Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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To me. the most disturbing
aspect of the recent gassing in
( ident is that it continues a
trend of severe nr harassing po
lice responses Such exaggerat
ed responses include those de
tailed in the Studrnt Insurant
|Vol 1, no I). the recent ha
rassment of "Frog." as well .is
incidents I have personally wit
I hope that one positive out
come of the confrontation on
March it will be an increased
awareness of this law enforc e
ment trend, which most often
t i mi s expression against the
homeless and others who are
\\ ithout advot ales In negoti
ations between student groups
and the polii e. 1 hope that this
broader i ontext is not lorgot
It maturity is i buret leri/ed
b\ unexamineti respet t for all
thorilx, as implied by (ireg
( hapman |ODE April tl) and
others here may I forever re
main immature
Robert S< hotield
(,radii.lie student
Bad Bart
Several studies support the
following fac ts II! pore out ol
.ill m.lined men and women un
button'd; 2 a t"i pen ent of all
children have been sexually
molested by a man or a woman
b\ tile age ot It. 7a pen ent ol
all i luldren bu\e been o\i es
sively disc Iplined 01 physically
abused by their mother or fa
I bis is reflec led ill w hat yve
see on television In general
yye have prai tiies the philoso
pin that the solution to dis
agreements mist ommun
ii alum or any other ty pe ot
problem can be solved by some
iorin ol aggression manipula
tion or abusive bohuv 101
\\ e as a soc lety hay e bei nine
so desensitized to this very sc
l ions situation that a t urtoon I ' i
has been i leated based on this
philosophy It's appalling to
see how popular a show is that
presents abuse us ac c ept.ible
tunny and humorous
"the Simpsons is that
show And yet I haven't heard
any c hurt h group feminist
group. Men Against Rape etc
give row e to this issue yy by
liy not speaking out they are
silently supporting the se\u
ality is bad violent e is ( )ts
philosophy (quite bigoted I
would say I We must objec I to
the stereotyping used III this
show and yve must objet t to
the greatei c rime ot minimi/ing
the seriousness ol aggressive
behavioi and abuse by making
N A T U R A L ;
F I B E R Sj
Q U A L I T Y i
P R I C E S,
il .i< ( eptahle or humorous
Next time you vv.iti h the
show Ire aware of the abusive
behaviors that are Iretng |ire
settled to you as ac i eptable or
funny it's neither
(.an Darby
Ron Jefferson your letter
Preservationists (()/>/ \pril
II) is l\ pit a! of the timber m
duslrv s short sighted mentali
t\ legarding old growth issues
Where will Ihe\ slop ' you
audut iously ask those of us
who w Isf i lo see the sha met il I U
si an e remains of \ irgin forest
presort ed
\\ hen w ill you stop ' is the
more appropriate question i lie
answer is < leer You will stop
when there are no more am lent
Irees lo i lit down
The gimme dei ade has
i iline to an end and so must
your simplistic ideas about
what trees and m\ Is mean
I an (unpromising You'd I let
lei holier e it N on are not going
to i ut dow n one more old
giowth tree without a serious
111; 111
I Ik'm' tin's havf liffn hrrt
mm h longer 111.in \uii and Ilit*\
will outlive mhi despite Mini
As tin \ niir pal lift it ally worn
mil aiguilleill abmil jobs; it the
timbei pfnplf had begun a lung
linif agti In limn a ptilit v liasftl
till siislaiiiftl anil lialant ftl t til
11 tip; and planting ut sft
ondgrouth tiffs inslf.itl nl
greetlv ini and run stralegies
ihfv woultl nut lif Inn ftl In
sit it ip It i I hf 11 tin i fill (at I it s
It Mill lost' Mllll |(ill \ nil U ill
tind suiiif iithfi wav In survue
