor the
night show and the perform
an< cs Ix'gin at 2 |> rn and ' I v
I> "i
I’repiiralinn li>r the loan starts
,i visit in advance with thi* co
ill l iill.lt Hill ill l OMHll illt'es
dam rs and other plans
M.irmarna said
Hnstead ami M.mivanta also
taught tlm llama's In I hi’ tilt peo
pli- performing in this \ - a i
hi.hi with tin- help ut advisors
(iarol Mtdntvre and In Mii .iir
mat k and three other students
Musii latis mi lude Meta>rma< k
Lain e li idmura and \mhei
\rakaki. I Instead - aid
We're just realh fortunate
that we have alien s had talent
ed lt> people every ve.n
1 Instead said
I'lli' costumes. w lilt ll alt' lip
dated every three years .ne
hand made bv the members and
then parents Marnvain.i said
( )nl\ the I .dull.in glass skirts
are pun based
I'nn eeils from the til ket sales
go I)<|( k into a tund tm nest
year's loan Molohiro said
adding that in tin' past thev
have itisl made enough to i over
the i usts n| the In.in
I li bets tm the Ilian .lie on
sale at the I [111 ersdv hook
store l \tr mam desk and m
the lobby lie.u the fishbowl nil
til Iridav 1 he main desk will
he selling In kets mill I the ilav
ol the show file d.tv show
l ost-. Si alld the evening show
is S 1 -!
I .!<• (ilmh,
Slrmbfis ul thr I \ ( lull /tr.n In r .1 il.mii1
miilinr in iirr/i.ir.ition lor llwir ITilh .iniiu.il Iti.m //ns S11111I.H
(Atlantic Raconfe)
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(Atlantic Record!)
Pncee 900cJ from April 12 ttiru April 21. 1990 Open untH 10 PM 7 Days a worm t at' of these terns must 00 a! or tx»«ow
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