CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS SHADOW COMPUTER CO 346 6110 n*w IBM -.mpat A-tr 165 INSTRUMENTS *IQ MIRAGE SI50 Oval.o 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION ADVENTURE! Skiing, rockclimbing and kayaking See Challenge The Canadian Rock ies Wed 12 30 pm. Outdoor Program .4365 Free* WHITEWATER RAFTING An introductory clinic designed to ac quaint novices with this exciting sport Wednesday April 11th 7 30 pm at the Outdoor Program FREE' 346 4365 195 TRAVEL HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUM MER ’ Jet there anyt.-» e Of SFO lor no more than $269 or from the East coast for no more than $160 with AlRHlTCH (r), (as reported in C-.-n surner Reports NY Times A Let •;(.■> i .r details call 212*864 2000 210 OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION HIRING' Government Mis your area $17 840 $69 486 < a . M * ATTENTION EASY WORK EXCEL LENT PAY' Assemble ;to(Iu !\ a' home Details M) 602-838 8885 Ext W 12164 ATTENTION POSTAL JOBS Man $11 41 -hou*1 I ' applied!' ' irO.) .1 602 838 8885 F»t M 12164 6a" r days ATTENTION EARN MONEY READING BOOKS $32,000/yea' income poten tial Details (1) 602 838 8885 E»t Bk 12164 ATTENTION ARTISTS! GREEK WEEK T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST! use the theme “MAY 14 19: WHAT A WEEK TO BE GREEK!" April 16 by 5pm suite 5. EMU Greek j j points tor winning design A TREE GIFT FOR CALLING PLUS RAISE UP TO $1,700 IN ONLY 10 DAYS Student groups Irats and 'unties needed lor marketing p'oitn t * am pus F or details plus y< -nr f RE I GIFT group olticers v.ali 1_800 765 8472 Ext 50 CAREER COUNSELING INTERNSHIP ivailabte I Of the 1990/91 »• .idem, year This opportunity a, available tu graduate students in Counseling Edu cation Industrial Relations nr related areas For a position description stop by Career Planning and Placement Ser • ice Room 244 He'dm ks Han Submit resume and cover letter to Gina Hus tor at the above location by April 2 7 DO YOU WANT 3 EASY CREDITS Are you a man Shasta Middle School wants y.-u Outdoor School Counselors May ’•1 ’8 Can 6889611 ■ • g«. to ESCAPE ESCAPE FIELD Studies -s *,e..kmg I motivated Student to fill trie position o* Outdoor School Division Head tor trie 1990 91 at adermc year N e*pen ence necessary Student should be able to put in 20 25 hrs/wk hours are he»ibie Stipend and upper division tredit included For more information • untact Simon Shadowi-ght at Mill EMU ; v46 4351i Apple, atums avaMabu ,nd due by Friday April 27 NANNIES antj bonded Pfet.lig.uus East .vhI Oregon families ntfuring tot Indispensable* Inc 1 800 3S6 98 7 S NANNY LIVE IN Wash - room and board $700 In._ for a. 210 OPPORTUNITIES COORDINATOR WANTED Submit a cover letter and resume to 244 HendricKs Hall by April 30th POSTAL SERVICE Jobs S.t .!•, u $65 K N,»! . -.V.:,- tMfry ROTARY FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM special educatroM more details, write Education Umversi SAVE 5'V at Use Also solid 6 figi SUN RIVER MTBACHELOR I CHEAP 3 day Spring Ski trip April j i 13 IS thru the UO Outdoor Program j | i arge house with HOT TUB Sue the j Outdoo' Pr gran EMU B »• ! «436S SUN VALLEY COMPANY mg all restaurant ami food department positions These include cashiers waitresses t>ussers banquet slat* am} Kitchen help f» client benefits A housing ava.