1 will start worrvtng abuut MM.it
well bring whfii Mm get nut mi
I lit* c nitungc led spet ifs list
I suggest that vnu and mjui
lilllf hand nl signatories pail it
ipatf in snnif nl llif I artli I)a\
if si iv it if s iif\l weekend Nun
might just gain an apprrt ialimi
Im Mini f nviionmr nl which
mhi am ubv ltnislv saiib mil nl
Itlllt ll W III) I.UVf MUlI mill lift 1
I mi H filin'i
it I
I Im April 11 (in-gun l),iih
I'lUfiiiUi fditonal .ibiiul a pit1
ni.iturt* end" to tlif Ir.m Contra
s< andal may itself he prema
Vmir < ommttnl ahmit how the
Amerii ail public has tired ol
lengths and i omplic ated tri
als" is well-reasoned It's proh
abli right about puhlii unpa
tienie with an issue that has
dragged on several years
Hut the issue mat he far from
over, especiallv as concerns
former and i urrent heads of
stale We can judge for our
selves the evening ol the Hen
lander Koom dedication \prtl
Chat's when I'onv Avirgan
AIK newsman iuiured by let
rousts in Nu aragua (where 1 in
der was murdered I will speak
m the I All ' Ballroom \v irgan
will describe Ins role as plain
lilt in a i outt i ase i hargim:
I N i >tt it 1.11s w ith rospnnsibill
tv loi his injuries, as well as at
(ivities related to lander s kill
Che end ol the I’oindestei tri
al c oultl lie hut the start ot the
public: Imallv hearing the truth
(.eorge Heres
I ugene
I lav ing broil ,i student .it the
University tin the past tom
y ears ,md alw n\ s .1 i luse t< >I
lower ot \sl () affairs I view
AM '( ) lArcutivr i ainliilalrs
Stine Maples ami Diane ( usti
mail as two vet\ competent
candidates Iheit open (loot
poliev IS ail apptopl late i am
pan’ll theme bei atise botti i an
d ulates are y er\ open minded
in addition to open-minded
ness Maples and t ushmaii are
linn, and stand In the issues ol
whit h they believe tenai musK
I have had the i ham e to know
both candidates | lersonall y
Maples has been a c lassmate ol
iniiiil m vat ions pol it li al si i
etu e i lasses, and ( hlshnian .Old
myself have m,on mutual
( Ais11111a11 and Maples are
also up on the issues and have
a wide prrsprt tile on ASI ( )
affairs 11a11■ i4r11\ would be (lie
one word description that I
would lend to both i undulates
both ol them will wi irk at
length to get the lob done
Knowing the candidates pet
sunnily I can safely assure the
i yuil s that the open donu
polii v" is not |iist another
empty campaign promise Ma
pies and ( tishinan will defi
_ Letters Policy_
The lum-mlit will attempt to print <t11 letters iontain
nig comments on (opus ot interest to the I niversitv
coiiuminitv. Comments must be factnallv accurate
<ui(l refrain from personal attacks on the character ol
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nitf'lv lie there tor tlif students
.mil make a ( halite tor the lift
Ifr here on i ampits The\ arc
smi frf as well; gone will lie
tin- da\s when oiif mifs into
the AM '( ) ottii cs unable to m>t
a straight answer from the |ifo
pie who are supposed to repre
sent them
\s a i undulate lot AM i ) inv
self (Stuili'iit Sen.lit1). 1 shall
look forward In working with
hoth of Itii'm nr\l war. II llii'v
tin* rli'i IimI iht' AM '() will di'li
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! f , r ... . . ,H,t • •• 1 M. » •• ! I, *•« ••{>» ,
t-i.im wi-f« ,i?uJ v.»> alu.x . t*y the Oregon Daily ffncaul Publishing C' at the
University of Oregon Eugene. Oregon
?he I !•. at**-! i!‘ul**5u* . -t the ti; /.ah .>fTt= t tu
'h • ! n. !?!■• !•: ■ i: I ■ Ill:' i •' •••Tit >' »V. . < f P •
The Emerald is ( r .ah- probity The unlawful removal •->* u*•.»* o< papers 13 i •
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