Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1990, Image 1

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    Ore son Daily_ —
Tluirsdiu . \pril 1 2. l'l'K)
I 'llgt'iir. I )r«*m ill
Volume m 1. Number 1 2'i
■ IFC candidate. Pages 4
■ ASIJO executive debate, Page 6
■ Rising tennis star, Page 9
■ Club Sports In-touch, Pages 1-4B
Activists seek solidarity with timber industry
Shared goal to end
tree-spiking, conflict
B> Hon Walker
Emerald Axsor iate Editor
1 ;.irth First' ,ii livisls m lugene ,md northern t aliform,i
renounced the t.ntii of tree-spiking Uedneschn and called
for coinuuinitv solid.irilv between environmentalists and
limber industn workers
During ,i press conference in the I Ml Ben Findei Room,
representatives from both sides of the limbei issue agreed
that stopping tree spiking u.o a lust step toward ending the
antagonism between them
"Farth first' s decision is more than about tree spik
ing said Dennis (iilbert. cu-chaii of the EaigeneSpringtield
Solid,ii it\ Network
It is about the euv iron mental movement removing a d i
vision between itselt and millworkerx and working people
and the latioi movement." be said
(iilbert was a panel membei who spoke at last month's
Publii Interest Faw I onlerem e f rom the ionlerem e he
said, grew the idea of involving the labor movement in the
i * inflict between ein ironment.disls and mdustr\ owners
F.sSN seeks to i leale a labot enviinnmont.il i oalition in the
state, he said
File issue before the region, (albert said is preserving
the state's natural, sot ial and cultural heritage by preseiving
people as well as ttees
File issue is not saving the northern spotted owl lie
sa it 1
"Sin h a narrow minded v iew of the issue is a produt t of
the polan/ation that puts environmentalists on one side and
the wood products industn owners on the other while
working people and the l.iboi movement are relegated to
back one side or the other lie said
(denting a lalror environmental coalition will take time
(iilbert said lint it will be done "despite the polarized feel
ings and the narrow-mindedness that happens to be on both
(iene Faw bom. an employee of Roseburg forest Prod
-o o»‘H;
I’hutu In Mill \ Iru
I rum loll Ko'.rtmn; Iorrsf I'nnlui Is c/ri/»/<»i (,rnr ! .minim. I .irlh lust! s/iuAcsn om.in k.irrn Hootl
.mil f.iiiii'iic S/iM/ii;/ii,/(/ Soliilarit\ \i hsork 10-ih.iir Drum>> (.illu-rt s/ir.iL mil .in.iinst tin■ ',/nkim,' nt
IV rilnrsil.i i s /ness < unlvrrnt r hrlnrrn nil iroilinrnt.ilisls .mil Imilirr imlmti \ wnrkrrs
ui (*. y\ ho 11!mi s|mikt■ it till* Liu i * mlerent e sa id in*
ri*i ommended that Karth First' publit ly renounce
trir spiking li tin*', truly wanted In bridge tin* gap
helyvcen workers and environmentalists
Until buttles stein hum tin* same problem the
greed mentality yvliich plat es pi utils above tile envt
mninent and the health safety and prosperity ul the
w oi k iiiy i lass lie said
Karen Wood spokeswoman tin Southern Wiliam
etle Faith I list1, said opinions ul tree spiking vary
yyidely among the loosely ui ganized gioup but total
sentiment is overwhelmingly in lavur ot renouiu mg
tree spiking
We i an .11 i oinplish more by standing tugethei as
,i > < mi mu 1111 v I ti<i 11 we i dulil hv . j > i k 11 ivi 11 < • i ■ die
I'll,- remaining Issues arc how III til: 11 Will lit* pin
In ii-d and how In I ill p It* ti it'll t alternative I'Ciimmm
liases Ini ( timinumlies previoiislv dependent ml
lit min and Inis! timbei i unipanies. slit- said
\\ i ind said im knnu n injuries have mi urri'd limn
live |iiking llowevei l.,m Imm aid spikes in trees
i in endanger workers lives bet atlsc nl the esplud
lie.; shrapnel ellei I when saris lilt spikes
Irunii <i 11 % the tavtii nt 11 e e spiking was bur
limed Iri>ui the limber indie.liA ilsell, inmpeting
