_Sports Phutw h> Mark ^ Irn Oregon Irnnis cout h Hu// Summers (left) hus bt'en pleas unlly surprised by the play of Christian Oelke for the Ducks this year. ^^011(0 Continued from Page 9 lull' ut Orlkr noting our inati h \\ here .1 numbrr of (trike's li lends 1 ami’ l>\ to 1 Iii’it lum nn during a m.iti li at hmni' 1 li- s top null li Ilfs \ i'r\ trirndk ami hr has a lot ut good friends In tai t I sau mavlli' ten of his buddies there In w ati h him lat a m.1I1 h last term I Summers said "He's ver\ amiable a gregarious t vpe ut k id (trike is unr ut main voung pl.ners on the tennis tram this year Summers rei ogni/ril freshmen Koh Atkin and hrv in Srttlenn rr as well as Thorrn as three otllri voung plavius who are holding strong on the squad "I'd sa\ of .ill our Iresli m.m (ielke s probably the better athlete Ills size limits u ll.lt III' I .111 do lint .is f,11 ,IS o\ it,ill athletii ,i!ulit\ I think Ill' s proliabU .1 bit bi't tor Summers said Nummors was impressed w itli ()elke s natural ahilits something th.it is not lo.iriii'd or 1 o.ii hod ll«- has ,1 lot of 11.1t11r.1l ,il 111 it \ He s one of tho bettor athletes on the team Sum mors said "Me doesn't ha\ o the si/o that some b.no but lie s able to 111m o and lias Hot nood band e\ o i oordma lion lie's not some natural talents llial some others don't have Martin, Ducks second in tourney (begun golfer (am Martin had t l>-2 Australian lames Hazard fid lowed tor the Ducks with an easy tel t> win over David lerke Oregon's tliird singles man. led Kubin look a quiet ti l). ti I win oxer John Lovell to make it ill, Oregon Koti Atkin fol lowed with .t l> (I. 0.1 win over Ki< k Wood Christian Oelke took i are ot Swain Porter 0-2, i> 1 and I long Root of Oregon finished up sin gles plav hv disposing of Adri an ( dun hv a 0 1. t> 1 score Tuttle and )erke took Wiliam ette's only win of the matt h by defeating Hazard and Rubin 7-ri 4-0. 0-;l in doubles plav Kevin Seltlemvre and Atkin won in the set ond doubles matt h over Wood anti Shipman hv a 6-4, (id score Oelke and Thoren wound tilings up for Oregon, taking a 4 0 6-2. 6 4 win over Lovell .inti Porter. Oregon improved its record to 'l II with lour matt lies re maining Idle Dm ks host Azusa t’acitii tudav at 2 10 p m CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 105 PERSONALS 1 RKCYCI.H] THIS i I'MM K l L - ^ J B12B A NEW CONCEPT WE ARE ADVOCATES OF AMBIGUITY, DIVERSITY. AND ABSURDITY. WE OFFER NO IDENTITY, ARE YOU INTERESTED? YOU'RE IN! 345 5786 10b PERSONALS •■'( 1 ' ' "! NATHAN H (NICK) CONGRATULATIONS* You ve com# a long may since BHS I m proud ol you' love yout«. VP CECILIA PLANNED PAUL N T MOOD ’ unbi<»«d countclmg -'.4 <4 ' • EMERALD ADVERTISING OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT! All those who applied or (hose inter esled m selling display advertising please attend The meeting will last tor 7 30 Room 300 EMU Call 346 3712 with any questions Dress professionally 105 PERSONALS \X» The Pipeline' \TL* ML RECORD culivft .ha NOT ili ;9 i * The U \\A GOOt) LUCK with* Hush' We are e*er to e netted to h«*e you here' t NJOY' K \n PRIVATE HUP FROM f RlFNDS Fiee Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT U7 B651 L-i-K Thanhs lor the great dale it teat top rate' KAO SHANNON W Happy 21 i and 1 day you re legal* How t your head-5 OUCH* You'll re cover m a week or to* Happy Belat ed' love always Paula 105 PERSONALS •• 4 M O K ^ -b-LL 4^- JL_/ fa # ^ com )i hi: I.IDKKANSA VERWALTUNG LEADERSHIP BAILEY STICKEL ASK) l‘KI SIRKM \ i< i; i»ri:sii)i:m no LOST A FOUND LOST CAMERA OLYMPUS S*F nityht 4-7*90 From Guido \ B day g»M PleAs# 'elurn Itrptfewtrd 346ir.'»cv?4pc/31 IBM ( omp«liblc;l)iHk ( *>n>e»sK>n> I rnr»Ung,< »iiphK ' I *Jitin^, Resume» CAROLYN CJNOY 115 TYPING SERVICES LASER WORD PROCESSING Robin 344 0759 ri> • -3 344 4510 60$ E tjlh A*e TYPING UNLIMITED 1 i v • • G'<»14 land BIJOU THfATRt BUILDING i?s INSTRUCTIQW Oregon Driver Training Institute N#w clw brgins rvrry 2 week* 6 kiun ciisiuvr plus 6 Huur» driving Lnrt ruction laamtobrtn ritrUrnl ddrMtvt drived $175 342-4339 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU HUS TWSfOOP-MW* jEAH iVKXJRPUIVtm (BUYS USE BIKES OR VANS ' BIKES'6KEAT'IV UKE iuc*pezso»f6fioax)ES' LEMMESEE. UWAT HAVE TOO 601 THAT5 SALE-FREE. FAT-FREE CHOLESTEROL FREE REflNEV FOtiAR FREE ALAR FREE — CHEMICAL AOPflM FRS, ^ UN&OUABU.PXJC 0&N6 f-Ptt, PCX - ''j PHIAI FKtt, or&an - tautAnp hum** ^ lYfMXJ&PPr \ uN/ONuemxs ^ ANPRt&ON V OBLIPKiCW2 OKAY GOOD lU. TAK£ A POZLN THf HAMSPOONtS BURY. Ml AVENUE B AfWT MENT4 B OKAY' THANKS 50 UJhATS FOR P/NNFR* \ POT HOU&tt \ Advertise HERE FOR s18°°.. Call 346-3712 For information