CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 130 FOR SALE ,‘V- MASKS tress ' Cl yourself. makp a statement tun-, iy new unissued $20 each 345.0 86 GREAT FOR student 16 *-*«.• . nal yud O* ■ #*(1a' skylight SWO 4856753 MONTHLY PARKING * • • t - puS 0^ street $35 von Klein Property Mgt 485 11 75 ROCK SOFT FUTON NEW STORE ON CAMPUS! 1122 Alder 686 5069 Ml 11 5 30 SAT 12-100 135 BUY OR TRADE MEMORY LANE Buy Sell Trade furniture collectables antiques any thing old or unusual 3235 Donald 683 5617 H5 CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS FOR SALE classic white Cadillac: 1973 two door Coupe de Viile. a lot o< at for your money $650 Frederick 485 9349___ j GOVERNMf NT SEIZFO vehicles i from SIOO Corvettes, Chevys j Porsches and other confiscated ; properties For Buyers Guide t ! ,8001448 2562 e*1 5096 Also open i evenings X weekends HONDA SCOOTER. 150 Elite Deluxe w/ helmet S750/OBO 345 9240 . eei ' (44 tt " Government9 Call for facts t 708 742 1142 Ext 6534 RED HONDA ELITE 80 MUST SELL *986 ScOote1 low miles 2 helmets • ■ jn.j battery charge' $576/060 344 8334 ask f Wh-t-'-e. • •• eave Message 1972 240 / Rebuilt custom •nter.or new engine Red, fast $3425 484 4655 1974 KAWASAKI 400- rebuilt engine ex, eiient condition $400 080 < all Mark 686 0215 leave message 1990 DIAMOND BLACK As ant black XL cond ?i speed Shimanno equipped $3757080 Call Ron 342 4990 87 HONDA ELITE 80 low miles excel cond and helmet $800/080 Susie G 683 2641 87 HONDA ELITE 80 red pur. h.r.ed new in 88 Low miles immaculate $825*080 343 2943 150 BICYCLES MOTEBECANE 10 speed 20 good tires good commuting bike $100 34 3 4 535 RED 21 'SPECIALIZED Maid Ro< k mtr bike With ftuntour comp $2507000 BLACK 21 RALEIGH ten speed Excellent condition $100/080 Call Jennifer at 686 94 77 TREK 631 sport lou'nig Dike eith /eta .‘c- , Great ihape $.’85 484 233? 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTROWICS ATARI ST 1 meg RAM 2 7?OK drives hi res monitor much software $650/hest offer 726^035 165 INSTRUMENTS - f N SON IQ MIRAGE ligitdl sampler > •« t (»(}2 838 888’ f. ‘ T R 1.UM A T T E NT ION EASY WORK f « I . LENT PAY1 A-.*.orrifiie ; t > 1..- ?•. .it home Detail*-, i h 602 838 8886 E *! W 12164 ATTENTION P( i-.'At JOBS Shir? ’ 602 838 886’' Ent M 4 ATTENTION EARN MONEY HEADING BOOKS1 $.12 C*X) year •':«• , • tial De’,i"‘< i1i 602 838 8886 t. »t BK ATTENTION ARTISTS! GREEK WEEK T SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST! um The the me ‘ MAY 14 19: WHAT A WEEK TO BE GREEK!" | Use your imagination* Designs due | A; Mi 16 by 6pm sud© ‘ ( Mu Li reel* j p<-.'its for winning ih'vgn A FREE GIFT FOR CALLING PLUS RAISE UP TO $1700 IN ONLY 10 DAYS St title--' y hat-, m • s rontit’s needed tor marveling pr.•;»»<;! on ampus For details plus youf FRE f GIF T group oUn:ers a|! t 800 766 84 72 E * 1 SO COORDINATOR WANTED I 1 he Career Development Internship i j Program is seeking candidates lor i j the position f Student i oHirdmat.>' i tor the 199091 schooi year CDIP is , j designed to give students in the Col j j lege of Arts and ieni es internship [ opportunities with area businesses j j As Student Coordinator you will t>e ! ' responsible for an aspects of the ; t,lining an active file on the east' >f ’ the plai -•nwiil -.'to*. SK.iis retju-'ed | include iirgam/ation initiative at j , . ate Compensat m iCIudes a I50l! 