.University. Library to give computer tutorials MKKTINCS Ballroom Dance Club meets tonight .it 8:.to in Room :t50 Gerlinger Annex The ( luh will _Et als_ discuss upcoming elections and the May 5 dance OSI’IRG chapter meeting will meet tonight at a at the Koinonia Center 14 I t Kinc aid St. OSIMRC hunger group meets tonight at t. to in Room 1-4*. Straub. TRASH recycling group meets tonight at 0 in I.Mt ( .on tury Room H A1GA meets today at t 40 p m in Room 44 1 Lawrence Students lor Choice meets to night at 7 in the I looms (4>1 lege, 4rd floor. (ihaptnail Students lor the F.thicul Treatment of Animals meets to night at 0 m I NIl ’ (iedar Room E ' Anc ient Forest Action (.roup meets tonight at 4 40 m I.Ml Suite I SIT.AkKRS AND 1.14 I'l RKS "Rest of the Alps" is the title of a slide let lure to he given In outdoorsman Jim Blam hard to night ,it 7 to m Room I 10 Wil lamette rim presentation vxtll deal with Blanchard's trips to the European Alps ''(iontempora n Women's Movements in Latin America" is the title of a lei lure to he giv i’ii h\ I)r Fanny t arrinn de Fierro todav .1! t 01 in Room .107 Chapman. Carrion de Fierro is a veteran ot the worn en's movement in Ecuador and other Latin American conn tries "Natural lliglis" is the title of ,1 presentation about drug abuse to be given bv Ceorge Obermeier tonight .it 7 in Room 100 Willamette "Cultural Construction of the Literary in Early 20th Cen tury " is the title of a lei lure to be given by David Shumway ot ( urilegie Mellon I 'Diversity to day at -I p m in H 1 ( albert MISCEI.I.ANEt ICS Mass yyith the washing ot Itie leet will be held tonight at 10 at the Newman Center. I Hot) Emerald St to be followed by a y igil until midnight \ CD-ROM tutorial on the Camera! Si dent es Index will be held this morning at 10 and this afternoon .it -1 ill the Re Qo FI t C ont mut'd I rum Page 4 "The ( 'a reel I’Ll lining and i'lai a •merit (>11 u ;e is failing In fulfill its ufiinuative action pol it irs, said Shannon t )livt*r, a student at tivisl w’fio addressed lln* St'iiali* flu* issue al hand is sexual ot i ciit.it it in \u laws protei I gav men and lesbians CIA ret ruiling on t:a lupus led to I he initial drafting of a ini it ton tailing tor nrgani/aliuns being letpiiretl In sign statements .said Student Senator Brian Hoop who presented the motion to the Sen ate WIumi (he issue tame up before tin* Siudent Senate in tie fall it decided to mi Inde all ret miters and not just the CIA I loop said •This molion prohibits the I'niversitv from providing faedi lies for companies and organizations that tin not sign. Hoop said file motion now passes on to tile Clliversitv .VsembU for ap pt'OV ill In a not lie! .let ion, the Senate voted to roctim rneild the l nix ei ■ s11x ret ugnize Martin l.ulhei king |i 's inrlhdav as a lii.Utlav I ’resident Brand addres-.ed the Senate saving when he first t aille to i ampus he was dismaved tfi.it there was no Martin iaithei king d.l\ Brand said lie found out that flu* t'nivorsitv president i mild put rei ogmtion ot Martin I.uthei king dn\ in the I niversitv \ t on stitutlon himself hut tie tiiil not think it would fie right He lias al ready discussed the matter with the I at nits Advising Committee w Ini Ii gav e its approval At .idemit ami cultural activities that locus on tile importance and value ot diversity will lie held during the dav Brand said in a letter in tin* Senate I veil though it IS a holidav most of the i ampus will lie ac tive Brand said Until the registrar's otlu e and tin* Law St hoot have also giv en then approvat. In* said Brand will next Bring up the issue In the Council of Deans Should they approve it tie will designate the closest Monday to (an 1 ,"i |kmg s Birthday) Martin Luther king Dav 1 CONTACT LENSES FROM RAINBOW NjK.-i. iult/inn in contact lenses including tint ed. bift contact lenses services, including over A to l aw Sihool '" is the title of .1 workshop on trends and prospects in the It* gal profession to lie held today at 1 in Room Kid t fregon I lull Pe.idline tor submitting! til a/s to the Ruierakl Iront ties! / Ml Suite toil is noon the tl,l\ he lore publit iilion I t uls run the this ol the event unless the event inters before noon /’/ease submit I I uls the (Lil be fore the> are to run only \o tii:es ol e\ents with a donut inn or thlmission t /large w ill not he at i e/ifei/ l .'.un/ius esents ami those si hetluletl murest the l>ul>llt iilion ifile will he gnon pi Hints Ml >\n \> S i MK( >1 (.Ilf K'il) \> s Luncheon Specials Phad Thai Thai Fried Noodles $3.95 ( \c\t to l t>f ( ) Hookstnrc CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT H7‘) I nil) M i 28 12 PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? Tin’ Office of Student Advocacy can help ieqis tered students who have problems with university fac nItv. staff, policies or procedures includinq ■ STIIDI NT ( ON DUCT l 01)1 t HARGl N ■ SI.XHAI I1AKASSMI Nl ■ I)1S( KIMINATION ■ IJNIVI RSITV HOUSING ■ At ADI MU DISPUTI S ■ I INANC'IAI AID ■ UNIVI USITV I MIM OVMI NI ■ I AC HI FY MISC ONIJIJCT ■ PUBLIC SAI I TY ■ BUSIN! SS AI I AIKS ■ Mill I IK S ■ UNIVI KSITY III C OKDS VVa aii' a free ASUl) pr< ujiam procidmy professu>n al services fot students in campus related matters Call 346-3722 or stop by 334 I Ml) to set up an appointment. IT’S THE UO BOOKSTORE EUCJflfl fliCS f WAREHOUSE APRIL 2-14 AUDIO » VIDEO » TYPEWRITERS « PORTABLES SONY JVC Panasonic AIWA Technics sharp brother HERE ARE JUST SOME OF THE GREAT PRICES YOU'LL FIND! TYPEWRITERS . .ham* pa moo* • SHAM* PA 1140 • ANON i SKJ • . ANON i •».' ftlt. /*»»• WORD PROCESSORS . pasa‘,on «* •**<)• • PASAV N ' * A "• ' *»t . *49 ’»*• . PA*»AV S ■■« MIC '«*' • H*. • Ml h *P * Mf t. *49 9* • H14 rut «■*»**• HOW It «ITH Mil \40 ICCmOMf RtT MO ftH lOOl TELEVISIONS BtO *49 »•* HI O 499 9*. VCR MACHINES • SON * Si V JM . VC AfrC/U . SMAH*> V M ’ tIU • : . < nB 0*001, • JVC MB 0?VXJ HI \ SA W* HI . ~W * • ?l >•*<.. •; ,A H. «» . •. * •' • 4 Mi n t Ml ... <1 . SPEAKERS • “ t . n 1 • A(WI *«' BAR » ' .n.>M . . Ml . - : < * UO Bookstore