.Community Racial injustice is unfinished business for South Africa, U.S. By |unt* Russell Emerald contributor "Toward | list it e" was the tlioim- nl present.! lions In N'ithi Molhukrishna troin South \tru a .mil Cerald Seals. Corvallis ( it\ manager at a to rum Wednesday evening to gain insights into the connection between the struggle tor rn< nil tustic e m South A Eric a and in the I anted States Molhukrishna, who began a I’ll I) program m education at the University last fall, addressed the issues central to the struggle in South Atm a and the requirements tor rai i.d justic e Clergy and l,ait\ Com erned sponsored the forum as part ol their Covenant Against \purt held program. Mothukrishna began her talk In outlining the tradition of black protest against while domi nation in South Africa, and the answering vio lence by authorities "Blacks in South Africa have protested against injustice and inequity that they have es perieticed in South Africa since the beginning of the centurv," Mothukrishna said "They have protested the svstem under the < ontrol of a wbite ininoritv. a white minority that is determined to hold the power, wealth and land The homeland policy of re lot ating him ks to non-white areas is another problem caused by apartheid. Molhukrishna said "In the name of apartheid, millions of people were uprooted from their homes over the years she said "This is the result ol the homeland puli cv," The homelands are scattered pieces of land, often without good roads or railroads she s.ud The government's reasons tor the homeland poll I V are two fold I hr government believed that the indepen ilrnt homelands would provide proof to the ilitrr national community lh.it the whilr South Alma government hail m.itli' full at commodation to provnir full rights to hlai k people Mothukrislina said 1 I hr government i nwtrd stria lures to <11 vide the proplr I hr povrrK in the homeland is a t onsi ions effort to keep the homelands underdo v eloped. Motlmknshnn added "Ladies and gentlemen, this is apartheid, Molhuki ishna said W hat I have tried to show is that the stun tore of apartheid remains It remains untouched In the i osmetii changes the govern men! has made \o him k South Aim an will lest until the apartheid system is complrtrlv a bo I ished It is a i rime against humaintv Seals addressed the forum alter Nfothukrishn.i asking w hy Ament ans should support the struggle against apartheid I he an swei lies in our lustorv and in those that want to forget that slavery ever existed. Seals said "Why support the struggle’’ Seals asked ' Hei arise the V word nigger, still siips too easi Iv from some ot our lips Young kids our hope for thi' future dub themselves skinheads and em brat e rai ism Too many of us are vehu les ot dope, not instruments ot hope "Why support the struggle’ Seals asked again " Bet ause history giv es us our identity and imbues us with hope We owe oui t hildren two things roots and wings "Wb.it confronts the world ill the decade to come is promise the promise ot bettei tunes Seals added "There is however unfinished business and that is apartheid Group gives support to gay and lesbian youth Bv Kathleen Sweeney f morale! ( ontributor I lic (>.iv and lesbian Vmitll I hoop lias helped mint' than 1(H) youths suite its UK I'llljllll m I'tti U r If a forgotten iiimul ily .1 forgotten group said M.iiirt'i'ii Burke (•!.>(• to foundei Burke along w itli Robin Madt'll ioundt'd (,1 ,Yl 1 in Nov embei I ‘lit to represent ga\ and lesbian poop It* J1 years old and voungf’r 1 In* group s number one oli|e< tu e is peel support Burke said I lie group mem hers i an discuss issues lat mg them m a friendly sot nil setting Idle group does more than dismiss problems, hmvevei Bill ling work I rum different i ontributors. group mem hers put together a i oluuiii that runs monthly in I hr l.nrmlrr \rlwmk a state wide new smaga/i lie direct ed at gas and lesbian read ers Notes I mm the t lay and I.esbian "t nutli t .roup t om limes poetry photography and ot liel t l eal lie works submitted by both group members and nonmembers ( oil Koduknyy sk I / / \ s assistant to tin' |>ni)lishiH i ,dls tlio i olutnn om iting" .itul say s it h.is been well re i eived I he youth group is non run li\ Robert Hem who took over two months ago Ihirkf .iu Fishbowl Espresso Willamette Atrium Cafe 7m dire Invited to a %eception Thursday, April 12 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. at the UO Bookstore General Book Department to honor t!u* authors ol T1MBERUNE I his is a book, of delightful stories written bv l (.1 students You'll have a chance to meet these creative people and get the storv behind their stories. Refreshments will be served I1MIU Rl INI HOOKS ARE FREE!