Strike Continued from Page 1 I’hotn l>\ Wun I'nMiin Sonic strikers su\ the strike i null! inntinue until \ton;.in i;nes broke The lust meeting between union representutiies .mil \lort{iin niunufteinent \o\ ember. HIM). company has lost more than Sin million over the last two years and Morgan stork has plummeted from .1 pro strike level of S to a share to $H or SO in rei ent months Sue (Iratrowski .1 representa I tv e from \n olai. said the rom panv look losses in early tout! ,ind Ptft'i hut said 'We're past that now The $10 million loss figure the union is using is not at ( urate However Robinson said, ru mors abound that Morgan is go ing broke and will have to sell the plant Striking workers arc lin'd .mil unsure .lienit the future 1 don't think it \\ ill end un less ue quit striking nr Morgan Hues brilke said |em Huessow -i striking \i< ol.ii w (it kei The lust meeting between union representatives mid Men g.ut management was in No \ eintler I'Dt'l mid ( hallow ski s.iid no further talks have been si lieduled Striking workers have had some allies in then struggle The i uniniunilv has responded to Morgan s ,n hints h\ lormtng the I Ugene Sprmgtield Solid.n it v \etwork to support the striking workers and to work In protect the (ainummit\ front Slitlerillg the ettei Is (it |e\ el aged tiu\nuts h\ nut nt state Turn to Strike, Page 1(> Continued from Pane 1 •41-1 m favor of thr allocation, with lit’ member (Iliad Benmon voting against it and Kevill abstaining Bennion said he was not convinc ed an ini nvisr would hr thr hrst wav. given thr l: Diversity enrol In lent tap and an r\ pn ted tuition hike Hut I'NSA a national student lobbying organization fights for student rights at the state and federal level, said Mo rales w ho is I :SS.-\ vi< e < hair of the Northwest I'm dii region AM (I l\\ei utivr rei eived a $ 1 i>8 .128 allocation lor the 1'1‘ltl 'll budget season, a 1 1 pen rut ini rease from last year’s allocation of S> 1 A.1.7*10 The increase derived from higher union labor i osts in the A SI ( ) K\ei utivr Ihe i ommittee voted 2- 1 - j in favor of the allot at ion. w it h Nhem voting against it and Hennion and Rr\ ill abstaining I he allocation was less than rcipiesled In Ihe ASl ( ) I \ rt mu V Hi* ( )!i k e ot Student Advoc at v ret rived ,i S p>. VM> alio cation fin the I'imii 'll budget season, a J H pen fill incrrasr tmm Iasi war s allot alion of S4V 111) I hr committee imam mnuslv approved tin* allot ation I hr allot alion was not large enough to prov ulr the office tor thr set ret.irial help it needed to work rtfrt t i velv . I)ire< tor Marlene 1 best: her said However, eirrv group Would he ht'ttel oft if it had a hit im>rr mone\ Kev 111 said Survival I enter ret rived a SM 1.1.1 allot ation toi the lMUOul budget season, a 1.1a pen ent increase from last veai s allot ation ot SI i.'l/H Hie t.ommiltee voted .{ 1 in favoi of the allot ation w it h Me union and \heni voting against it YM( A Hie Brother Big Sister program received a Si.MM) alloc ill ion for the loon Ml budget season, a 7 i pen ent m < least- trom last Vrai's allot ation ot S i 14 Hie ( ommittrr unanimouslv approved the allot ation Blat k Student l n ion ret rived a Si 1 1 74 a I lot ation for the loon Ml budget season tint hanged from last vein's allot ation 1 he i ommittrr voted unanimouslv in favor «>t the alloc ation Oregon l).nl\ h.mrniUI received a Sl-M .87 1 alloc ation for tin IMMO Mi budget season, line.hanged from last war s allot a turn I he t ommittrr voted unanimouslv in favor of the alloc a t ion CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 10b PERSONALS YO! v' 100%' LEBER RED GREAT GAME! WHO WOULD HAVE IMAGINED A 18 8 SMEARING OF THE NEWSSlDE" THANKS FOR MAKING St/c H A GREAT SHOWING I PRIVATI Hf i P f MOM ERIE NOS Fie© Pregnancy T * s 11no BIRTHRIGHT 687 86*.'’ JEN B. Welcome lo Tn Dell.O Here % lo mote time* with little old men v*.|h if blue fishing hats and GREASE Halloweens' love YBS. Cecilia I’t i‘ nSi,HA” . *. MAh *. . ua , > tqvr . ! * ia<» \-i 105 PERSONALS ANCHOR SPLASH COMING SOON TO A POOL NEAR YOU! KAPPA DELTA SPRING RUSH DELTA UPSILON CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY ELECTED ALPHA PHI OFFICERS: Pies tdenl Vice Pres Scholarship Assisi Scholar F i jtermly Id Assisi f rat Ed T reasurer Assisi Treas Social Chair Assisi Social Recording Secretary Corresponding Sec Activities Chair Panheliemc Del Public Relations Philanthropy Quarterly Chaplainilnspiratron ViClon.t W Melissa L. Shanli L Laune W Shanli L Cindy A Li/ K Sara H Lisa C Erin Jen Deanna H lisa H Damelle J Paige J Kippy S )05 PERSONALS_ ANCHORS AWAY TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS: ADRIANNE M NICOLE L. TREASURE B MEIKA L. KXPUKIKNCIA Experience 'IOXOC0&MVV& ERFAHRUNG EXPERIENCE BAILEY STICKEL ASK) PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT 105 PERSONALS PLANNED PARENTHOOD sAA 441 1 STACEY Happy Ta* Day LOVE, PJ THE GENTLEMEN OF CHI PSI WOULD LIKE TO WEL COME THE LADIES OF KAPPA DELTA SORORITY AND WISH THEM THE BEST OF LUCK WITH RUSH no LOST & FOUND LOST CAMERA: OLYMPUS Sat night 47?90 from Guido » B day gif! Pi*as* -Hum Larg# fe»a»(2 41?9 115 TYPING SERVICES PECIAUSTS ■t aduatr Si h*Hi| \ntm«%ed ► I>l«vsCrUt*>ny'I hrscs I’ApCf* * IHM i'«mp*tiblc.l)^k i on*cjs»on' ► I asci }*nnbA&< «i4ph»< > * I dihnp. 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