campus leadership experi ence to the offices of Presi dent and Vice-President. We have been active partici pants on: Incidental Fee Committee, EMU Board of Directors, A.S.P.A.C., Coun seling Center Advisory Board, President Bookstore Board of Directors and ASUO Tag Coordinator Successfu 1 I eadersh i p is absolutely crucial, hut at the same time it must be a direct result of the demo cratic processes. This is an issue that has been brought to light with the health insurance issue. The health insurance issue is a perfect example of how some prob lems cannot be solved by simply forming a committee. Maples/Cushman under stand this, and we will actively seek out student’s concerns, and most impor tantly . let your voices be heard—not only on issues like this hut many others as well. We will have an open door policy but this must further be explained. Our open door policy does not only entail us sitting back in the ASUO office and waiting for you to come to us. It also, most importantly, requires us as your elected officials to seek out your open doors. BpnmA IjitistyAtivHnl Innimit ASPAC DESC RIPTION: The Asso ciated Students Presiden tial Advisory Council (ASPAC) discusses and advises the UO President on matters of student concern. ASPAC meets monthly with the UO President. It includes representatives from the ASUO Executive, Student Senate, EMU Board, IFC, RHGC, ASUO programs, and two students elected for 1 year terms from the student body at large. These positions are not stipended. KILLJAN A. ANDERSON No statement received ANDRE’ C. LAG RAND E I am seeking a seat on the Presidential Advisory Committee because the University of Oregon, like all college campuses, has prob lems to overcome and issues to address. I do not think these problems will “fix themselves,” nor am 1 con tent to let the burden of correcting them rest on someone else’s shoulders. I have always had a strong interest in student govern ment, and now 1 have the opportunity to translate this interest into action by serv ing you, the student body. My desire to get in volved in student issues, coupled with a belief in hard work makes me a viable choice for the Council. In addition. I enjoy working with people and would very much like the chance to effect changes in the Univer sity for tin* betterment of the students at large. Someone once told me, “If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” By serving on the Presidential Advisory Council, 1 hope to take this advice to heart. TOM OBERHUE Communication be tween the University ad ministration and the student body is an issue of consider able importance. The Uni versity must be informed of what the student’s issue and concerns. If elected to an ASP AC seat 1 will work hard to ensure that the communi cation link between the administration and the student body is strong. My experience as Interfraternity Council President has helped give me an under standing of how to interact with the administration, carry through on issues of concern, and be accountable to a constituency. I have a very sincere concern for the well being of our campus and the people on this campus. I am very eager to serve the student body of the Univer sity of Oregon and would appreciate your vote. If you would like to talk about any specific concerns and would be more than willing to do so with you, I can be reached at 683-9582. My greatest con cern is doing the best job possible to ensure the student’s concerns reach the administration. I would bring experience, enthusi asm, and sincere concern to the position of ASP AC if elected. Thank you for your support. MARK ROSENCRANTZ I desire to be elected as a member of the Associ ated Students Presidents Advisory Council because 1 believe that 1 am the most qualified candidate. 1 con sider myself the most quali fied candidate because i best represent the all emcompas ing concerns of the entire student body regardless of individual affiliations. I have always felt that groups representing the1 greatest number of members have always been able to voice their concerns and see them implemented. How ever, it is my belief that of the 18,000 students on this campus the majority are not associated nor given a voice in the direction and ultimate decisions that are made on their behalf. It is my intent to represent those who do not feel as though they been represented or who feel as though they have no voice or have not been given the opportunity to express their concerns I run for this position as an independent thinker desiring to represent, inves tigate, challenge, and imple ment direction and policy which is beneficial to all who enter this great university. If you are looking for a voice who will echo your concerns regardless of your affili ations, 1 believe you will find me to he the most qualified. CHRISTINE L. SAITO Being active in the University community is a beginning, but many times even the most involved and active students feels as if the concerns of the people they represent are not being heard. I have found in my three years at the University that it is diffi cult at times being a part of this large student body where numbers, rather than names, take prece dence. I represent many different groups of students in my positions as Presi dent of the Tri Delta soror ity, Panhellenic Vice Presi dent, as well as my position as the ASUO Museum of Art Student Committee Representative. I believe that this representation can be carried on one step further by my election to ASPAC. In addition, I am also a member of three honor societies and have much experience in work ing with others through the many conferences and committees 1 have been a part of. I would like to be considered as your choice for student representation on the ASPAC board. BETHANY STRASBURG The students have a right to be heard, whether t heir subjects are of con cern, or of approval, regard ing the University. Through the Presidential Advisory Committee, I would like to continue to be a liaison, and discuss stu dents’ issues with Presi dent Brand. I have been a stu dent representative on ASPAC for the last year, and feel 1 can serve the students best. I also am Vice President of the Presi dential Scholarship Asso ciation, and on the Board of Directors of Student Proj ects Inc. I want to continue to be involved, and believe :A1 r <^3 (.Jj'JZ -