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ON UO PROGRAMS qu ?10 OPPORTUNITIES )! and *uod department pos' " *ufl« 'A,nlf'*n »es !.*>.•'s«*fs banquet “daM .1 t Ki|. hen heH' E*< elien? benefit-, A housing available Interviews held on • Ha THIS SUMMER a ► i’ a d Uvi' terview for summit »tmpi».lywen! in hogSP Keeping department f rnpiuyo«,-> foalion and tijod >sts l o* o$t men s and a omen » housing available •. gn up f,.i A- ■ ' Mh %< Student Employment Office UO CAREER f AIR SERIE S M( MAN( f v ANC.UAt . • . i ARE EM MANfL 200 Dest hulos Han J *» pm TODAY Cateer Video-. t>«** • and after the 215 HELP WANTED COACH HOUSfc GIFTS the nation 5 have retail .mdior merchandising *. lie « n»penen. e please stop by the Student Employment v en!e< Room 1* H«n docks Mali for on'i DANCERS WANTED I ‘ ' 864% College Vie a Rd I ’« 741 4331 DANCERS WANTED 1 i ; ■ ’ .»« f"i Oreg. f* >t tir^t . t iut> M8‘)7 DECISION RESEARCH S8 cash for IS 40 min task Not for par ticipants in Fall 1989 or any 1990 etper iments Call 48S 2400 tor appt EDUCATION AND IS MAJORS1 Summer ,06s Competitive salary plus housing and tood looking lor counselors and waterfront stall lor coed 'esidenl camp 35 miles E. ol Ptld See Placement Office or call 464 6665 4 6pm INTf RESTED IN * •'» _; • f * . * copywriter1 Oil' < bents in- ludts Sony Mo,’da Cannon *on.' a No i '.-. .up advert necessary but we require a competent and tenable individual for more mfo write Tya In Shuia T ■»caK.j• 611 4 3 12 Tsukijl, Chuo Kyu Tokyo Japan 104 OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY « Haro upl 14 000 im 1 ?I5 HELP WANTED and part ?>rr*** Apply a W Mth. *MI> 1;i»S '.>4 THfc UO TtLtrUND n#«d* you' a'** tnt«'«3-Mk1 <’■ « , tJ Waf offers valu !iv and »v.«n,ny fynd* and U>*' ;ua(.tn‘,.ynj |iiU, tM»nu* »***• a; • ■• .»•*!.! a* 1 ;,»/>*: -I M;. ’ Ur. 14.1 » uNIVf «VT » Mi USING r U O hiring Program A •*.■>. i»«fd * tor (h«» tants must tn- ’nil t>-n« a? thy* Uni .«■'sdy Houstng *rhi!e «*mpk)y»M “..!y HniSM'g Th*> I • •** i>m . . M !..r A. An aM.miafnr* ,y hot. $i ouo» wt‘FKi.y -.’u" ■ j <• .'p**5 Sftil add* »J •»*»♦»■. t .! Iftsj •«? J unvB : M t • * .1 . p. 44 ■ 1 • /■ H.i . u. Pa - M 225 APTS DUPLEXES A. Df RWOOO 1060 AIDE r ST Re t T Janmngi 4 Co M3 4/19 BEAUTIFUL CL f AN and large duplet available lo root owe* summer June IS lo S#p1 1S / bdrm. no pets 35th end Kincaid $400/mo Call 68ft 90S4 1(1 j 'M( i>. i- . AT THE MU HA: f APAMTMEN ■ •> » Jennings & Co M3 4/19 f l INTRIDGE APTS / txjrm iummm ■•»1P3 ill- -n K lt?i Pr* •party Mg! 4flf> 77 ft, \PA( iOUS / HORM , $4/*, , S.“ ■ !«, A' .. .I,•,, -■ 1 ’’V1 { IriM A,.- ail W'N.- i’ t>06 ?Qfli /f inquire 4l • ;>! M- • 4 TWO Bl.Ol.KS !»• :*n Unto ► - /-.••I i 1923 Garden Av* targe apt designed r o» 1 3 people -.ij ffie M «*: {■-*. »• . i ■ dry Si $446.month Summar rates available Jennings & Co 683 2271 5 9OHM APT 3 blfcs '> .■-> 46/ l i?!h Hot *.«?*' garbage and s»**'*' pant i ilsnh SJ/S-m >44 f.936 HORM (.1 . ■ an titvs Available mu* S >7Vino plus $160 deposit » all 344 2682 : BOHM APT ■ St? • imp , ■ • efed parking avan immediately ( all ■l'" , i Cf DARWOOO 441 E 1 7th OR or mg an affordable al ItJfn.ilire t;» shared housing Private *. , i -mfort able independent am pus »* w mg From $219 Call 344 9290 Jennings & Co 683 4219 tyi eh park quads 628 f y l*ir Street Large furnished quads *'in private bilfhs Ail jHtftes Off street JH PENTLAND CO 161 E 14 AVE 1 BDRM apt -m Site Py Spyglass A Jennings & Ct» b83 4219 ?35 HOUSES TV. ' MMA' . » . 