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IT’S THE UO BOOKSTORE ELECJflflrUCS WAREHOUSE r APRIL 2-14 AUDIO » VIDEO » TYPEWRITERS « PORTABLES SONY JVC Panasonic AIWA Technics sharp brother HERE ARE JUST SOME OF THE GREAT PRICES YOU’LL FIND! TYPEWRITERS VCR MACHINES >■ J«S iX> *H . -»■,+.• StO OC rig m*‘ an PORTABLES ANSWERING MACHINES • ANAv N * « • w,» Hi . * »* * - ANAS. *. * ■ U A» . .*v» « * % % ? 8 8 CD PLAYERS UO Bookstore University. Bills wants better ties on budgets Brings GALA, USSA insight B\ Mi< e rhornton I me raid Reporter Ini idenl.ii I ee ( umillilter i .indidate Jennifer Hills sa\s slie would like to redid e mis understandings about budgets In establishing stronger com iminn.it ion between the III and student groups I’iie third year Knghsh in a jot lie.lit with IM budgets last veal during her term as program di rectoi ot the (,a\ and Lesbian Alliance She said she helper! operate the group w itlnn (, A! A s annual budget and ere ated the budget (or the follow mg \ ear Hills, who is running tor a one year seat has also worked w ith a $ too.(ton budget during her i iirrent pnrtn ipatmu on the bo.ud of directors lor the t nit ed States Student \ssor iation She also serves as the ( hair ot the (lay. Lesbian Bisexual Lau i us tor I 'SSA Through her I 'SSA expert eiu e. Bills lias dealt with child i are problems and g.n and les In.in issues She said this expe riem e has given her perspei live on i urrent campus issues I feel I'm (lie voir e lor the unspoken minority Hills said I definiteh have a different per spec live I undr.nsmc is the key to maintaining the lit budget Hills s.nd. lidding th.it student groups can help themselves in finding outside revenue sources I encourage sulisidies from outside sources." Hills said "As a fee-paving student. 1 don’t want to pa\ more fees than I have to " Hills said students should have as nun h r onlrol over their tees as possible. She would also like students to he able to partir ipale in the distribution of monev from the athletic, de partment Jennifer Hills "1 think student groups don't understand IFC." Hills said IFC needs to do its part by talking to groups and getting groups to work together We 7 feel I'm the voice for the unspoken minority’ — Jennifer Bills I lie athletic: department has a S 100,000 slush fund.” Hills said Students pav for it. hut they have no sa\ in what's done with it. 1FCI needs to look seriously at what’s going on A i urrenl problem with the li t is that student groups do not understand the budgeting pnx ess. Hills said She pro posed more r.ontaet between II t members and student groups as a wav ot solving bud get ary mis understandings need to understand tli.it some students .ire inexperienced .it budgeting " Hills said she would like the IM to rout inue to look .it the diversit\ of the various student orgnniz.it ions Regardless of how li tmembers feel about certain groups, she said they all serve the purpose of a particu lar group of students "II I! i an continue to benefit the i ultural. spiritual needs ol the student body,” Hills said Student injured in collision An accident on campus Tuusday involving two bit v i Ins sunt one University stu dent to the Student Health Center to receive treatment tor head injuries. lush Hurt suffered outs to Ins head and his face, just above his eye. when his bicycle collided with anoth er and he landed on his head aftei being thrown over the handle bars. Hurt was taken to the health center lor observation and to get stitches for his >:nts. said paramedic Barry Floyd Hurt was not wearing a helmet. I he accident occurred on Kith Avenue in front of Johnson Hall slightly before 11 am. A witness at (lit: scent; said Hurt tailed to see a bicy cle that was pulling up to a bike rack and clipped the bicycle's back tire. Witness Bryan' Farris said Hurt was not going excessively fast at the time of the accident. "lie wasn't puddling along But he wasn't talking to anyone or just be-bopping along not paying attention either," Farris said. kelly Patrick, the rider of the other bit vote involved said she was pulling lip to the bike rack when her bicv cle was struck from behind. "11 was a pretty hard colli sum." she said. YELLOWSTONE TRIVIA # 1 Q: What is the most frequently asked question in Yellowstone? A: ‘Where are the restrooms?' Learn more about Yellowstone by living and working there this summer! 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