CALL FOR ENTRIES PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST i o I I B Ih - APRII 14 H»' l (> bookstore is sponsoring ,i photo contest with ihis theme "Am RHorus" Wr d like' VUU to photo graph you do when v ou re not studying or working, whether it N* a on the siojx-s or At the, a romp with your kid- or a demolition derby Show us you do tor fun and relaxation1 ( pr ia s will tx* offend. and your entry photos will tx* displayed in I tie winners vs ill ts- jx*r sonallv notified and their names posted in the lohbv of the liookstore. as vsrll as atmouix i\l inf Ih’ Oregon IXnly t rnerald on \pril K>, 19**.) I lave lots of fun vsilh this Hu-re will be renting pn/j-s awarded to lour Itw k v vstmverv “ur "People's l. hoicv prize wmner will lx* * Iw'sen bv voti I he fieople’ 1 iisl J’rut A JV< Remote < «mlrol ( umpi t I >is* P layer v \ alue $ MM>* btvuuii I’rkc V.’ilOt ,ish" 1 hiii) I’ri/v Olympus Infimtv l win <. amerj (\ alue $?t*0> I’tuflc's Cliokt I rev priK essin^ for r0 rolls of film enough ft»r eat h wo k fi-r a vear' a odakj* • 1 w ' rntr n f *r pi rvn • All ph.>u s must have hrn taken miw jan 1 • 11 1a jvrson vv hi f riru ipal hv wy, is made hv taking pu lures) may enter • 'si/r • f phot total print or mat si/e) Maximum 11 » 14 Minimum S » 7 • { olor pnnts niv • judging will U- dt *l>r hs Qualev Iru the l (> Jour ivalism Dept and kxal professionals outside oi tin’ l (> Bookstore live fudges will not he aware id w h<' submitted am 1 >w duration of the l*hot< { 'on tost vmII he I I H lb Al’Kll 14, mi • All photo entries must be rtseived .it the photo department of the \ ( > HtH'kstoro (m ar the Kit k of ttv main floor) no later than April 14 • ( hi the b«n k . I vutir entries you must print \ erv i learls (11 Y our name (21 Your address (3) rhe title of vour (4) The t\ pe of canvra lens and film used (it possible) • People's ( hone votmp, will take e within the store April I 14 • Prints must lv pu ked up bv May 11 1900 UO BOOKSTORE j I kli t tur.tnl ( I'ltuln In M.h Im I hirl Students protested h ith sinns and i hunts in trout ot lluestis //.)// luesd.n to demonstrate their opposition to the return ot primates tor si iem e h on i unipus. Animals C nntmufd from Page 1 Dunlap said people are m .tied to abandon animal re seart li m lavur of available al lemalives her a U se st iem e has I el led animals lot so long (.eiiel it and computer let h nolog\ is nun li more i ap.ible ol t real mu human aspei ts, she said Death is not netessarv any lotjgei Tile I imersiU is seeking an imal leseau li dollars bet aiise ol its new emphasis nil thi> m i clli es she said Su( li grants arc casih a\aiI able bn atise id I lit* large mini bet til organizations make monev (roni raising and distrib uting animals I)unlap said Members nl the f ualitinn Ini \nimals and Nniinal Research stiinil ,n mss tin* street truin the protesters passing < lilt pain phlets to the media and pass ers bv ACHING FOR LOVE I hr Sexual I )r«m ki ol the Adult Child //c.(s’ N fin U<'.'/!< Vi Mm \\\ KL \i SNJ R & BOBBII MANSI I BRING WED, APRIL 11 12:30 - 1:30 P.M. GENERAL BOOK DEPARTMENT W i l l I MARY AW Kl.Al SN'HR ACHING FOR LOVE I HI SI XI \\ HR AM \ Ol I HI ADI I I CHU D /'L Mid's Ann khiuvia itiul l'nm; C / //.\( i /1 V\ / i H / t E it- !:• m I s >. i !. ■ e\|>1% >rv tills the problems ot sexuality and mum.its fa, ed !", .klult .luldren ot akoholns straight or pay. "If you’re .in adult child . >! .hi .ilt oholii. t hanecx are you're unhappy yyith vour m \, with vour life, with your rclationshippartner, and or with yourself, write the author'-. Based on research with over hV u. men who new up in alcohol u families. hi in: U >r Low to. uses , m the sexual problems that often fa. e .uKilt t luklren. M.irv .Ann klausner, an exjvrt in sexuality anti siihstaiv.e abuse, lice- m I upeiie, (. ''R She is an aJiurti l fat ulty memlxT at the l a]iftn tiia I amilv Studv ( enter in Burbank, l A. Bobbie Haxselbring, who live' in I leaver, reek, X t|\, is the author - «f The \ lixlu a/ Sell ( are /imi x \ Women’s Hc.ilth and othei I looks. She writes I. n A />’, Womens S/\ >rrs and /atties'. ONI.Y MARY ANN KI.AL'SNl R WILL BL RRLSLN 1 A 1 III! IkXYKSICiNINti. UO Bookstore GENERAL BOOK DEPARTMENT 13th & Kincaid V F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10:00 6:00 346 4331 "Weil' here largely 111 re spouse to tills and tu dissent i n.ill' mtnrm.ition wo haw re gardmg animal n-si'.inh, said Monti' Matthew s ( I \.\K member. "Wo want in pul into perspective tho main mist on icpliiins animal rights pooplt* liavo Matthews said altornativos In animal research an- hoing do velnped lull that llioso break thrmighs an' not suffii ionl to loplai !• animals i umplutulv Si icnlists should t undue I an i Ilia I ri'st’.i ri li hast'd on moral doi isions ho said II an nidi \ w ill benelil hum tin- re search's possible outcomes then tin' rosi'.in li should be condor Ini \\ o'ro try ing In sa\ \ os we're i uireulh lr\iilg In ilevel up alternatives Imt vuu i an unh program (omputers w 11h what we learned from animal ii'sean h Matthew s said BMBM ® Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs Zj Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M Ih 11 00 7 00. F Sa ll 00 4 Sunday> Hours: Upstairs M T h 4 i0 10 00 F Sa $ 00 10 30