Thursday. Ann! 11T 1990 Advertising Supplement I'holo h\ \t»«lr«' Kiifiirri lirhoikrv. ninth is [>hi\etl .it Cuunt\ Itr ,/f the l.iirxruuiuls. h.js .nhlril Id Ihr (lull Sfunls /iniLiiiini /list tin* \r.n Exercise your athletic options with the Club Sports program It'- .td but true i >n every • t.te .itlilete in . t 'I lege -ports, there lire prohabls .ihout ~>d hopeful -ouls who lot e to , ompete, '".it i an t quite vlo it .it the level ot .t 1 errel! Brandon or a Stetante Kasper'ski. An atti a. US t I >pt li 'II li -t tho , with tin potential tor nearpteut ness is the l liivet'lIV ' 1 lub Sport program. IA .Me I t> > 1 or tvkls the pap het U eel I intramu tal sports and intereolleptate ,ti 1tv it It s, t hlh Sp< 'i t allt "A l in s ia -it\ student- to , . impete in sports tanpine itom ulttmati Irishis to I-. >u Imp to I • i e! all Vaughn, the rei reatton i oordlliator ot t lul • Sport s, ha been at the job tor I S years and Inn seen the program go through a feu dt .ot n i hanpe "The most editing areas ,,| growth have been to see tt go from a male oriented program to now being quite obvnuisk bal .lined between male' and te males,’ s|u- said. “Abo, rei n ational sport' ha hemnie -art ot a wav ot life with younger people now a- opposed to 10 or 1J years ago, when all the participants were very ath let n tills i >riented I he program also i h.urges with each 'port ' ri'f or decline in pop ularitv, said Lee Sulliv an, C dub Sport' se, retarv. “Our ritle club is kind ot on tie right now , bei tuse there aren't too in.itiv tutor i 'ti-,I partii- , he - aid "But It there '.or a renewed inlet! t in It, It wouldn't hr a hit; ha- sir to get It •! artrd up again Students interested m mitiat mg a i-oi t into tIn ; >rog; am mint ; it k up an <■ vplanati>rv hand! < >> >k from tin ( huh Sport', offue in tin I ■ i riralit of the I'M 1 I’t (-a til 1\ ;i group is wot kill-.: to art 'liou huat Jtnr up; u ovrd a- ,1 ( luh fspi >t t, Sullivan -auI Students, tat alr\ and staff art all eligible to partu t pate in the program's J ' sports, the newest 'it whieh is it e ht h key - Some extremely popular teams, sut h as men’s t,, >| lo\ 1 - a 11, hay e been toned to brain holding try i ut t.>r sptits on tIu s,|ii.ul, l ut most tit the trains wrltomr people tri>m every kill level to part it i pate \ aughn aid t luh Sport- r funded primarily hy student mu dental tee- , but that money \ an idles qua hlv in tire overall opera turn ot the program. "Our budget of need' to iik lude funding ti'i all ot our sports, plus the administration ot this program." \ aughn -aid "So bask ally the budget pays tor just transportation when the teams go to lompete. I he team- have to hold fund raisers tor food. lodging .11 ul miifi >rm A main problem t;n me the program, \ aughn v.iul, n that "wv’r© al ready doing fund t .imii;- t, > t hi maximum amount, an,! uki, are ming higher and highei "fii-.i, alls, tin- it oat, • aren't keepnng up with tin- demand, an,I the dollut have to ome from somewhere," she added "I'm hopeful that the Indent body will lontmue going additional -up port n ■ this prngi am." V )ne ot 11 ie Ml' ’ ! last tin' belle lit student ■ , an get 11. an the pi o gram, \ atighn feel', is tin sense of responsibility and dev eh 'pmeni that mine'' from team parrieipa tion. "We relv he.n llv on t a lent in virlvement,” \ aughn said. "Be . ausi ut have ovei svV people in l dub Sport' and only two staff members, It ,|u11e apparent that the student' are running the pro gram." "W e have no paid i oa> lies, an,l 11, an of i hi athletes at e 'i In>lat shipped to pi,iv or are reeruited. Vaughn added. "So thev are play mu for what we ' ill the love ot ilu sport, and anything that tomes beyond that is sort of a fringe benefit l hit 111 lili ’■! ( XlVEKSf I V or OKI CON \IK11)() • HASKHAI.I. • BADMITTON HOW I l\(. ‘ < Kl U ' ( V( 1.1\(. KUl KSTKA1N ' H:\CI\Ci ' ICIHOCklA |l 1)0 ' KARATK ' 1 ACROSS!: KAM.I K CHAl.l.lM.I KII'I.K Kl (.in ■ SAll.INO ’ SkllM. * SOOOKK SWI\1\II\(. * TAHI.K HAMS ' I AK kUON IX) I I I IMA I k I KISHKK * VOI I.I VHAI I * WATKKI'OI.O AN ATHLETIC ALTERNATIVE The II of O Club Sports program bridges the gap between Intramurals and Intercollegiate sports. The pro gram offers participation and com petition in a variety of sports, plus the opportunity to be recognized as collegiate athletes. U of O Club Sports is open to all students, facul ty and staff — men & women! For more information call: