IFC grants funding to Federalists After much hesitation 1 uesday the Inciden t.il |-'ee ( Committee decider) to hind the I ederalisl Sot ietv. n law si hool association rit( ked !>v charges of discrimination last yeai during the group s off it er elections Despite being cleared bv an ASl ’() invest jga lion of the group's prm tii es. II ( had not. hefoie _IK Notes_ Tuesdiivapproved the federalist Society goal statement, a necessary prerequisite lot funding Tuesday's lit meeting went on without chairwoman l'onija Swires, who resigned April ■ i iling ,h ademii and family reasons Before approving the federalist Society's goal statement, li t metnbei Armando Mondi s said he would like to see the gioup he i leared again In ASt'O investigation Sm It ■ learam could he granted In Andy (dark ASI'O presi dent, or Kyan Kennedy, ASl:() allirrn.it ivc ai tiun coordinator. Morales said proved as part nl the Student Hal Association, an tlinhrella organization of law st hool groups Other SHA groups receiving funding, with dollar amounts in parentheses, included SHA Administration iSo.Hti.'i Blai k Amei ii an l aw Student A'MII i.itinn ! SHUfi (, /Vie III ;kl\ ! Ijs.seof law school newsletter ST" '!. International law Students A mh lation |SJ Ml) I ,m .40), I .esbiatl (lav haw SI(uii'iil Association S • ■ i ■ Mn.it I '.mill He ml ;S • ill Aulu iini l aw vers' Uviilil !$-J<»0). Peer Advising i$l!Ki I'm pies' Liw Si linul I) uni Witint'ii Liu !■ rum iSl .(Hll| Pillars. an SBA spousal support group was tabled until Thursil.n A meeting Phi \lph.i I>»*! la .t legal protessioii.il fralernilv was /em hind eil In other business • I iie l! i .11>1111 e .■■ i i Si; 11;. '.'..it i,.i Nli'.C.hA tile l hu.lP.il latino still!' 'll union 1 11' , amount was equal to both last veal's budget anil the ASl () rei imiiiiiTiti.it uni • S !' i in) i - approved This amount was equal to both the \NI () mount me I illation and last \ ear's bud wet • L w! \ s.. u i i ! ),i! a • I. . ■ w ■: S . . : ’ n ■ li t an amount equal to tin- Ys! () mi umtueiiiia tloil Song and I lam e had asked tor an mi tease to pa\ (or new i oslurnes. the ini tease was denied • A peed to he n A Ml \ be; Hindu t Hot u •■■■ llmisdav despite the group s missing previous budget hearings Hig Brother Big Sister had earli er submitted a budget tin lev lew ChimpS ( onlinued Irom I pnli'illi.i! \tmii tin' mill ul tin’ slides Goodall revealed great compas sion for the a■ iima 1 s that have Im'imi i entrul to her Iitt■'> wotk She toil! the story of the death ut Melissa, whom (inoilall had know lor most of her stay at (lombe When Melissa was near death she built a nest in a tall tree w here her i hifdren would come to visit hei (Moduli slaved at the loot of the tree tot mui It ol the nil’ll! helore Melis sa died Hei nuse she taught me so mm h about motherhood. about patience and altruism. I felt it vv.ii important that someone wlni cared about hel tie there vvhelhei or not she knew 1 vv as. ( aiodal I said (moduli made an impas sinned plea to I lie aud teller In help in the work to save the chimpanzees Irom exliru linn in All ii ,i and from inhumane i on ditums in reseat'! h Lilts Chimpanzees are the ( loses! living relative to humans, (aiodal! said noting that thev differ geneticallv trom humans bv only one percent I ntorlimatelv (loodall said, the same scientists who recog ui/.e the potential tin primate use in hiomi'dii al researt h are rt'hii l.int in .uimit lli.it i him p.iu/u.-. .in' .11 sii stniil.tr in liu in.ins III llii'ii sin l.i 1 .mil inli'l Us Ittiil muk i up ( lumps have .1 sense ul liu mur .mil lutvu m11ni■ kind ul SI ‘ 11S11 lit suit ( lull! kill S.lllt I he\ sh.tru hum.in emotions pant intullui tii.il similarities vvu oiii u thought umipiu in hu mans A • shu s.ml this thu s|ti11* lie luiiil her showed .1 ijuutc from one ui hei hooks th.it iu.nl Ouh it ur understand can vvu i .iru Only it vvu i aru will vvu help i Jnlv it w i help shall tliev Woods C nntinued from Page I newspapers .is fiir awa\ ns ( heat Hritnin The stor\ uas sensationalized in New York tabloids and mi television programs sm h as A ( aimml Affair ‘ and "1lard ( op\ Was the media responsible Im Kodncv Wood s death:' "The simple answer to that is no (tle.ison said Kach time a journalist reports on a person who lias been i aught shoplifting for instam e. that person has been harmed, he said The issue is to what extent the person has been harmed Often. journalists don't hue this question until a death u< i nrs he said The mi itleiit width liiil not require a major investigation heiiiin .is .1 fairly standard ver\ simple mallei ' from the view ot the l.iigene I’u I if e I tepartnient lilt 1 said As the stm v 14,11lied n,itioii.il .mil intern.itinn .11 attention, reporters (ruin newspapers and tele vision and radio stations i ailed or i ame to lai gene tor t loser inspections I he Hugene media tunnel the ston. humor oils Mnrtenson and liin e said 'The newsroom was tilled with snickers lone said " IA IT, one Was 1 III ledlbh amused MULTIPLE CHOICE HINT: Find the answer at SunShower! 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