grams, such as the ASUO Child Care subsidy due to the increased enrollment of single parents. Business programs such as Alpha Kappa Psi & MBA Associa tion continue to provide support for students major ing in the business. Last, but certainly not least the Ethnic and the Environ mental programs such as the BSU, CSA, MEChA. NASH. OSP1RG, USSA, &SAA, all of which give academic support for students but allow expression of cultural views aiming towards a diverse and multi-cultural University for everyone. If elected to the Inci dental Fee Committee, 1 will put forth the time, effort and contemplation necessary. I.F.C. (2-Year) DESCRIPTION: See IFC 1-Year. MICHAEL COLSON Hi, my name in Mike Colson. I’m running for IFC'. Being a student at the Uni versity for the last three years, I have been involved in a diverse array of campus and community activities. My experience includes: Democratic President's Advisory Council, Campus Election Coordinator for Congressman Peter Defazio, Internships with the Oregon State Police and University Office of Legislative and Community Relations. Presently I am enjoy ing my second year on the Residence Hall Governance Committee, for Hamilton Complex, as Treasurer and Secretary. As a member of I PC, I want to promote the groups that best serve the demon strated needs of the stu dents. Some of my priorities are: * Cultural Forum— concentrate on more speak ers and muti-cultural events. Wo deserve bigger and bet ter! * Journals of Opin ion—students rely on diverse opinions from The Emerald, Insurgent, Commentator, and Oregon Voice to lead debate and discussion on topics crucial to us all. ‘ EMU Child Care & Development—the changing face of our student popula tion (working parents & students) demands more accessible and subsidized child care services. I would appreciate your support and will work hard to accomplish my goals. TRAVIS GREEN No statement received TIM HUGHES It is obvious that this years’ IFC is in deep trouble. Between the resignations, confusion, lovv attendance, and lack of teamwork, we students stand a good chance of losing the IFC and our ability to control our own fees. 1 bring experience and stability to the IFC. Two years ago, I served on the Fee Committee, as well as the EMU Board. The year before that, I served as Director of GALA. 1 have a well documented record of public service to the campus community, and I want to continue that record next year. I bring a progressive political agenda with me, one that many students clearly want carried out. 1 want to fully fund childcare. I want to keep fees down, hut 1 do not believe the way to do that is by micro-man aging some student pro grams’ postage budget. We must take a hard look at the EMU and Athletic Depart ment budgets, who receive over $2.5 million of your fees. All students deserve to have their fees spent respon sibly, and 1 will root out any programs that rip-off stu dents. This time, vote with A.CUC - your heart. Vote for TIM HUGHES. I'll fight for your rights. VENCEREMOS! DON STULI To all students at the Uni versity of Oregon: The Incidental Fee Committee is responsible for the disbursement of 4.5 million dollars in collected student fees. This body of student government over sues the financial considera tion given to many campus related factions. The intrin sic value of these financial bases is to insure diversity among a broad spectrum of student interests. In short, the Inciden tal Fee Committee is respon sible for spending your money. As student, you contribute to many organiza tions, publications, and services designed to enrich your campus environment and your education at this university. In return, it is imperative that aH members of the Incidental Fee Com mittee strive to protect the diverse nature of our cam pus. Therefore, as an elected Incidental Fee Com mittee member, I will dedi cate my time to preserving an enlightened campus environment for the benefit of all students. I look for ward to serving on the Inci dental Fee Committee and working in constructive negotiations with an open mind and sincere commit ment. Because you care, vote for Don Stull. FREDDY VILCHES As Current Vice Chair of the IFC and after two years of serving on this board I feel I ahve gained the knowledge and experi ence needed to effectively represent the majority of the students on campus. In spite of all the turmoil on this year’s IFC, I have been a stabilizing factor and have tried to serve students in the best possible way. We are lucky on this campus that students control their own fees, and I want to make sure that we keep that power. I will ask the tough questions to the big pro grams that currently get the vast majoriyt of students fees and make sure that all programs spend students funds in the best interest of the students. I want to see student programs grow at a healthy rate and take their fundrais ing serious ly. I promise to continue the work that I have been doing for the past two years, to keep the fees down, elimi nate waste, and to make of this campus a more multic ultural environment. VOTE FOR FREDDY VILCHFS FOR IFC 2 YEARS. *The above statements have be printed as acu rately as possible and in the same manner as they were received by the Elections Board. No intentional attempts have been made to alter, cor rect, or rearrange any portion of any statement. BALLOT MEASURES: Measure # 1 Shall the Student Incidental Fee he established at $4.75 per student per term, (in cluding summer term) to generate approximately $253,500 to fund unlimited bus service within the Lane Transit District Service Area for all currently registered U of Ostudents for the 1990 1991 fiscal year? Law stu dents would pay $7.13 per student per regular semester and $4.75 per student for summer semester. Unlim ited bus service means U of O students may ride any LTD bus anywhere in Lane County, as often as de-sired, by showing the bus driver a U of O identification card vali- dated to the current