_Sports_ I’holu liv Mjrk ^ Irn Christian (trike. o Lite .iilililiiin hi (hr men's (minis team, h.is hern one 0( Oregon’s (op plovers (his seoson. despite being on I) o freshman Oelke's second chance pays off for tennis team By ( am Sivcsiml f nierald Sports Reporter ( Ihi islnui (felke is lui ky to i'Vi'ii be on the • liniuii men’s tennis team tins season \ttei two weeks of tryouts before tin ,e,i stm tteike u as tile tlth man on Dinoii'. Ill man roster Oregon eoat'h Hu// Sum mers hail to let the freshman from North Bend go, hut not tin long When Summers lost a player he gave Oelke a r ail anil the rest lias been .1 climb to the top tol t iel hr ( trike one ot 1 huilille ot young plovers on the team this season is currently the I tin ks No l> plavei but he lias plaveil as high as No J this year Injuries to (tie gun’s experienced players have thrust a strong group of freshmen into top llighl positions al different times throughout the real including (telke I he fact that Oelke’s level of play is as high as it is surprises Summers It’s really great to see a kit! trom North Bend do this vs < ■ 11 her arise it's tough to gel your game up to the level that's nei essai y to make it here Summers said North Bend is not the tennis hotbed ot the nation. Summers said I he lai t that he got to he as good as he did at North Bend was really something in his favor Summei said At ( tregun he's had a lot more competition and hopefully the coaching has been helpful, plus y\r play all year In North Bend I don't think they play during the yy inter her ause It's so vyet. and there’s no indoor i onrts in town Summers had a lot more praise for the y ouug 1 tghl hander "Ills game has it-.illy come up a lot He still needs to improve on some aspei Is ot his game net plav .mil serving Sum liters said I le never giv es up He's a great athlete .ilul lie gels hi ,t lot (it shots .1 lot ot kuls would (lot get to lie s real detei \ Jlllck chdl w ith t )elke is ,il! ,i pel sop needs to determine th.it tennis is t.u truin being the for us ol .ill his attention Oelke is the first to admit th.it tennis is not tile reason lie enrolled at Oregon ( telke Is pursuing a degree ill busings with hopes ot going in to pie medii me I In u! lunate i areei goal loi t )elke is to hei nine a surgeon I he light hander carries a i a grade point aserage a mark he hopes to improve upon and is a member ot Sigma ( hi ( lelke real Is- has not set ans further ten ills goals loi the remainder ol Ihe season Ills initial goal ssas to he in the top sis, he cause the top sis flights are the people ss ho pi.is Sim e he has ai hleved that most of Ills spare time is spent on si hoot ssork lire Ireshmair ipinkls added he mails has enjoyed playing with Ihe lluiks this season Ihe team is great We have a great lime (telke said 1 like all ot the team members flies re all great guvs And one ol those team members is lelloss Ninth Bend graduate l ed I Imreii I Itoreri ss ho graduated a sear ahead ol (telke. ssas a pleasant sight loi the nessi omci It ssas nice to have someone from ms home area around, t telke said I amils support is something (telke can tall hai k on as well (telke s parents have made the trip trom North Bend to Kugene to ss.iti h him plas on numerous or i asions Summers also mentioned the likable ii.i Turn to Oelke, Page 10 EASTER AT the HULT CENTER 8:30 am and 11:00 am Sunday. April 15. 1990 Come and hear...SPECIAL MUSIC Featuring 100 voice choir, orchestra, and contemporary ensemble directed by Steve Maricle. RELEVANT MESSAGE Dr. Robert Luther Pastor, First Baptist Church Eugene, Oregon All Seats are Complimentary EASTER SHUTTLE FROM UO Shut A ; it*- ('i r.-.y.,ih; ( v-rc 1 ! ••••:[.y ! '( I'"!; i•. t University •' pt - • : - i! I i Kim ii- i) N« ‘ \2‘r. i Kim -i> I:0C It: !r. 1 More info? Call 345-0341 Collegiate Christian Fellowship The Easter Service will be interpreted tor the hearing impaired at the 11:00 am service. Childcare is also provided at First Baptist Church (868 High St.) for both services. Come Early...Seating is Limited (Park Free at the Parkade and at the adjacent Hult Center Parking Garage.)