_Sports_ javelin thrower Kim Hyatt, who plated first in last week's meet, has not lost a competition this year and looks tor a strong finish this weekend. Three teams joining Ducks for invitational By Cam Sivesind Emerald Sports Reporter Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo. Georgetown and Washington State make their was to Has' ward Field Saturday to 1:0111 pete against the Oregon worn oil's track team in the Pepsi Team Invitational The Cougars return to Ore gon just one week after a 22 point loss to the Ducks ill lias ward Field last Saturday Cal Pols SCO. the reigning women’s NCAA Division II 11a tional champions, have laced the Dili ks twii e m the past go ing down to deleat eac h time ( hegon did meet s\ ith the Bron cos earlier this season at a non scoring contest in Berkeley. (laid The Dm ks mati.h up against (leorgetown fur tile first tune in a team scoring situation Oregon's Liz Wilson has al ready achieved the provisional NCAA standards in the I 500 and t.000, and tile senior will look to add a qualifying mark in herfirst attempt of the season in the 5.0110 The 5,000 is shaping up to he one of the more ext iting events of the meet Wilson will have to lend off last year s Pacific 10 ( onlerem e ( hampion in the distance jennifei Kohertson ol WSl’. as uell as freshman Christi Constantin ol (ieorge low n Kim Hyatt and Paula Merry have good i ham es to finish 1-2 in the javelin I Ivatt has yet to Turn to Trac k, Page 12 Biikeiuiotk Discover how healthy and comfortable your feet can be , in original Birkenstock foot wear And discover the fresh new look of Birkenstock sandals and shoes in excit ing new colors and styles FOOTWISE the BIRKENSTOCK store Ibua $46.00 Now in new colors for Spring! 6th Street Public Merkel 342-6107 An Easter White Don’t Miss It! > ~*'V ! r Sale! 20% OFF White T’s, Tanks & Shorts with U of 0 logo lv- N Sale runs April 12. 13. & 14 720 E. 13th (next to Dairy Queen) 344-3439 F (' WIIM'S ( ( )\\| ( I K )\ Ti if Honorable george McGovern Eighth Occupant Wayne Morse Chair of Law and Politics University of Oregon April 16—17,1990 Eugene, Oregon PUBLIC APPEARANCES: 7: 10 p.m., Monday, April 16 “New Perspectives on America’s Role in the World” Introduction by President Myles Brand A reception follows the address O’Neill Room, Eugene Conference Center, dow ntown I hxs ikldrew and tire jrf [neurnltd in i oitperMitm u-tth ths l ay >>J h.ugtne iltki t/w' hugrr\t ( hamhtr of ( oirwri^nf Noon 1:50 p.m., Tuesday, April 17 ‘‘The Peace Dividend: The Challenge of Converting to a Peacetime hconomv" Alumni Lounge, Cierlinger Hall, 14h8 University Street, University of Oregon The \X\ivn* M >rse C har uas created at the I tusersity of ( hregm m 19/S as .1 living me m trial Uj the law l )rrgon t«rrulor arki former .lean of the l ( ) School of !au I he har ts an endowed [>*ojesurrshtp finaru ed by private donations matched by a federal 1 hallenge grant I he ><.LUpanl ts selei Wil by the I < ) presulent “based on t/w ^wiLti^s arul m hievemenls etetnphfied m l)\e life of Wayne l Mi >rse ururage, integrity, iuls perils rue. teaching ability, stalesiruinship, scholarship .ml . ontrdndlions u> the enh.ituement of ihe nde -/ iutt refrresenLiUte >' ■irrnment. .ml uorU peace IheUnn 4 * •»> p^‘jiiun>(» • i«*n •»rvn'*tr«J i ..!?•*»! .iiwrttuv