Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1990, Page 13, Image 12

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Men's tennis downs
Azusa Pacific squad
The Ori'vjun nitn ' (t'ivnis
team took lour ol six singles
ni.iti Ill's and two of three in
doubles to take a (>- t win over
\zus i I'uoitir Thursdav on Ore
gun’s i otirls
The I)ur ks top singh's man.
ke\ in t’.nrv, nursing a still
him k. lost to (.rrg Johnson
a-ti. ti .( (lory said injury
slowed him some, hut Ins op
ponent plaved well and do
served to w in
"He pi,wed well and earned
the win. ( lorv said Idle in
jury has atlei led my serve
some, hut mv serve isn’t tile
strongest part ot mv game any
In no It singles play . Austra
lion lames Hazard took an easv
will over Jason (loiter bv a ti-4.
ti-1 straight sets si ore
Oregon's led Rubin, the
team's third singles man. fell to
Azusa’s Andy Taylor d'avlor
took a competitive 7-ti. fi-li win
to make it 2 1. Azusa Par die
Junior Jon Weinberg took and
easv (i 1 win in the first set of
his match against Aarron Ilea
ton but had to struggle to a
tough 7 l> win m the sei olid set
for the mate h w in
Oregon freshman Robert At
kin had it eas\ in the tilth sin
gles matt h. winning (>-(), fi-0
over Steve I\ e\ (Christian
()elke. another I tin k Ireshnian.
also took and easv u in. tills
one over Mark Vohren h\ a n 1
let) score
Oregon spotted Azusa l‘at ilii
a w in in doubles play as the
team ot Hazard and Cory had to
forfeit because of Cory's injury.
I lazard and (lory trailed o '> in
the first set when Cory was
forced to stop
Ted Thoren and Oelke se
cured tin* win in the third dim
bins m,(till, handling ivev anil
\ohren imsiIv bv ,t it f>
(mint That made it >-t Oregon
with jus! ihn no singles
match to In' de< iilml
In tin' second singles match,
freshman Kevin Settlemvre
teamed with Atkin In lake a
7a. 7-ti win over lav lor and
I leaton
With just two regular-season
matches anil the Pai ifii til
Northern Division meet leit on
the season. Settlemvre and At
C in have a 14 1 rei ord as a
team and a i ham e to i ati h Boh
( oron and Wade |uilv lor the
most w ins In a doubles team at
I ioron and Jud\ won IH
mate lies in ltIHJ lor the si bool
rei ord
W ith two ot the top singles
plavers tor Oregon going dow n
to defeat Thursdav ( Iregon
needed and got solid pel
formaiu.es from its freshmen
"Our freshmen are doing a
fine job." Summers said "Rob
ert Atkin lias been doing a su
per job He's been really i onsis
lent tins vear and it s starting to
|><H off
Summers said (!orv played
well despite his loss to John
"Kevin < lory did .1 great job
even though he lost Summers
said ' file phner he lost to is a
good player and he played well
lor the wm
Cory who played with a
strained neck miw le said he
sat out Ins doubles matl h to
rest lor Saturday s matrh with
V\ ashingtoli State
I'he Ducks host the Cougars
at HI a 111 Oregon hosts I’ort
land Tuesday to close out the
legulai season
Senior picture by D.W.I.
flirvr more than .ill ullirr
\ iolt-nt inrorv
So mIiiIi' >ou are fielini* ijoimI.
\itur fulurr ii tlnmnliui. hits
Hint' )ou di ink autl tint* Viler
all. if >iiu rt- a erimtitui. !»«•»»
In 11:hi t an >our lulurt* »« all> lie ’
®mad» Emerald
M.iki* a lilrlimr nn« >lmcnl 1km I «!rmk A
Orchard St.
Photo b» Mm Hritrl*
I)rri;tin \umbrr 2 siimlfs i>l,i\ rr l.iinrs ll.i/.ml i ruisetl In .in r.isi li-4. f>-1 \ n tor\ in I'hursthn \
hninr in.ill h h ilh \/u s.i /’.ii it it
Whoa' It's The Killer Bus tram
PlaneI V Great movie' I viu it
2ft times one meht "
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