-af *' Interviews hepl April 19th Fur information Student Ernpl o merit. 12 Hendru k-j Hail —UO-Bookstore— Got Something To Say9” r *pfi • •-• ■ Be on Ihe Board of Directors of an established corporation your own University of Oregon Bookstore Run for a seal on the UO BooKslore Board of Directors and t*» a pad • guiding an important campus organ. . jlion for the future Board member., all end monthly meetings .»• d 'vi five • 1 Sfudenf Al Large Position • *’ Sophomore Position** • 1 Graduate Studeni Position • 1 Faculty At Large Position • 1 Classified Staff Mgmt Service Nominations for Board members will be taken at the ANNUAL MEETING Wednesday, April 11 3:30 PM Rin 133 Gilbert Hall ,:ludr imports liu.i ' Bi .rd Olt.. and a State d the Book .h o- address try- the B * ?w OPPORTUNITIES UO CA«l t R FAIR Sf Rlt S SCIENCE CAREER DAY ?!b HELP WANTED S/50 lo S6 P' -lata «■ try prop*, ! Must t>e ible to a ■ * mom mg hours between rtam Mji”. A, < i y important S4 'Ah- Com!,,.. ! Helen SIOS*.Mf A udemtt At'ans 154 Susan ' i" , rmi Hjh U6 ‘-CM S U PPO PI T STAFF n eeded n vat • u s residential n . at ion s P assist adults w-th developmental disutnidtes to •■-«* quality lives in then community Putt mil pad time p Apply .it 102*5 VV 11Jh A.-.-y !.«, 9 -t 'AW IN!, APP'i !! ATtoNS ' - o< older with poor ■ amp or recrea j : lion e»per--eM *• A'th elementary of • middle school children Other re j some apply to Qebbt© Hammond j » Ml A 20V. p.ittr . a* ' MO*. THE UO TElEFUND needs you' ' , are interested m a job that offers vatu Sh hr guaranteed plus bonus then up ply j! thw UO Telefund today We am lo< ated at 2001 Franklin Blvd 346 1433 146 342/ ( ail or stop by today • YOUTH LEADERS u, auiK A'th tee ?uge . uth fa mi u%t Aith bavc ««.ologu-ai *pf* amj have a ba< Kgrouru] in outdoor r»>. realn .n E ilei' v.ii ampmy and ta.ei ••• pored N. irtfi a eft I Y ■ 'Uth ■ " P ** P ' 13.,.*. U', f • iflurm OF (t/40‘. /4h Kh‘.3 INTI HE STEP IN a Mg T - , as • Mazda I > ' K pfov ©»p advert necessary but *e require competent and reliable individual For more info Ante TV A In: Shula Tsukif hit, 4 3 12 Tsukiji Chuo Kyu Tokyo NOTE TAKERS ' C.f "G v- ~ i • : ‘ )4? i »•♦•'!•* 1 Mui! UK on < las:. Defoft? PsrS Stt luf© U) ‘»UM Irujuif** a! f:au!n(*!eS t MU l Of i OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY 215 HELP WANTED 2?o WORK STUDY POSITIONS m APTS DUPLEXES M3 4.M9 BtAUIlFUL CLEAN and la* ye duple « available lo rent ovef sutnnief June IS to Aug IS 2 bdrm no pets 3Sth inti Kmctfid $400/mo Call 686 9054 on, $4 O'. Jennings & Co M l 4?19 l 4l'v 4M4 4 10.1 * * A t it Ur, .* HliMM '-i-.t i pus u ’*> plus i.’SO p At is*.* 5B6 ?081 o-r inquire d apt no 4 txl/'i. apt In.r.u O August » g |f»«» M.ur V *■ i ».»* $44Vn, -Oh Sun.'..t**s 4v ad able Jennings A Co 683 2271 1 BOOM APT 1 blKs 11-im amp-us 4*' ' t t?ih Hot a atm garbage and sewer [-1-1 Cftts > $ */*> n„ (44 001* 2 HDHM f.HJPLCX n„a- Mth in.! - h4i A, a. able a S »7*win.> plus JH PENTLAND CO 1 BOPM apt sitn law $315 6861130 Spyg.a-.s a-,vh 1 HI HIM AP’ .