Sports S(tf)hnmurr kutit' \\ it'sr has shinddt'rrd drvgon s fnh hint! hurdrns this s tut son with «i i ontrrcru r-h’tidin^ itt .ipfnwnuu rs. Ducks fly home after 38-game road swing / INVOLVED. S.n t;iHulb\ to standing; on the sidelines On \pr11 ll,\ou have a ». ha nee to make a different e in a ver\ important u ni versit v institution vour own l O Hook stoic I earn more about it i;ive us your opinions aiui obser\ations, or stand out in theuowd In announeme, \otii nomination lor an important board position to KOOKSTOKl ANNUAL ML 1 I INC. k Wednesday, Aptil II at 3:30 p.m. Room I H, (.ilbert Hall Reports Irom the eorporate olluvt t omments from |im Will urns, t n-noral,u;ri t. omments trom members (slus1«-nts. lainilv atul stall of l niversitv ol l )rei;on) \oinmations tot board positions IF \Uete will be ti fitr ihoieut;s’ for S2o’>.()() irot tli of ll() lUuik store gift eertitieotes lot till of tern lees. UO BOOKSTORE IMh .uul knu'.tul Ml 7MMH1 IlMKln :l 1’hom iln I ■ ■ I t By Trai y Sumner Emerald Sports Editor After .1 pair (it PI game road trips and a 2 117 start the road-weary Oregon soitball team will make its home delnit Saturday in a Pacifii - Id Confer ence double header with third ranked Arizona Alter fit straight on the road Oregon i oat h Tami Brow n said she and her team are more than ready tor some home games "It s about time ' Brown said "We re eva ited to he here We’re really looking forward to playing at home and excited about the home i rovvds All 18 ol the Dm ks remain ing leguiarh si heduled games will he placed in the state ol Oregon with 14 ot those slated for Oregon s I low e Field Don hie headers at Portland State and Oregon State are the Dinks’ only regular season awav games left Lift* on tht* m 1'H) h-l IB in including .1 1 i ~ n'i urd Get the word out with an ODE classified Turn to Softball, Pa^i* IB UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON. SPRING COLORS OF BENETTON. Valley River Center