Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1990, Page 13, Image 13

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    term.Unlimited bus service
would be provided between
consecutive terms. For
example: a fall term vali
dated U of O II) card would
be good for riding LTD buses
from the first day of fall
term classes until the first
day of classes for winter
term; students with valid
summer school U of O II)
cards would be permitted to
ride LTD buses until the
first day of classes fall term,
etc. Law student identifica
tion cards would be valid on
LTD buses beginning the
first day of semester classes
until the first day of the next
consecutive semester classes.
Measure #2
“Do you support the estab
lishment of a mixed format,
student radio station to be
partially funded by Inciden
tal Fees at a rate of approxi
mately forty eight cents pet
student each term, including
summer term, to generate a
total of $25,861? This
amount includes $17,980 in
one time expenditures and
$7,881 in operating dollars.”
Measure #3
“OSPIRG (the Oregon Stu
dent Public Interest Re
search Group) is a statewide,
student-directed organiza
tion which since 1971 has
involved students in environ
mental, consumer, voter
registration and hunger/
homelessness issues. Do you
support the continued exis
tence of a U of O chapter of
OSPIRG to be funded at a
rate which reflects $2.35 per
student per term which will
gene rate a pprox i mato 1 y
$112,000? (This is an 1 \%
increase over last year and
this is the first requested
increase in four years.)”
Measure M
Shall it be the official posi
tion of the ASUO to require
of the University of Oregon
Administration that any
prospective employer or
agency recruiting on campus
be compelled to sign a state
ment certifying that it is an
equal opportunity employer
and is in compliance with all
state rules and regulations
including OAR 580-15-065;
and require that the office of
career planning and place
ment not provide aid, assis
tance, information, and/or
access to physical space to
employment recruiters who
fail to sign this statement.
The statement will he based
upon the understanding the
University of Oregon is
committed to equal opportu
nity without discrimination
on the basis of age, handi
cap, national origin, race,
marital status, religion, sex,
or sexual orientation, as
defined by OAR 580-15-065
prohibits any division of the
University of Oregon from
assisting employment re
cruiters who so discriminate.
Measure #5
Shall it be the official policy
of t he ASUO to encourage
the University of Oregon to
prohibit, on all property
managed or owned by the
University of Oregon that
lies within 500 feet of the
Willamette River, all govern
ment-sponsored or govern
ment funded programs and
all commercial activities that
engage in: manufacturing,
production, research and
development, sales, storage,
or any other activities that
use or otherwise directly
involve hazardous or toxic
Existing uses of hazardous
or toxic substances shall not
he affected by the enactment
of this measure.
The term “hazardous or toxic
substance" as used in this
measure is herein defined as
any material or substance
which is:
1) designated a hazard
ous substance under the
“Federal Environmental
Response, Compensation
and Liability Act" (42 C S C.
9602), or its implementing
regulations; or.
:? a...
a c"j:
2) designated a hazard
ous material under the
“Federal Hazardous Materi
als Transportation Act” (49
U.S.C. 1801), or its imple
menting regulations; or,
.1) designated a hazard
ous substance under the
“Federal Water Pollution
Prevention and Control Act"
Old U.S.C. 1321 (b)(2)(A)),
or its implementing regula
tions; or,
4) designated a toxic
chemical under the “Federal
Emergency Planning and
('ommunity Right -to-Know
Act” (42 U.S.C. 1 1023 <c)>, or
its implementing regula
tions; or,
5) designated a hazard
ous waste under the "Fed
eral Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act" (42 U.S.C
0921 i, or its implementing
Miasma 14i
Shall t hr ASl '<) endorse and
adopt, and urge tin1 I' ofO
administration and faculty
to support, the following
pledge of social and environ
mental responsibility:
1 pledge to thoroughly
investigate and take into
account the social and envi
ronmental consequences of
any job 1 consider.
And shall this pledge he a
voluntary part of the Univer
sity of Oregon graduation
ceremonies in 1990 and
succesive years.
Measure #7
THER A, B, C, or I). Bal
lots displaying more than
one choice will be invali
Shall it be the official
policy of the ASUO to
endorse the following
option for enrollment in
the ASUO Student Health
Insurance Program:
ROLLMENT: Students
must enroll in the insurance
plan offered for and by the
Associated Students of the
University of ()regon.
WAIVER: Students covered
under existing insurance
policies comparable to the
ASUO policy will not have to
participate in the ASIJO
plan. Waiver criteria in
clude, hut are not limited to:
maternity and mental health
benefits paid as any other
condition, an annual deduct
ible no greater than that of
the ASUO plan, lifetime
benefits equal to or greater
than the ASUO plan. Mili
tary veterans, those covered
under Military Insurance
Plans, and Part-time stu
dents will have the option to
waive the ASU() plan.
Health insurance is manda
tory but a student may
waive coverage by asserting
they are covered under
another policy or have ade
quate financial resources for
medical expenses.
enrollment in a health care
insurance program will
remain voluntary.
Measure #8
Shall the University Coun
seling ('enter fee he in
creased by $1.50per student,
per term for a total of $4.00
per student per term to
generate an estimated addi
tional amount of $72,000 per
year (60r/ increase from
1989-90). This increase will
he matched hy additional
$72,000 from University
funds. The increase in funds
will provide fora full-time
start’psychologist to expand
services to special popula
tions (ethnic minorities,
international students, and
lesbian, gay and bisexual
students), three .4 FTK
(Full Time Equivalent i GTE
(Graduate Teaching Fellow)
positions to provide sub
stance abuse treatment and