Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1990, Image 1

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    ■—--Oregon Daily- --
1 ritl.n . April I i. Ill'll)
Kiigenr Ort-gon
\ ohmic't 1. Number 1 in
■ 1FC candidate profiles, Page 4
■ Timberline unveiled. Page 5
■ Encore! section. Pages 8-9
■ Pepsi Invitational, Pages 10-12
Holding court
M.ii\ \tliiniu at l iii’fiir it,is p.iit at ,i l’,n iht \nrtln\’i'st nnn-dnnnnnn.itnui.il l,'idii/i whn sn
muni/t‘ti in llir KMl' (.i>tirt\jrtl I'lmrsd.n .dtrnwnn
Photo l)\ Andie K.mieri
University Day
denied funding
Bv Dan f iller
t met.ild Repottt*r
Flit' Iih idrnlal ! re (utniiiitlrt' al!u! .ilcd almost
$100,000 111 eight It coups 1‘hlJ t'si I.i \ nig 111 .uni Mill'll
>i gains! fil in ling I tic r nil to si! \ I lav ! nil it mil
l lir i ■ i-iIituin tunned limn ■ Indents .uul ! iiih'W
t\ ,nlminisli.ilmu members In rnsture < clubr.ition til
I mvi'isils Dm tin tin- Ins! 11 ust in . m’.iis .irgiii’tl
II i funding would strengthen tin- i rlrbi ilimi
Hut Ill volt'll i n i against |utiding with lit
member |ot' Km ill abstaining
i iouniittee members said tin; li t rommilment
no! to miii'.isf tntidfut.il 11•«■*. and iitt'ii heliel the
men! is an ad mi nistial n hi mat lei piunigili'il I lit rejet
I lull ul llli' i tia I it it ill's S T , H 11 >1 |ut's I
'limit' iimir In I hr wrung ( i > 1 li 1111111 'i • 111
member Armando Morales said | 1 in- .it i in i >i ist rat it in 1
nerds to pai lor this shill
I ran I support something dial Iu• tit• I its the l in
veisili hisl and students set uni II I mruibfi I’aiil
Nlirin said
I Hill'd Malt s Student Assoi lalion ivitoied a
Sir II Imilgi't allot ntiuil tor llir 1000 'll isisotl a
IH I pi'll toil 11 h 11 msi' I mm Iasi visil s allot ation ul
llir iih lease di'rivt'd Irnin an rise in membership
din's a I da I 'uiii'i -.ill i h.iplri IIk- i mil mi Hit volrd
loro to IK , Page 14
McGovern to occupy Wayne Morse chair
Will begin lectures and classes Monday
B\ Peter C ogswell
t merald Reporter
lieorge Mct'aivem former
l S senator <md the 1‘17'J Dem
ocratn Presidential t.indidate
will begin a week ul classes
and publit lectures .it the t in
versitv Monday
Met aivern will he the infill
occupant of the Wayne Morse
(Ihair of Law and Polilu s
Mctlovern's ma|or address
Men I’erspei lives on Ameri
( ,i s Knit; in llic World Hill lie
offered tiff In the pubiii al
id [i in Mniui.n April in .it
tin* huge lie (lunterein f I 'fiitfi
It Is produced in cooperation
u ilh the I lily id Kliment* and the
Kugene I liamber nl I lommeri c
A publii rfi option n ill folltiH
Iluring Ins hi i iip.uu \ nl Iht;
Wayne Morse ib.hi . Mi l iovern
will spc.ik In bulb graduate and
undergraduate seminars and
His schedule int hides an all
i ampus address I lie 1'eai e
I)i\ idem! I he ( Julienne t>1
( uinverting tu a I’eai etinie
Kconomy at noun Ttiesda\
in the alumni lounge nl
(lerlinger Hall Ihe spent li is
tree and open In the public
lhe Wavne Morse ('hair was
created in IM7H as a living me
1 miriaI to the Lite Oregon sena
tor and former dean ot the I in
versit\ l..iu School Tht* chair
is an endowed professorship fi
ii.iiii eel h\ private donations
\1( (.overn u as invited h\
l 'niversitv President Mvles
Hrand to hold tin- < hair tins
Gee >1 ge \t( { it n ei n t\ [idles
the Morse tradition in political
atlalls Mr.ind said lie Is
( onrageous and hold in Ins
i onv it lions, and he lias an in
dependent spirit lie continues
to he one ot the country's most
Turn to M< Govern, Page lb
(if‘»rg« Mc:( iovorn
Students, community members join oneoine local strike
Bv Stephanie Mem imer
Emerald Reporter
After nearly two years. (lie
strike .it the Springfield Mor
gan Nicolai door manutai tor
mg plant drags on w itti no
end in sight
Pitting neighbors against
triends and dividing the com
niunitv the strike is taking its
toll on even one invoh ed
At the monthly support
picket .it the plant Wedlles
dav. i (immunity members
joined striking workers in re
minding the public of the tin
resolved dispute
Morgan employees leaving
and entering the plant tried to
ignore the 20 people him king
the plant driveuay . veiling
"si alls'''
( hie man on the line said to
lus friend. "Yeah. m\ neigh
hor is a st all and I haven't
talked to him in six months
1 in Irv ing to make his life as
miserable .is possible
Stunt: ot thr pit keters i <11 !• *> 1
tin* rejil.u 1*1111*111 ivurkcrs l>\
mi 1 tit:. attempting to persuade
thi*m to join tin* strike Ni*< tin
t\ guards using high tm It viii
no and audio rt*i ording di*
vices watched tin* pit keters
1 autioush w ailing lor the
slightest hint of violence
si! ikt■ t> .uni n'|ilin ement
workers Sever.il months ,igo
.1 repl.n ement Workei drove
Ins true k .it high speed
through tile pn ket line .it
tempting to injure several
At the Wednesday demon
str.ition, pn keters broke the
sunrool ol ,i repl.n ement
'It's really sad. They say we walked
away from our jobs, hut we're fighting
for them. ’
— I.eRov Robinson
"It's reallv srul." says l.e
Ko\ Robinson. president ot
l,i>( al to tV tlit* union rep re
sentmg Mori;,m Nuolai work,
crs Thi'v sai we walked
auav Irom our |olis but we’re
lighting for them
Tension is high between
worker's i .11 while he a .is try
ini> to le.ive the |il.mt .it the
end tit his shdt
Not Olllv Is the si l ike t,iking
its psvi hologti ul toll nil tile
communiH hut union lenders
estimate that the strike is
dr.lining SI ."> million per ve.tr
Photo In Sr Jll I’hsIiiii
XIiiw'.I Inn wars nlil. Ihv Mnrtinn Xnnl.ii slrikr i nnlinurs In
.illr.n I \uppart Imm i nmmunili mrmliri s .mil I nil rrsih slu
ilrnt', .ilikr
from workers
A union stalenii'llt savs
n.ich dollar in wage inrnme
i in til.lies 2 I times in the
i ommunitv resulting in the
loss ut lutjirK $ I mil]ion of
revenue from the local «>i mm
I he union also %a\ n the
lorn to Strike, Page 14