Sports Wrestlers awarded team honors Onion's all Amerii a sopho more Dan \ i2 w ins in the last two years \ ullak took third m thr I1,i i ifi< III < hampiunships in If.1 krr s! n !i i ( ,11 if muiiih and partii ipati'd 111 llu- \nliotial (lliampionslup inert in 1 nllrgr I’ark. Md I Iravywright < am .Slrahm. a liinioi hum I'ortland look humr tin- |nhn Millrr award lui thr ( )i 1'gin 1 wriwllrr \\ ln> shows llu' must di'dit a!mu lu Ins spurt mri thr coursi- ol llii' mnisuii Stralim luuk thud in thr l‘ai 111 meet lu I'.irn ,i betth in the \,i lional (.'i)i)ni|>K>nshi|; hut! |ut' Kissnni' .) pm pound so mor Imm K> in \r\ walked .nv.n with tiif led Kesev i.oren /u West Most Imprint'd .m.ud for this season Kissnne went lo lire Villon.d ( humpionship ,it lei t.iknit; runner up .it the I’,it 10 i li.impumships Ilie I'lK'MIll most valuable freshman .m.ud went to I’.it t iiiig of North fiend The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY (Just ask for the Special) S595 (Adii’l Ingredient .70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS HOT TUNA ACOUSTIC! ! Featuring Jack Casady & Jorma Kaukonen of Jefferson Airplane with special guest Peter Kaukonen Friday April 13, 8 pm Eugene Hilton, Playwright’s Hall $9.00 (J of O Students $ 1 1.00 General Tickets available: EMU Main Desk. Face the Music. CD World. Record Garden .-jzsm I'lmlti In \l,«i k \ In J \rt Skiftf)(*r. who broke his old school record with a javelin toss ot J4J-I hist weekend. was selected .is field athlete id the w eek Lopez, Skipper lead talented track team (fregun trat k athletes 1 )amn I ope/. ,iml \i! Sk 11>|itt s\ liu helped lead thi■ I )iu ks tii an H'l '-I ilual nii'fl win tivi*r Washington Stale Satimlas were honored bs the Pat itii 111 ( amb ient e Mondas as the men s 11.a k athlete anil Iiehl athlete of the SVeek. rt’spet live h hope/. a senitii led ()i egtin tu a i finish m the i.OtMtme tel sleejilet base to give the Dm ks an early lead in the me, I that the\ never relinquished hope/ won in a time of H:-|v r, whit h qualified him for the \( A A Championships in Dm ham. \ C Mas til thmugh lime J. Skipper a sophomore from Santis i ontinuetl his improve rnent in the javelin and re mained undefeated in that evenlthis season ssitli a toss of -’■4.1 I I he m.nk broke Skip pel s si liool record ol tH -4 set at the (hegon ITes ies\ I he m,11k also broke Hie 1 ‘IH7 meet rei orrl sel bs Washington**'*' K.mils Mendenhall CM IX) In other lint k news: • I'he I)in ks return to ai turn Saturdas with the Pepsi Team Invitational at Hayward Field with Washington Slate (leorge town anil ( ,il Pols SIX) Until the Dm k men anti women won the Pepsi inert a seal ago anil ssill likels lie the favorites again • Nkippn jih! i i .1111 ii mi throwei Si nil lire both tanked m thi' tu|) fill* national k in their events. Skipper is ranked third while tin' ti>|) (ollegiate hammer throw tliis si*.isi>11. Other Pai it) leaders besides Skipper and nu hide I aitl inetei runner Ian IV tersoil, who has the top iiinfei eiu e time Peter I olisei a Per ranif Mahon and Hrati Hudson are still the top three l’ai Hi runners in the Iimmio l he\ are three ot ti\e runnels nutioualh wild have met the \( AA quaft k ing standard ot 2‘) 08 in the ink I lie other two are (ieorge tim n's John Tiautmann and Pe ter Shetr\ • tint tin k vi omen tun e live ol the I’ai to's 11 t|ualitiers in the i 001). led ti\ la/ U ilsotl's l otifereni.e leading time ol •IMH ;t * tMJNDERlAND GREAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS '0VIDEO > GAMES ALL GAMES WORK WITH NICKELS ADMISSION 1 SO 5TH STRUT PUBLIC MARKET EUGENI • 683 8414 ‘Looking for a good deaP Check the Emerald ADS