Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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EWEB recall still possible for June election
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Kulr Sb.irv brings frx^’thi’r
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muif informution (.ill
345 7600
themselves tn be imtnistwortln
lui mii h .1 Ir.msdi !um Imt ause
ill already demimstniled
irrrspi himIii 111 ies
A ret ill 1 vole in |une i an
sweep llii' ii '( k i liMn Kike
Humph l)uniptv ,iml his great
I.ill tlir rci all i an pul KU KM
bdi k together .igiiin ll u ill give
niters d fiiidl dlid Kill npportu
mil In make the del ismn
l,i i k Cr,iii; is it nr ol thrvr I or
nwr I'W'h'.H ho,ml members
h'.iilitifi ,i mall ot Sol in.
I Ini inn <m</ " »//(>
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APRIL 11, 1990
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EMU Ballroom, Gumwood Room, Fir Room
Many reasons given to continue effort
By )<u k Craig
The Kliment' \\ .iter and Kler
trie Hoard recall is still under
wav despite word to the con
trarv In far t. the recall is more
likely now than when it started
because fewer than t.000 total
signatures remain to he gar
tiered and petitioners have at)
day s to place the issue on an
other ballot in late June More
than 10.000 signatures have al
ready been obtained
The major misunderstanding
about the folding ot the KWKH
rer all of petitioners Dennis
Solin. Randall Thvv mg and Rob
Willis came about because ot a
misinterpretation ol the mi all
law bv Ibu i ity recorder's ol
The i orrei t interpretation ol
Oregon's rei.all law gives peti
tinners a total ol <10 d.ivs from
Ibe time of filing, u itb .in elei
lion set onl\ alter too pen ent
of valid signatures are ob
I bis means that u itbin a
short time the recall will be on
tbe ballot As ol now . only Kill
names are needed for Solin;
1 .too for liming and fewer
than S00 for Willis Those
shortages were determined at
ter validation i her ks of the
10.000 signatures bs tbe < ounH
elei turn department
I’etitioners were seeking
plat ement on the May I a p11
mart ballot whit b would have
been so overcrowded that such
a date was indicated as not pus
There have been protests
against I he recall hv its targets.
KWT.H ( aumnissioners Soling
I Invmjj .uni Willis, .is well as
persons who oppose recall
voles Anti revellers claim lh.it
the priman elei lion would
I.ike i are ot the problem, hut it
assuredh will not
In fai t. there are mam good
reasons to i onlinue the rei all
It is the only way to i orrect the
shameful i ondui t by the i om
missioners who violated all the
precepts of Oregon's open
meetings laws in the firing ol
tlie utilities general manager
lean Reeder These are some ol
the good reasons to move out
the recall elei tion
I There is no assurance the
primary election will solve the
problem which has brought ir
reparable damage to the i it\
owned utility one of the best
publii utilities in the i ouiitrv
(Ine ol the errant i ommis
sinners. Tim ing. may v\ m a
run off m the \ny einbei elei
tion as he is an ini umbent yy 1111
lots ot spei nil interest money to
spend and tyvo other i audidales
running against him Solin the
sei ond i andidate up for elei
tion, has garnered hundreds of
thousands of dollars from lot a I
interests for past elections \
third i andidate. Willis is not
u11 tor elei tion
The ret all elei tion is the only
yyay these errant commission
ers t all be taken out for sure it
voters so det ide
J Mine than 10.000 people
who have already signed peli
lions exper t an opportunity to
last a "vex" 1 or "no" vote lor
recall on the conduit ot Solin,
liming and Willis A retail
will do that
I I he goal lor the ret .ill is
now easily attainable and there
will lie only negligible < osts be
i anse the issue w ill be on the
same ballot as other issues in
late June This dispels the
"i osl to taxpayers" argument
of rer all targets
4 rhe I W I II spot in the pri
maty eler lion has the lowest
profile and favors inr umbents
I'he IWT.lt i undulates appear
as last candidates at the end of
a long ballot Hy the time voters
reach the KW'I.II [nint h slot on
the long i omputer ballot, many
have already given up I lie
norm m pus! eler turns has been
lor the undervoter to nutnuni
bei even w inning t undulates
Ibis gives an ever more reason
for the ret all issue to be on the
mm h shorter ballot in |une
■ Solin 'I’llwing and W illix
have further i ompounded their
firing ot lean Reeder, moving
into a last trai h inside I rat k
selection of the f W I It general
manager before the entire issue
Is settled by the elet live pro
i ess Many teel the incumbent
majority Solin, Timing and
Willis have already proved
-Commentary Policy—
Commentaries should be between 750 and 1,000
words, legible and signed, and the identification of
the writer must be verified upon submission.
Oregon lkiil\ _ _
I* < I Hi>\ 'I ^ I iiniu * ►« «•%;«»i» ** 40'
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