Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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The University of Oregon
School of Music
Chemistry &
Internationally heralded as one of
the most extraordinary quartets of ourtime,
the Emerson String Quartet blends its rich
and elegant musicianship with a technical
perfection that leaves critics groping for
Named after the great philosopher
Ralph Waldo Emerson, the Quartet has a
commitment to life that encompasses more
than art all four members are active with
the Performing Artists for Nuclear Disar
mament, and nave presented benefit con
certs for the cause of global peace and the
fight against world hunger
Be with us on April 12 as these men of
conscience turn music into magic
Thursday, April 12 8:00 p.m.
S13 30, $10.50, S'* 50 Reserved Scats; S3, S3 tor students
As uilable m advance at I lull C enter, or at door on concert night
heed a breah? Check out the EhTCRTAIhMChT
section in the ODE classifieds
Jealous lovers
l\ Hum'll plays David and Hun: plays Sheila in Hennl'actnrs. ,) Hrilish i>lu\
depit tiiui how jealous\ over < a reel' waiters and romance tests the friendship <>t two
(.(tuples The pla\ opens tonight.it II in the Arena theatre.
Photo h\ Sean Poston
Presidential hopefuls to debate tonight
ImuliTit.il l ee Committee will holil .i liudnet
hearing I'luirsil.iv night at ’ in the 1A11 Hoard
Room lot thn following groups:
• AM ()
• HI,u k Student t iiiun
• ( Jrrgiin Iklih hnriald
• 1 'nivei Mt\ Das ( u-il it inn
• Disabled Student Servnes
Oie.in Fc nlog\ Power lor the Future meets
_Et als_
tonight .it '> U> in 1 Ml Slide 1
Hali.ii (ampus \ssm lation mi l ls tonight at
h III at 1-T.H Ahiei St
( ollege Ki'pillllll ails W ill meet tonight ,il "ill!
1 Alt' ( cuturv Room I) tor off u er elect ion.s
Students tor t nited Nations will hold a ecu
etal interest meeting tonight a! l> ill 111 ! Ml ’ (It
rial rooms (' and 1)
1 \ttitudes Inward the l!n\iroriment in |apa
nese Thought" is tin title of a presentation by
I’rotessoi john ! ie ol the soi lologv department to
he given today at 5 p m in Room Kit, (aindon.
I he presentation w ill contrast mythic impres
sums of fhe lapanese love of nature with the se
vere pollution problems fat ed !>v industrialized
|«tpan*-sf so( iet\
\Sl () Presidential Debate between e.uuli
date teams Kirk liailev Sheila Stii kel and Steve
Maples Diane (ajslmum will be held tonight at
m Room 150 (lohnnbia The event is sponsored
by tbi' (.reek I-indorsement (Committee
The Houses are hull of Smoke is the title ot a
film to lie shown tonight at 7 in Room 100 Wil
Lunette The film depicts poverty in (Central
Americ a
A workshop on applying to the Oregon
Health Sciences t'niversitv School ol Denlistrv
will be held todav at -t 10 p in in Room 104 Ore
gun I tali
(aimmoil Security in the '((Is is the title it ■
workshop to be held tonight 7 10 in Room 15 1
Straub I'he workshop is presented In Student
(Campaign for Ilisarmanient
( ominumU Relations l iirum w ill be held ti
dm at 1:10 p m in the I All’ Hen binder Room,
sponsored by the (ioniniunitv Relations 1 ask
bon e
"l.hallenge — The Canadian Rockies" is the
title ol a video to be show n todav at 17 .10 p m in
the (Intdoor Program off ii e I Alt ' Room 7.1
\ video workshop on whitewater ratting
will hi* [rresented bv the Outdoor Program tonight
at 7 10 in I AH ' Room 74
Introducing: The Bestseller
You won't find at the Newsstand.
Hue's ,i hook that's alwa\ s on the best seller's list. \\ ith a l I .ine ()
eheekme aeeount. wut won't have to read between the lines to find the moral
ot the stoi\
15 *4 S' interest paid to \ on on
• \our low monthls balance
ino minimum u.» earn microli
^ No service lev il you mam
• tain a S200 balance ^on pa\
onl\ S3 il y out balance drops
below S:<M) -
(herd raft Protection
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I ias dor s chocks
24 hr access [u sour account
through the I \changeand
Cirrus networks.
I R1 I checks ss ith direct de
posit ot sour l of () pas check
So. ilk- next time vou re.id the features ot soui eheekbook. remember a
l I .me O eheekme aeeoimt has a hapjn ending
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