Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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    I niversit\
Watson says reallocation needed
AD, EMU go unchecked
Hv Jolii* Andrade
I nierald Reporter
Incidental I ee (amimitlee
candidate Josonja Watson said
she would like to see more
mone\ spent on student groups
that servo the entire I'ni\ ersity
I've alwavs fell the IA|l
and alhleti( department gel en
tirely too much mone\ and you
( an t see u hat their spending it
on." said W atson. v\ ho is run
ning lor a one veal seat "I he
lieve student organizations
should get more money he
i arise lhe\ support all the stu
I la\ ihr the athletii (depart
meut I get money is tine and all
the things happening in the
IAH are great hut I pisl think
it student programs need the
help tin- lit should try their
host to give them that help
\\ atson said
Watson's philosophy on
budgeting is to spend \\ ise
I\ " she said
"It the you can keep trar k ol
every i ent and where it's going
th.it should do it." she said
Watson said stir believes this
is \\ In the I I t has ,i di'l u it
•Thin should y<• took a look
at last visit's student budgets
and used it as a guideline lor
this year's ' Watson said
keeping trai k of group pro
grams are also important she
said “When groups ask lot
money. I want to see the results
that happen
She also believes that there is
a lai k ot t oininunii alion be
tu eeu the lit and student
groups She said she would
make it a priority to stav in
i outai t v\ ilh groups and reas
sure them that they i an i all lu-i
at anytime
In iny i ase I il he u ill mg to
let people eall me yvhenevei
they need to. Watson said
W atson said she also plans to
lake betyy een Id to la i red its
tall term so that she will he able
to dedu ate as mm h time to the
lit as It demands
She said she is happy
though yyilli the neyy rub.
tablished by the lit I'lie rule
requires am student group to
submit .1 written statement to
I In* IM it tliev miss their hudg
et hearing
Watson said student groups
are lortunale that the li t is go.
i■!>• them a se< unit i ham e
"It mil want the program to
continue. vou should show
1111 she said
1 lav mg strong leadership
shills and Imam ml but hgrmmd
w ill help Watson ai hieve thesi
giiaIs she said
Watson gels hei leadership
Iroin her irivolv ement w ith stu
dent ai 11\ It ies She is ai til el\
involved with the Him h Stu
dent 1 ilium the him h student
forum, and the planning o| the
Him h \i ts festival m Slav
Although Watson is a fresh
man she has had evperience
with Imam es She worked al
V iew master an am ounting
turn in Tigard hist sununei
and has taken various m eotinl
ing i onrses in the past tw n
\ ears
Watson is current I v unde
i hired but is i onsidering a ma
|or in marketing and athertis
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pliinnts willi st: in in c degrtms
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All ol tlmsi* organizations
ni'oti pi'oplt* to do adininislra
tiro w ol k sail's and public It*
lalions. " Smith said
Si mni i' majors looking lot a
job out sitli* traditional Imlds
sut b as mt'dii urn and univcrsi
t\ researi h i an i unsull u itli
representatives m fields rung
ing from publishing In the
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lind information hum universi
lies and colleges at the lair
Must organizations are at the
lair In tell .students about ( meet
oppoitumties in their fields
not to recruit students tin spe
i ilh positions said |o-l\lle
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