*- t.i .n .,.r. t i, etetl immediately ,»H Tin .il Jennings and t ■ bd.l 227 \ 230 QUADS i.r DANWOOL) 44 1 t 1?tt3 OtfefMMj an Mr -« t f’ .it i y*' • i'f 5 h ,IM ig H’!' A!* I nd« pendant .»mpu*i hv '<$ f ■ >i»: S219 « .III 344 g.'fjtf Jonmng* 4 Co 68 3 4219 rvi c n PARK QUADS ‘>**8 Tyler Street Large furritAfted quatH eith private t>«*fAit utilities paid On -»ftr laundry, off street park mg Call 6&3 1809 to %*►« J22S J#nmng* 4 Co 683 4219 235 HOUSES 1643 RlVfcRVIf W t Sed c ullage *ood stove SSQO r>H6 1130 Spyglass Ass* ?7o"ROOMS ABOVE EXCELSIOR CAFE f.«i rri M' )f f ' ■Offl A.1'; StttVmc plus *150 depostl Call 144 2082 JH PENTLAND CO ?40 ROOMS ?6U ROOMMATES WANTtO 270 MEETINGS NA ? 1 NAi St CURlTV 'N T Hi . Al TI MNATlVt in H SSI U ADfcRSMlP oi VI l ORM» NT l)l M math: I DUCAT ION i ' A i RFUt T iZI NSMIP F DU* AT ION VM >N SI CURITY IN THl 40 UO CAREER FAIR SERIES PRESENTS SCIENCE CAREER FAIR 11:00a.m.-4:00p.m. EMU FIR ROOM BALLROOM GUMWOOD ROOM uo b •! ,-.i> .i ■) t»■ • »**.>! -• |f. 1,1 '.’'■■■! ■ ‘ ■ ?i‘j EVENTS - ASUO ELECTIONS PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE TONIGHT 150 COLUMBIA AT 7PM BE THERE! »ponsoied by th® Gf®eh E mlon* m#nt Commit!®# BEST OF THE ALPS Jim Blanchaid a * i •. i. . •umtation about hiF.iy limbing i () hut f i ■ i. i •"•J m I bn Alps 1 10 W ■ i I am*) I to 7 TO pm T ho'lid Ay Apnt • '• FREE ' ' it I r* INSURANCE AWARENESS DAY MONDAY, APR 16 INFORMATION & EN ROLLMENT TABLE 105, EMU TERRACE SHIC MEETING 3:30. CENTURY RM E OPEN HOUSE WITH SHIC MEMBERS 7PM, CARSON HALL GOLD ROOM CLAIMS WORKSHOP 7:30PM. CARSON HALL GOLD ROOM I Mti ?80 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT A, ill H T M SN» * 'S .ASSAM t 1 MU om Jones •ZIIIKILI t'UIii'j *05 T, HM» HH, m ' • MYSTERY TRAIN , A film by Jim J»irmu*ch 4 KLCX 104.7 LATE NIOHT 4 y COMEDY'S DIRTIEST DOZEN tie / s, • ' '■ Wr Pu»w FAMILY BUSINESS'' a_:__:4 THE : HOUSES ARE FULL OF SMOKE Co sponsored with the University of Oregon/University of El Salvador sister University projert. this film Is a thought provoking, dramatic depletion of the lives of the poor In Guatemala. Nicaragua and El Salavador. and their struggles against political oppression (176 mins) WEDNESDAY! April 11 7:00 10O Willamette Recycle this paper. 300 COUNSELING >•*'! ;m t M' , , if:,. - <•" p«rv;- ^ 303 SERVICES " - Campus Ministries »V«-,1'U--,d(ly f waning t ■ . . M»t> 99 UO BOOKSTORE Last Day for Spring Term Coursebook Returns is April 14th Please bring your receipt. ID, and books when making rotund requests. EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT DROPOFF LAUNDRY 70c/Pound 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT 10'S :>o MWf 1430 Orchard St 345 6133 GUITARS/ BASSES £jl P A (.PAH ACC t SSORUs AMPI It ll KS in it is (*-, i K< I'-'SKi > AI MUSIC $ 370 W 6th 342-1747 NOON-6 P M MON SAT Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson XUILl 1CWK mi IS 1AKINC. RDSAUN WQMt fVUHAl", me iw to upiAis wwm HAPPLHED lONUiMT (jct.A* n*. ■>* ■ r> nn? M 9 0Ci. I ttJI Ml PfUMAS fcfc\)SUU> m THIW AT H. i .IvA )i* > •A l N*' •U4 f\ •> HMnuU k. M UtS l ft; AUN KAU VI Ui IVW WV. Vj ! i'V u\.’. ‘A TVW&k i •;n vwu■. ►. *♦ *Vt * '■ ••&’ * ' V. 1 1 «XM\ V'A. jvV TtjHvl'^ mui. mo H'-Wvvj WUjW V r< . XD ‘•'V.i Ml fife' 1V A VUvL