University 'Timberline' begins distribution Magazine attempts to break down barriers Bv Alic e Wheeler Emerald Managing Editor Timherlinr. the < ampus liter arc magazine, began distribut ing its annual spring public a tion at a I’niversits Bookstore reception Thursdav afternoon In its third tear of produo tion. I'imbrrlinr is a student funded, student run magazine that publishes poctrv. short slo ries, photography and art. Submissions lor the maga zine come from all see tors ol the student bodv and encoin pass main ditlerent ideas "We tried to represent .is main voii es as we i on Id. " said Laurie Kvans. Timhrrlinc edi tor. B\ publishing a wide variets of works, this s ear's 1'imbrrlinr attempts to break down bar riers " There are many things that we need to base expressed Kvans said "We are kind of bucking the tradition Kvans describes the material .is ranging from tr, to experimental to sutrt'.il "There is ,1 lot ol writing .mil art Ur h.ivrn't gottrn ,is many minoritv contributions ,is we want but we've only been hrrr for three years.” Kvans sail! ()lil\ J.OUO copies ol tile 711 page magazine are available Limited funding keeps the tnirnhei of issues printed small Kvans said She hopes funding will fie increased next year, so that more magazines can lie printed (aipirs of iimbrrlmt’ are available free on campus and will he distributed at the h.Ml the english department the art department and in the I'nivrt s11\ bookstore rimhrrlinf staff will also be fabling 111 the KMl BMBdO (U (l A i * Oriental Buffet l unch Downstairs C Try Our Dinner Upstair s Hours Downstairs M Th i ! (>0 >X) > Sa : ' ■ >< > 4 <■ < !• .< ;1 Sundays Hours Upstairs M I h 4 30 ! 0 00 f- Sa S 00 10 30 ( lusp-d Sundays END OF SEASON SALE! 50-70% OFF on all ski gear Hurry, Berg's closes for the summer. Soon! "V K •Jr I'imlii hi D.iln.i hjpl<«n K.i< hcl H.m \ .mil Sh,union ln\ look o\rr the s/i/mt; edition ot riinbriliiii' .it the l nnersiti Hook ‘.tore ihui'id.n AUTO BODY & FRAME Repairing and Painting QUALITY SERVICE Nadine Hayes Lyle Parker 411 E 8th • Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503)342-5501 Within Walking distance ol U of O Intern with JCPenny ATTENTION SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS Hi.. Intern .it JCPenny st ne mil i!'m vh a Man.nje merit Career in ret.nlmc) is all about FROM THE INSIDE1 PRE INTERVIEW MEETING April 17, 1990, 7pm to 9pm Cedar C, EMU Building INTERVIEWS April 18. 1990. H 90am to 2 30pm SI r«»tc:ll your dollars h\ tismi* < mi|uuis !mm tht* ()iTi»on D.nlv I mri ,ihl M l,obb\ Tonight from ' so 10 p m l imhrrlmr contributors will he reading I heir works aloud in llerlinger Lounge 1 here will be a sm.ill ret option. .uni .111 work Irorn the magazine will be on display Tlie reading is sponsored by the Literary bur i ely People interested 111 applying lor next vest's Timhrriinr! 01 submitting art or fiction should contact Laurie I vans at t iti 72 >0 L ookmg for a good deal? Check the Emerald ADS < nupnn »oFF Whoue P'zzft' s2 most convenient location in town... YOIJK HOME! 147H vV11laiii(‘ttr 345-4811 lliimlrii Ii\ »t\ aiea) NOW FREE DELIVERY 1 FRI & SAT! (\\ itIt I ar”f l’i//a) ( mipon m I COMPACT DISC WORLD'S ANNIVERSARY SALE EVERY COMPACT DISC IN STOCK IS vM*'" ON SALE! _ Htte pt\cc SM^ tsv>s ViO oQs^ee SS»„, * o^°° RON \lafv .floss '$&**** _ rl \\tv Si* OWR 1.MJ0U 1111 (V IN SICK K IMn \K\ Ml ON SAlf 2100 W. 11th \ (AC ROSS F ROM WARE MART i 683-6902 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK jgi DOS I MISS I Ml SI (,KI \ I k SWINGS! WSm®y