that my work with these groups, as well as other groups, ranging form the Honors College to the Greek system, will give me needed access to an array of stu dents’ issues and opinions. I am a great listener, communicator, and diplo mat. 1 believe that the University students have a right to express their views. If elected, I would do every thing in my power to serve the students, because 1 care that they are heard. Please vote for Bethany Strasburg for ASPAC. Thank you. EMU BOARD (1-Year) DESCIKPTION: The EMU Board is a 15-member committee consisting of students, faculty, and EMU staff personnel. It is responsible for making general policy decisions and long-range plans for all aspects of the opera tion of the Erb Memorial Union (EMU). The Board is responsible for allocat ing a $3.7 million budget to programs and service areas and for allocating space in the 200,000 square-foot facility. The Board, of which students comprise the majority, also advises staff in the management and admini stration of the EMU. The Stipend for a Board mem ber is $35 for 8 months. BRODY A. KUNZ No statement received CRAIG Y. NAMBA The Erb Memorial Union was first founded to provide the students at the University of Oregon a place to center campus activities. I believe this ideal should continue to be the purpose of the EMU; the Board and its subcommittees should al ways take this into consid eration when making long range plans for the Union. As a Board member, it would he my intention to continue to assure the stu dents at the University that the EMU will always he available to them as an activity center. EMU BOARD (2-Year) DESCRIPTION: See EMU Board 1-Year. SCOTT H. DUNLAP The EMU provides a wide range of programs for the students and staff at the U of O, from cultural devel opment at the arts and crafts center and the Cul tural Forum to unique pro grams such as the Child Care Center that many students depend on. The EMU Board members are responsible for allocating the budget for the EMU and all of its programs, as well as dealing with the use of office space, lobby space, etc. Most students are probably not aware that the EMU Board exists. I am knowledgeable on how the EMU Board runs, and if elected, promise to serve to the best of my ability. 1 have had experi ence in budget allocation in my work with University Housing as a resident Assis tant, in campus honor socie ties, and as a Finance major. I am willing to put in the necessary time to meet the diverse needs of all students through the EMU Board. Vote for Scott Dunlap. GREG ENGLISH In my opinion, stu dent government’s job is to protect students by provid ing check and balances for the Administration. The Krb memorial Union Board Position is one that offers our Student Body a chance to be represented in KMU administrative policy mak ing. Without a student representative the Admini stration would he left with, not only limited student input hut an increased likeli hood of making unfair policy. It would he my job to sit on one of two committees. These are the house and budget committees which oversee everything from office space allocation to funding programs like the Craft Center, Child ('are Center, Cultural Forum, and Outdoor Program. The responsibilities of managing the KMU for students and others on campus is critical if we are to maintain its comprehensive services and high degree of composure, creating a place to study or meet friends. When elected to the EMU Board, I will help direct the EMU’s policies and long range goals adeptly, practically, and affably. My main goal will he to continue to maintain the EMU’s reputation as a student’s place, and dili gently try upgrading the services offered there. Your vote would he greatly appre ciated, With warm regards, Greg English. MARK T. WIEGER As a host to the Uni versity of Oregon Campus the EMU was huilt to serve the student body. I have been one of the more ap proachable members of the EMU Board, making myself available to the students on an individual level. This was to encourage participa tion in the decisions that would affect all students utilizing every aspect of the EMU. I am currently sitting on the EMU Board, and hold the position of Chairman of the Emu Budget Committee. I recently was appointed to the Student Administrative Board and am holding the position of consultant to the EMU Main Desk Store. In this last year I have only scratched the surface in determining the cause of high costs of opera tions within the EMU. This next year I plan to explore new marketing strategies through advertising and promotions, in order to provide affordable products and services to the students. This would allow students to trade with the EMI at reasonable costs while in creasing EMU revenues. With our experience (yours and mine) as well as your support, we can strive to make positive changes that in the future will make a difference. VOTE MARK T. WEIGER FOR EMU BOARD!!! STUDENT SENATE DESCRIPTION: The Stu dent Senate is an 18 member body whose members are elected for two-year terms on a ro tating basis. Students are represented on the Senate according to their academic department or college. The Student Senate comprises one third of the University of Oregon’s Senate; the other two-thirds are faculty members. The Student Senate members are also full voting mem bers of the University’s General Faculty Assem bly, which debates and sets general University policies. In addition, Student Senate members run the Information and (irievance Center in the EMU lobby, approve appointments, and help make up the ASUO Com mittee on Committees, w'hich nominates stu dents for more than 80 — ? A "'I ? 23Y C