KA! KAPPA DELTA SORORITY IS COMING TO UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Rush Registration: April 5 19, 1990 Register in EMU Lobby by the Fishbowl Rush: April 20-22, 1990 1 or more information call ext 3888 University— Green stresses IFC cooperation Believes group funding needs more investigation R\ t),in I isler 1 meralil Reporter f'iosel tOOpiTilliOIl \\ 11}I stll tit'til groups on tin- budget pro i ess instead o! working against them is the main goal of ini i dental Fen ( omnutlee i andi date Travis (been ( been w ho is running for a two-vear seat, said ins la< T ol ideological biases and his goal to maintain .in open-minded approach give him an advan tage over other lit! candidates END OF SEASON SALE! 50-70% OFF on all ski gear Hurry. Berg's closes tor the summer. Soon! Before. Apple* Sharpen your presentation instead ol your pciK11 with Apple Macintiish. (lrc.it lixiking graphics tor Jesi^n projects and reports arc as Minplc ax moving a mouse. I Budgeting ix no problem with the Macintosh i inaneProgram, available at the Micnvomputer Support hub. St) tind iHjt what u Macintosh can change tor vou. Attcr .til, isn't it time you stopped drawing the line? Microcomputer Support Lab / Room 202 Computing Center M-F 9 am - 5 pm / 346-4402 1 don't carry am political baggage (.men said I think licit s henehi i.ii to the hoard An IK allotation should be based solely on the merits ol the group and the i in uin stances of its budget, he said, adding that he doubted the IK c mild simply announce an at ross-the hoard t lit lor student groups The IK also should try to get both sides ot the story on the budget and investigate it in depth. I.men said IK 1 s gut to compromise u ilh over no groups, hut they have to understand those groups, he said Moreen er. the li t 1 should treat groups on a case-by rase basis when considering in i reused funding requests, even in the fat e of the existing tight budget situation. I’.men said A ou bar e to find out why the\ want those ini reuses. " he said "Some student groups may need more funds, some may need cuts they don't even see themselves (been also believes the IK. rule of ( uttmg off a group's funding for failing to show .it its hearing should he reconsid ered It shouldn’t mean a i lit off; the\ depend on these (funds), ’ he said Travis (ireen " I here s got to lie a reason win thev didn't show .'' (Ireen said, adding that tin* budget process should he reorganized to provide lor .1 rehearing ill the event a group fails to appear (Ireen said increased aicessi liilitv hetvveen II I I and students is important, and he proposed holding the budget hearings in larger rooms and giving greatei until e of hearings to em mirage greater attendance For their part. students should be more interested about which groups their im i dental fees go to. he said (Ireen, .1 sophomore majoring in business finance, is also the assistant treasurer and puhlii relations direi toi tor I’ll 1 Kappa I’si fraternitv Recruiters forced to hire equally if motion passes Bv Peter Cogswell Emerald Reporter In .t s\ mbnli< move, the 1'Diversity Senate voted Wednes day to ads lse President \lv les Brand to require future oim am pus employ men! rei rioters to sign a statement i ertih ing the\ are equal opportunity employers It an organization refuses to sign the statement, they will not receive am aid. assistance or information from the I ni versity s (Career Planning and Plat ement Sen ii e ai i ording to the motion Previously organizations were forced to sign a statement saving the\ were an equal opportunity employer in accord am e with local and state laws, which do not take into consid eration disi rimination on the Basis of sexual orientation Pile new statement includes Oregon Administrative Rule SHI) 1 a OH), w liii h forbids disi rimination on the basis of sex mil orientation I-arrv Smith, director of the ( PI’S, said the administrative rule is what t PI’S has attempted to i otnph w ith in ha\ ing or ganizations sign an affirmation ai turn statement While the Senate c ould have ( hanged the wording of the document to include ()AR SHO f ii-010 without mm h of a fuss the Senate instead those to send a message to University offi i nils Turn to Senate, Page > GOING SOMEWHERE? Do it with the information you need, from the place that can't be beat when it conies to travel. 10% student discount f S.S. Adventure Traveler’s Supply 888 Pearl Street, Kugene Open Mon-Sat