mills used it tu damage eat li nlliei s mai lnner\
\\ i a a i .aid 1 her i an have it hai k mm
Forum looks at easing tensions
It\ D.irals n Irappe
I mer.tld ( ontrihutor
In .in effort In alleviate ten
mod between 1 'njv ei sits stu
dents the I ugene Pulire I )e
|i,irtnient .mil the i oinmunit\
tile AM ( ) held a publii ti i
rutn Wednesdas where stu
dents and i omniunits mem
hers were encouraged to offer
possible solutions
AM (I President Andv
( l.uk said he hoped that peo
ple were committed to iind
mg equitable solutions to the
problem were hired with
now which is communits re
I.it ions
Students asked Depots
( luet ol Police |ohn Kutledge
several questions about the in
t idents that took plar e on
Man h 11 ss hen polir e used
tear gas to disperse the
rmuds at oil i ampus parties
( amrtnes I hike a l nis ei si
Is student ss ho attended one
ot the parties said she tell
that adequate warning ssas
not given Indore the tear gas
svas used
()ui' r ritique irom our
standpoint about svhat bap
polled ss hen it happened and
what sse could do diiferentls
is the issue of warning." Kut
ledge said I here is no ques
Phnlu In Slrphaiui’ Holland
Kn h.irtl /on*//. I tiiifnr I'oliie i uptuin licit), .mil lulu 1
Rutledge. depute duet id polii c were p.irl ul It ednesdm s
publii toruni held hi tr\ \innidhing rcLitinns »itli the
I niversitx. the i nnuminitx .mil the polii e department
lion m m\ miml tli.it there
were people who didn't he,ir
I-'mill out standpoint one
ut the thing.s we want to do
ililferentk is to try to ini tease
warnings earlv on in the loud
■st. broadest type of hrowd
ast ' he added
Rutledge noted that last
weekend was free ol mu h in
( idents purtlv hi‘Cause the po
Ik i- apprise (uni parlies difter
I I.,1st | Weekend We llilll
more of I ii ers (out) earl in in
tin- fvcniuK working with
students U e need to reai t
f.irl\ so «e i .in have disi us
Inr m to t orum, Page 11
Earth First! to protest
ancient forest logging
Bv Pal Malai It
I merald Reportei
Mi-mliris i■ I the cm irnninriit.il group l.arlli hirst' are making
plans to ot t up\ lot al I orest Seri it » littuis until l .ongress passes a
Ian till llitlillllg tin' logging ol ant irilt tnlesls
I ll,- gniupi plans .1 sustalnt'il non violent protest in tile haigene
a lea until the t lilting is slopped The protest will begin April .'I
\\ e are looking lot an area that is t urrentls an at live logging
site said l.artll I irsl' Itieilllier Karen Wood However ue mas
go to one that is about to be logged to tit t lips and protet t it
I be length ot tile o< t upaliun vs ill depend on mans difterent
lai tins. Uninl s.iiiI
\Yc ,ii r going to prepare to st,i\ tor ,i long,
long liini' shr said "It's going to be a vigil
Is | ii' in i at pat inn I’eople ni'i'ii to bring i amp
mg gnar. loml and 11 if whole Ini
The most important thing 1 i an stress is
lb.it tills is lit going to bf a i mi- day ai I n in hi a
o i if s i It* action. said lartli Inst' membei
Mall Sniilfi Ihis is going to go on until the
(iittmg nl am mill tori'sts stops Ibis is tbf
pi'oplf s if in i npatioii ot b'dfini lori'Sls I bat
K C/
I,mil ln'longs In us sn we have everv unlit to go out then' .mil tie
tend it
| orusl Servue tcpre sentatne (lloria Brown said the loresl Sei
viu' h i (inni/us tin- environ men la I group's unlit to protest .is lung
.1- it i . ,i |msn i‘t111 proti'st .uni does not iiiii'tiupl tin- legilimate .mil
If . il .ii 11\ ilu'.s nl tin1 logging ' mill,ii Ims
II n iv ,i pi'.u Hul ilfiiionslr.ilion we mi ognize il .is stu li
Brown s.iul llu'v have the right ol everv citizen to pe.ii eltilh
fli'inonslr.ili' llowevei il there is ,mv li.mn In noverniiifiit eniplov
el's in i'(|iiipmt'nl. we li.ive .i law t'lilun finent division lli.it will
work in i:oil|illu linn with the local law future einent agencies to
lorn to I rigging. Cage 11