9 rv LuiiU Ghdh c>p*GSibl' Ready to play? The choices are many It'- ; tli.it .> ft ■ -t i.lt tits are lamentin',.: tli.it their favorite ■ n tl% ns is ill'! !!!■. hided i’ll the l lub Sport' fi'strt, in ! thev i ■ 11 h 1 kill I • >: til' i 1: i; i ■ i t ■ ’ add It to tin- list. I liil S; s Mt' !< :: >< • i to i ontinu.tih ,n i ept -' il'mi ;.’tis tor new sports, l'ut thru. I' .t strict pres edure one imn iollou to Is considered. I is SuHis an, a t ’In! >| ort si.it! tncmhcr, s,nJ interested par til' "I |.1\ e !.' -! ll'IHIt to II' t IllllL's like a proposed , ompetltlon sc hed tile .nisi a pr1>| > -eel I uh,:et i'n him o! tin t a; id Cl o\\ 11, i -t ( hih Sports in rt cut seat', tu dents fftav not be .mare oj the broad ranpi , t a. tivtties tit m . •! tend in the program. I lie lollow iih: lot ei\ es the names and num bers oj C'luh Sports student coot dmatofs, whom interested sin dent' t.m contact lor more tnfot matte mi. AIKIDO:_ Joseph I oman -4SS-SS(s9 BADMINTON:_ kin Mv Williams Mb >7 M BASEBALL:_ Marc Ptstelano i.ss . '-i | left 11 x i li.u t ; ' '4d BOWLING:_ I .uni NVb* *n 'Hs.. i ru Lund w-uW CREW:_ I V.m Kiuhm m •t'U 1 -iS, Jane i ariviere 4S4 Vh' CYCLING:_ Bill Randleman 7 V' EQUESTRIAN:_ ''nt- ( Vrmk FENCINC i:_ C\md Mikasa n1'' ! "O* ICE IIOCKEY:_ i >tt Brow n 4>'' I JUIX):_ Peter Harrm-i '4'>410'1 I. 4m \\ idmann '44 ! m 1 KARATE:_ Rk hard i.Made H4 , ■ > 1 LACROSSE:_ Midland M4-!<'J RANGER CHALLENGE:. Meredith f ox 74<'6L\ RUGBY:_ \ Lilian'll Waterman i4< '.'LL' Women Adtlev I eauu« Cisi S‘v''** SAILING:_ KclK I l.irt (vM 510! N’h ( 'll I run (M ; S4('| SKIING:_ Atm A' korman <»S ' (Mn SOCCER:_ Mon s.im Matvarrono 485 1010 Wornon Pam (’.thill '46-412') SWIMMING:__ 1 im W’aud 5-44-28 55 TABLE TENNIS:_ Miranda t Iran (v8 V 1,28 Brttoo ( arlson '42 4a5, LAE KWON DO:_ K. ",vr \\ oltt 542 4i 'i( ULTIMATE:_ \Ion (iar Bradv '4' 1420 \\iimon IVi kv \\ arkito- 4M 50! I VOLLEYBALL:_ 1 odd RolxatMin '4' '00*4 W ATE RPO LC):_ \\ iimoti kat I lor mo C nit^o '4 5-2 ' 'I Moil-Brad Mo\or 545 MM SPORTS TRAINER: t athv las. hi t '4t' 4150 h« 'tm 4n1 2lM 1990 Swimwear Has Arrived! SPEEDO • ARENA • HIND • TYR Eugene's Best Selection Saturday 9 6 <0 I EUGENE! ADtEIC Of Suits & Accessories U .%•' .* > ' A • . • ‘ ' . Downtown Eugene, Ar Don’t Miss It! i Easter White Sale1. 20% OFF White T’s, Tanks & Shorts with U of 0 logo Sale runs April 12, 13, & 14 720 E. 13th (next to Dairy Queen) 344-3439 s./ ATTENTION GREEKS!! MAY 10th— IN TOUCH WITH UO GREEK SYSTEM Your chance to show the (JO community YOUR HOUSE • Your GRADUATING SENIORS * Your FAVORITE PARTY PICTURES Reserve your space by MAY 4th, 1 pm CALL TODAY 8-5 PM 346-3712 Z