Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Thursday April 19. 1990
7:00 p m
McArthur Court
$2 00 * $2 50 al the door
AP P'ncff-ds ‘n fhr t I >! O l> « d * ’ .<!r*nK As-.m ;»!*on
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342-2912 Eugene. Oregon 97403
Shopping lor financial ser\ icon can he as difficult
as Imding a needle in a haystack With all the
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claims, it's eas\ to become contused At l I anc
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with straight talk and services with an affordable
bottom line
It you are interested in doing business with an in
stitution that won t give you a pitch, come home
to vour Credit Union We will help you get
straight to the point
Serving l of O students and employees.
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Sexual identity group meets today
Mi l TIM,S
Im idental f ee < ommittee will hold a budget
hearing Mfnnl.iv night at ti di in the IAII hoard
Room for the follow ins groups
• I Ml'
• International Student Assui i.itinn
Women's Sexual Identity Group meets today
,it noon in 1 Ml' ( entury Koom A The group is
__Et als__-—
for women questioning their sexualit\
Korean Christian Fellowship meets today at
! )(l at the Wesley 1 entei
\ (li t N IT I KS
More than 500 volunteer positions are avail
able from the Volunteer Con net tion l>\ tailing
htu ‘(00(1. mi hiding the following
• Social guide for Alvord I'aylor Houses, Ini Ai
i ompanv a developmentallv disabled person to
make and meet new friends and part it ipate in so
i ial ai tit ities
• \ an driver lor Cane County Relief Nursery
I ransport i hildren from home to the nursery at
i ompanied bv a rider who will assist with the
children Training is provided (two hours a
• Recovery room volunteer (four hours a week)
(or Mr ken/ie Willamette Hospital Si rub and
dress down into provided scrubs. help move pa
lienls in beds, run errands, etr
• dallerv and office assistants (six hours a week:
tor Kerns Art ((enter Working at the gotten main
desk and gift shop and greeting gallery patrons
Non-violence training workshop will be held
Saturdav from HI a m to a pm m the KMI Hen
binder Room The workshop is sponsored by the
Survival ((enter and Kartbl'irst
Druids applications are due by 5 p m toda\
in Room :tt>4 ()regon Hall.
Stations of the dross will start at the New
man Center. 1850 Kmerald St and end at Hen
dricks Hark today beginning at 2 p.m
Faster Mass si hedule tor the Newman den
ter. 1850 Kmerald St., is .is follows: 5 a m (\ igil
Mass); ‘lam. 11 a.m.; and 7:30 p.m
Timberline contributor reading will be held
tonight from 7:30 to to
Deadline for submitting Ft als to the Kmerald
front desk. KMI ’ Suite .100. is noon the day before
[uiblii'.ition F.t <ils run the day of the event unless
the e\ent occurs before noon Please submit Ft
a/s the day before they are to run only. Xotiees of
events with a don.it/on or admission charge will
not be accepted Campus events and those si hod
tiled nearest the publication date n ill be given
prioritv The Kmerald reserves the right to edit
notit es for grammar and style
Police Beat.
1 he it>1 tow mu is .1 list ut
campus area ( rimes taken from
(Itfu e ol Public Sateti and Ku
t;ene Polite Department reports
tielween Mai 2a and April ~
• 1- PI) rei el\ ed a icport of a
Slat) ( ai stereo stolen from
lath Avenue and Alder Street
on Api
• between I a and -Ml sweat
shuts from the MIA hA offu e at
1 Ml' were reported stolen to
KIM) on Apr h I he MKChA
logo is printed on the sweat
shirts whn h are green, white
and reit lilac k or white and
i allied at $200
• A hie vide tire, tire rim and
pedals were reported stolen
from Hamilton ( din pie\ to Kl’l)
on Apr n Idle parts, removed
from a hike parked .it a hike
r.u k . had a S >0 \ aloe
• \ $a0 trout wheel from a
mountain hike at I’i beta I'hi
sororitl was also reported sto
leu to KIM) on Apr 0
• \ Sda student p.uking permit
removed from a cat at 12 A>
franklin blvd was reported
stolen to KIM ) on Apr ti
• A I nil ei sill student s >1011
leather |ai ket was reported sto
len from ( ondon Hall to (H’S
on Apr -i I In- student lcll the
|,n ket m llir building .inti re
lurnt'd several hours later to
Imd it guilt'
• An KIM) off it t*i gave .i I nivei
s11\ student a triiltu t itation for
billing lu tirive right, and t ited
the student for interfering with
and giving false information to
t polit e off it er on Apr :t
I'he offii er stopped the sin
dent, who vvas heading west
hound in an eastliound hike
lane in heavv foot and vehicle
I he uffii er asked the student
for I I) The student said he
didn't have am and gave a
false name
I he uffii ei checked with
( ITS to t onfirin the subjet I s
status as a student At this time
the student got on Ins hike and
lletl tile area
Hie officer pursed the stu
dent on foot, t aught up and re
moved the student from his
hike The student lilt'll gave his
at tual name when he was
liantlt lilted
At this tune a t rowd of about
tit t") people formed around
the offit ei
• A wallet was reported stolen
from .1 M.k.Arthur Court men s
restroom to (IPS on Mar 2(1
The wallet. stolen during
Spring Term registration, was
later recovered w ith $108
• A lamp and a piec e of .1 sec
tional eoimll was reported sto
len from Hamilton Complex to
()I'S on Mar 2(1 The total val
lie of the items is $2211
• A hurglarv .it Sigma Phi Kpsi
Ion fraternitv during spring
break was reported to I.PI) on
Mar 2r> A TV set. radio, re
mote-control ear and about 40
i assette tapes, totaling SfttiO
were taken bv the unknown
suspect w I10 left no signs of
fori ed entr\
• (IPS has also rei eived several
reports of obsi cue phone 1 alls
to various at ademit depart
ments on 1 ailipus The rei ipi
ents of the calls described the
1 oiler as a male, possible in Ills
2lts. and \er\ friendly
Anyone receiving a 1 all is
urged to call l )PS
• In addition. (IPS leports se\
en bikes stolen none recov
life ftoptf
2# / /J Tart - Zf//>
4./ fcAV.4 PSiO* f $t
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