164 1 RIVI RVIf W ' 1 t*Hl A-i.wl %tOve JW "< ■uo ROOMS ABOVE I XCEISIOR CAf l I Merit.-' 4M..1 J,4|h for fffunii*' tIHVmo plus HV1 C«i JH PENTLAND CO iN?t Rf T.Tf (> IN CCH Pt OAT IVI .IV (Nil O Ani." i i ,1 *->-a i »p!t»y .i.-i .» !<>« MHVM" .r■ -l r 4H W •*"» 0 At 6A.1 MYi or ( , ifY » -«• SNARE f URN . f i • .«•> N ' yr .»,■■■. • , i * .'60 roommatTswantIo ! AN 'If P| NOAH, f UDL 'r-j i iiiy r.iwr.1! i ui»L ODE ■>. I '.Ally I ODE i ivr in !**i‘ ■ ihus . utilities Call 1411W.’ *ve»‘ NEED A ROOM IN A GREAT HOME CLOSE TO CAMPUS? CALL 344 6465 609 E 14TH (HIM i PATH RSONl ?70 MEETINGS UO CAREER FAIR SERIES PRESENTS: • CAREER PANEL: ROMANCE LANGUAGES DESCHUTES HALL ROOM 200 2:00-5 00 pm 2/5 EVENTS INSURANCE AWARENESS DAY MONDAY, APR 16 INFORMATION & EN ROLLMENT TABLE 105. EMU TERRACE SHIC MEETING 3:30, CENTURY RM E OPEN HOUSE WITH SHIC MEMBERS 7PM. CARSON HALL GOLD ROOM CLAIMS WORKSHOP 7:30PM, CARSON HALL GOLD ROOM -Stop tj» Hi nit. t M . ?75 EVENTS BEST OF THE ALPS Jim Blanchard. • * ■» • ■ 780 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ■ ART CINEMAS ■ 492 E. 13th -686-2458 &SCOUWT SHOWS hk-H Tw- USO _ WI1T k NC SOO*' ■*•30 ‘ ' {h KIT ACTON DviWMOirlMliln * [Y LEFT FOOT] flNAl SMO» Ai if ITT FINNEY • SUSANNAH YO*K Tom Jones HMAL *HOW TOMK3MT 4 [HI .MYSTERY TRAIN WWWUWUWMMW? 3 tAHTS HitOAY Tiwn iiuatM#! P«»tm ‘ \ m LOVE AT LARGE P Or»< m>1 b» Aj*n Nudolpti fawwasilflMiw [col n «o- f '»• n li AOnnom rn COMEDY'S DIRTIEST DOZEN •lr Ntqht »dm Th St $3 Su We $2.50 UNIVERSITY THEATRE SECOND SEASON PRESENTS BENEFACTORS BY MICHAEL FRAYN "A SERIOUS COMEDY" APRIL 11, 12, 13, 14 19. 20, 21 8:00 PM ARENA THEATRE TICKETS AT ROBINSON THEATRE BOX OFFICE 346 4191 S3.50 GENERAL PUBLIC $2.50 STUDENTS 300 COUNSflING PROBLEM*, i j tho L.i' • f * i i c .• Itff to- - :t,,. JU,„.f , - JI . My • « i4», 44HW SUPPORT (jROUP Aw-non 35 plui M-. lay •> ' ! 1 ■ t • i.,» ail’d »' the W« ' -.. ■ - I*’ ! • ffw [ MU ^ ufthOf d .-■• ,i*. -,-t ‘ CoOfrti I Holly a* Ml,lh 4l M*, 305 SERVICES - UO BOOKSTORE Last Day for Spring Term Coursebook Returns is April 14th Please bring your receipt. ID. and books when making refund requests. LETTER PERFECT Graphics • TYPESETTING • TYPESETTING • TYPESETTING • TYPESETTING • TYPESETTING • TYPESETTING • TYPESETTING • TYPESETTING • TYPESETTING • TYPESETTING PASTEUP PASTEUP PASTEUP PASTEUP ■ PASTEUP PASTEUP ■ PASTEUP ■ PASTEUP PASTEUP PASTEUP LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT • DESIGN • DESIGN • DESIGN • OESIGN • DESIGN • DESIGN • DESIGN • DESIGN • OESIGN • OESIGN CONSULTATION CONSULTATION CONSULTATION CONSULTATION CONSULTATION CONSULTATION CONSULTATION CONSULTATION CONSULTATION CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • LAYOUT • • LAYOUT • • LAYOUT • • LAYOUT • • LAYOUT • • LAYOUT • • LAYOUT • • LAYOUT • ■ LAYOUT • •I Hit m h ■ l HH Mi Mi )niAl i INHJN 346-438 1 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Wafterson ruti TWHMwuve WON. fWT WD UWV.N1 Ill VHOW iM' l KlFVSt ViWtH fv Lf'jSON ' 1M ihdcmua«U ' ;uiv (m«( CHA.N&L ' Ul Sit Ilf FROHt Of we tv Mi Hit IWH H I OHt tUfch It ON ' > V X —rr