Strike Continued from Page 14 firms Drums (filbert fuiversity ph vsii.s pro lessor -mil ( SSN i o i hair said, The r ompanv made .1 mistake 1 In' ( omp.iin lias hri'ii hurt severely In the strike I'liev didn't realize the i iiinimimh here wouldn't stand lot ill'll kind of esplnita lion Slabbing is the onl\ wax Morgan lias gotten around tin u ill nt the i nmmnnitx I SSN lias orgam/ed monthk support pji kets at the Nicolai plant have hern slronglv supported In such 1'niverstU student groups as I Diversity Demoi rats /Vie Shii/rn/ Instil fit'll/ and the Survival ( enter I his is not just a labor struggle its -i ' ontitiunilv is sue, (albeit said lh said the del i nii eut i at ion oi indilstn lias changed the shape ol labot pul It II s oil! on Ihi lini' Hui".sm\ stint II ir.tlh lifts vmir s|mils In hisir |ii•<>|>11■ Imnk u In n llit'\ ih n r In tin- pit ki t Imi' St.itr legislators !i.i\e m ng rvizi'd tin- hitter si liism i ri'iilril in tin1 i inmnunilv In thr I.iImii dispute In |\ lflH'.i .1 I ..ini' ( niiiil \ deli' n m si-nt i Irlti i In Arthur Knight pnsi dent iil Morgan I’rudui Is .1 sk mg Morgan In submit to In rn I - ing .irliifriilioii In imii) the luliiii dispute Si■ ii.itiii's hum I till ( her.ins Peg luliu .mil Kepre srnf.ilivi's Siim 1)1111111111 David l)iv |mi liilimmson Hill Dvvv er uiul t ail H«is|i< kit .ill signed tin' letter that ti'iitl | hr prolonged lain 11 liis puli' In'tnri'U tin' Mi 11 gall Nt< n lai Manufai luring < nmpain. ami 1,111 al 111 t 1 lias hail a profoundh detrimental u u '.\/i neighbor is n stub and I It a van f tulki'd In him in si\ months. I'm trying to ni.ikr liis liln .is miscntbh' .is /mssihln.' — Striking Nicolai employee It t|.,i*(l to hr thiii industry .mil i nmmunitl wete ihr same thing hri .nisi' ,t whole < umniti 11■ t\ would work lot tin’ same industry Now people don't .d u a\ s realm- unions prolei t i (immunities It unions are los mg i uimnuuilirs .nr losing (ulliert said Striking Nil olai workers si nil to apprei i.itr the support Irom KSSN \\ r re kiml ol horned out It lenity helps to have thrill \ ome Donut I on mu i omnium 11. In .itlililum. tin- i uiiilii t oi'iiui.ilfil In tin- hiring o( O' pi,ii i-mriit uoiki i- « lio must 1111 i m. 111 * I \ i mss ,i host ill- pn kul Inn' to work ,it tin Nu ol,ii pi.nit (l.lN piltl'll lot .ll Il'MlIl'IltS .ig.iillst i’.ii h • >tIn i i .losing sti ilr in our i ninmuitiK In .iililitmu to poll!ii .iI sup port from li'gisl.itois. I.m .il III Pi JIM m i's s i mill S , 0110 .1 mouth Iioiii i ommuiiiH ilon,i tilin'- tor pun li.ising loud lot P •' N. * *■ - 'bUFPOKI wt SUPPORT 1 (XlAi for a CONTRACT I’hulu in Srrfii 1‘tislon S,ii.i linuwni joins hrr t.ithrr Sn ' ' ' ■ ! r ■ ' : More info? Call 345-0341 Collegiate Christian Fellowship The Easter Service will be interpreted lor the hearing impaired at the 1 1:00 am service. Childcare is also provided at First Baptist Church (868 High St.) for both services. Come Early...Seating is Limited (Park Free at the Parkade and at the adjacent Hult Center Parking Garage.)