Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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Anderson promises cohesive IFC
Attendance a major issue
Ii\ Mit c I hornlon
I meralfl Reporter
t ohfsivo and rrspt’i Iftl I atinos
plierc K.iri \niiiTsnn is run
ninn fur .1 one war tout mi tin'
lm nlrnl.il I i t Commit tue
\ndcrson. a junior majoring
in rhi'torii anil corn mun nation
is tinrrt*ntI\ a studintt ivpreMOi
tativf for Ihn \ssik latiui Stu
drills' (’residential Advisors
(.011iH.il Through \SI‘A( An
drrson .itlrnds inertings svhrrr
silt' helps ASIA) president
Anils ( I,nk I in ome more aware
ol student i one rrns
Anderson's experiem e has
given hei the opportunity to lie
i ome familiar s\ ith the needs of
the v ,ii unis student groups she
"Tve already heard iomerns
and i oniplaints from student
groups through ms rvperienir
on ASI’Al she said
I AS I’ \( 1 has h iri ed me to lie
(nine familiar with the campus
issues '
Anderson also serves .is tin*
coordinator oi the KS( API vol
unleer program w here she iai d
itales small group disi ussions
This position exemplifies her
leadership i apabilities. she
I hruugh bet exponent e as
Panhellenit delegate lor Pi Beta
I'bi Anderson said she worked
with a budget and helped alio
i ate mune\ to groups within
tier house
I ni aware of tfie I'anhellen
ii needs and the corn erns tilex
had when thev went through
f nr I i i shr said
In order tor the lit' to allo
( ale mone\ responsibly. Antler
son said she would look .it each
student group individual!} to
understand its needs Hat h
group represents something
different. she said
"I don't have any one
streamlined budgeting philoso
phy but 1 think that works to
inv advantage she said "My
goal is to develop respet t for all
groups and bring that into the
i orient li t
(iomtuunu ation barriers
within student groups is a
problem Anderson identified
\\ itti the current 11 1 She said
exponent e from her major
would help her open lines ot
i ommunit ation and ai t as a
mediator between lit and stu
dent groups
Kari Anderson
Anderson said she would he
sure that groups are notified ot
their hearing times livery 01
ganization deserves plenty ot
time to respond to its meeting
not ice. she said
"1 want to give the groups
enough time to come up \\ ith
the kind of budget they want
she said.
Developing lair guidelines
for attendant e would he an ap
propriate solution to cure the
poor attendant e ot student
groups at hearings, she said
adding that allowing groups
one "no show" with an expla
nation would be .1 fair rule
"There's reasons why a
group does not show up. she
said "We should look a! the
reasons and give them another
i bant e
Colson aims for reducing deficit
Wants athletic funds to supplement IFC
B\ i)jn I isler
I mer.iid Reporter
Sliihiti/nig tees u 11hi>ut luirt
iii)i shitiriil groups is lilt* main
goal of Ini ultMil.il I re t iummil
Iff ( and iti.it t‘ Mlkr ( olson
( olson said hr lias an advan
i.t^f met itfht'i II ( i andidahs
bet ansi' he's had .t similar pusi
tion dealing willi political and
financial matters .is treasurer
and set retars of the Resident e
I tall (.overnam e Committee lor
tile past tut) \ears
Ills experience can bring oh
let tive fan and non partisan
allot at toil of lees and a lot ot
energs said Colson, who is
running lor a two sear seat
"I realize |il t I is| a lot ol
time and I'm ss tiling to put in
\li( ha el ( nlson
that time In' said 1 l'hat's
vvh.it I've been doing for two
Ai mss tin- board rutting of
student group budgets is not
the vvav to solve the i!'(l fund
mg crunch. Colson said.
Groups shouldn't he punished
for the incompetenc e of li t in
t he last several \ i ars
Colson's solution is to save
student groups from i uts by
trimming the athletic budget.
Ill' Said "Thf\ gl ! WUV tOO
much mune\
A lot of zerofunding ls due
to ,i lath of i o 11111ill11ii lit ion
(iulson .said. adding that i on
!,ii ting groups should include
more than just putting out
menu is
Tile ke\ is to lie personally
familiar with ASI'O programs
land) tell whir h ones are or
aren't active." he said, adding
that one to one < oiltat t is im
However, groups that repeat
edlv fail to show tor then
scheduled budget hearings
should he zero funded. (lolson
Colson, it junior maturing lit
[xililit.il science is ,i former
president til llif I niversily
Dt'mui rats .uni lus been in
voiced with Associated stu
limits' Presidential Advisory
Council and the I'niversity ()t
t n i' til 1 .egislathr and (lorn nut
nity Relations
Student groups asking lot in
creases should lie prepared and
subject to (lose scrutiny tail
son said, adding that groups
i an't sulelv rel\ on student
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