I I I jl5% OFF on all Regular Price Athletic Shoes (with coupon) Check out the selection of Avid & LA Gear Athletic Shoes, as well as 2 m Activewear, Dancewear and Leisurewear. 877 East 13th ugene, OR rxt to (J of O Bookstoie) 342-6375 j Oregon West -fitness wKjBMI^^CTlWIPBWI Wl BWIIWIWT 111 111 IIBIjBBMWnPIIMiHMWI POWER AEROBICS 47 classes a week * Low Impact * PumpCardio * High Impact * Circuit Tran ■ ; ' Combination * Pump Carose Plu FULL WEIGHT FACILITY LOW MONTHLY FEES. MtnHwCorti Best Hours 7 on vs .1 Week G a m 11 pm 485-1624 uutlv Club G>[%osit I 1,1% e! expense- for tin upturning 1 ompet tnon, however, will havt to uiiiie partly from tin team member0 themselves, Robert son said "It's iS tip til , O'! us lots mote nil'll e\ this vear, so we’ll probably be paving around ','• \ or > uV out of 1 sir pork et-," he -aid. Bui it's important lot us • 1. \\ 1 think it's, worth it since we did so well last i, ear,” The i lu! Sports’ . re\\ team . oiu petes everv vear in the 1 ,n ifti t o,is{ Championships, which will he he'd in S;k ramento, l all! , m Mav I \ :-• Knut- n, Oiu- of the team's mordlna tors, it ids optiraisfli ,'.!•• - it the group' 11tm t - for placing high, "! think we'll do pretty well this sea «. » a ^ -fc Sft. s*. «L « -on," he said. “We have both a man and a woman mat h now , and we ha ven’t had that tor a eouple of Years.” Knutson said the it arn doesn t hold tryouts per -e. hut i!kv don’t have to worry about ending up with too manv team members simply ho au-r ot tlit spent's high intensity. “\\V don't have to . ui peojde, it’s the nature el the sport ior people to usually it themselves,” Knutson 'aid. “When thev see that we pel up to tram at a a.m. six days a week, and that we run ■■tails and have a lot ot weight Work out', we usual!-, end up with only the ; so a ie w h> ■ at■■ really ■ • 'minuted. “We'll have over SR peoj'le in the fall to ui. and then after ( 'hristma' that Miimhiu im-tenoi|s|v drops to ahout ; V he said. kite I ae Kw n IV team ha- aho eti joyed prestige on the national level re . eiaiv R.'eel Wolff, tOorJillUtor for thb year's team, '.lid they sept two |vo pie from the team to the national eotn I et it It'D hi't yeai Wolff 'aid that I ae Kwon Po -poo seems to hi more mysterious and oh stun than others in the Club Sports pr<••..-! ain. but that shouldn’t hinder po tential team members who are main t . d m tin a. tiv itv “It rust take' a w lea to dev elop the o 'ordination and flexibility that tin spots demand'. ‘ \\ olff '.ad “ 1 at* kwon IV -neoiia . ns an -mil.it t • ■.me It’s a P.i: kontaet -port that asvoht' al mi >st all ii'< >tw ork. " The coach ioi the File Kwon Po team, a graduate student at the Pnivvr ■.t.. w.e- Korean national i hatupion and does an excellent job training tin tram, \\ "lit said. I he practices arc somewhat demanding, hut I'd like to stress that beginners are more than we 1 tome in out program." The women's ultimate frishce team l ist returned from a competition in Pa v is, t'a 1 if., where they placed fifth out of IS teams at the meet, said student coordinator Bee kv \\ atkins. ! ast year's ultimate team was tied for seeond place in the regional competi tion and had a chance to go for the na tional title, W atkins said. But the team realized they w.xildn t he able to , over the cost of living to the nationals, whk h were held on the Itast C oast. "W e knew we eoukln t it,' hex ausc people . ouldn'r afford that kind of money or the nmc . ommitmetitW at kins sank "So we settled on a tie with the other (sciond placed team, and we kept tin: t' : it', and let them go to the nationals.' The -port ot ultimate fnsbec is ver\ demanding phv-t-. ally, W atkins -aid She c c'tnpared ! ti . - et and ba-ket hall m regards to playing <■ < ntirilinalimi .mil In Imii/ur ri'quiinl In hr si/i < css/i// ,i( f/ic •> l>or1 ■ss /y .ss-sy /y sy*Ss ss Coming Soon: Season Passes for canoe, kayak or paddle boat rentals. Come see us at our new location after the 25th next to Kowloon's restaurant on Centennial Blvd 343-6883 I WE BUY AND SELL NEW AND USED SPORTS EQUIPMENT! SI'OK I S I Ql mil N I DIMS |S| I) 111 | NO I I 'll n IT! * BUY * SELL * TRADE * CONSIGN 150 E. 11th Ave. Between Oak & Willamette 342*4041 axiom SCREEN PRINTING T-SHIRTS ALL TEXTILES & APRAREL 4iH>m Vrren Punting ' • ->! 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Come see the selection and feel the difference. Bikes by: * Mongoose * Fat Chance * Brodie Fisher Merlin The MOUNTAIN BIKE PEOPLE 18th & Chambers Next to Dari Mart 10am to 6pm Mon Fri 10am to 5pm Sat 687-0288 EARTH TO MIKE. DO YOU READ? OVER. Air Jordan X by Nike MCKENZIE 79 W Broad*»>» Valley Rjver Center te^' SPORTS FANS! CAMPUS CONNECTION ( i < t < ( < i i l i I i i offers Sew-on letters, Tanks, T’s, Hats & Baseball shirts — No group too large or too small — 48 hr. turn-around w/ vinyl-on lettering Team Screen Printing — Bring in this ad for no art charge in April for team sports 720 E. 13th (next to Dairy Queen) 344-3439