Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1990, Page 10, Image 10

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    positions on 24 student
faculty committees. Sti
pends for Senate mem
bers is $35 for 9 months.
Seat #1 - Graduates/Law/
The University is for
the Students. Why. then, is
it that we don’t have any
power? The administration
and state have the power to
override any decision made
bv the students. One ex
ample of this is the River
front Research Project which
was voted down several
times. Yet the administra
tion continues to push it
through. Another example
is health insurance. A man
datory plan will probably
voted down hv students this
April. However, the admini
stration and the state could
force it on you anyway in
upcoming years. St udent
votes are not binding.
I intend to make your
votes and decisions binding
to the administration and
state. As you st udent sena
tor 1 have already begun the
process—with your vote 1
can continue it.
Let your voice be
Vote for Chris Cellars,
St udent Senate #3
Seat #4 - Graduates/Law/
About a year ago at
this time, I had very little
idea about the workings of
student government. It was
also about that time that I
decided to run for this very
position: Student Senate
Seat #4. I ended up winning
that election, and have
served on the Student Sen
ate for the past year. As a
Student Senator, I learned
not only about the day to day
operations of the st udent
government, but also one
important thing about my
self: 1 can not be contented
remaining inactive in cam
pus issues. This is exactly
why 1 have made a differ
ence on campus. My only
goal for next year's Senate is
to continue to do just that.
Seat #5 - Pol. Sci./Roli
Int’l Stud./Asian Stud./
Amor. Stud./Geo.
The students of the
University of Oregon have
recently experienced pains
due to thi* cut hacks in hu
manities. As a major in
Political Science and a minor
in Speech (Rhetoric and
('ommunication) , I am
appalled. If elected 1 will
fight for tin* humanities and
push for the grievance al
ready under way by RHCM
Student Senator Tiffany
I am strongly against
the U.l.A.’s right to recruit
on campus due to their
discriminatory policies, and I
believe that the l' of O
should establish the Prece
dent followed by Princeton
and New York University in
barring that agency from
campus. If elected. 1 will
strongly support this pro
posal already facing the
St udent Senate.
The St udent Senate
does not have a fixed
agenda, and is what the
Student Senators make of it.
I plan to bring strong leader
ship to that body and make
it. a highly profound part of
the Student Government
here at the University of
Seat #fi - Sociology, Psy
There are many posi
tions in the ASIO and even
more candidates. What you
need to know is what makes
each candidate qualified for
their position. While experi
ence is important to a cam
paign and 1 have the experi
ence to he an effective sena
tor, I believe there is more to
a campaign than just the
positions one has held.
What separates me from the
other individuals running for
senate seat number six is
the belief in the importance
of my constituents, and I
want to make YOUR wishes
firm realities. Other candi
dates, after they are elected,
ignore their fellow students;
I, on the other hand, intend
to work FOR YOU. I know
talk is cheap. You have
probably heard this cam
paign promise many times in
t he past. So, in order to
prove that my claim is genu
ine, if I am elected. I will
hold two meetings a month
open to all Sociology and
Psychology students whom 1
shall represent. These
independent meetings would
give you a voice in the set
ting of the policies of YOUR
university. So remember, a
vote for Ron Colvin is a vote
for yourself.
If you have anv ques
tions contact: Ron Colvin
P C). Box 3775 (97403).
I would like to con
tinue to represent you by
serving as your 1990-1991
Student Senator. Having
served on the Student Sen
ate 1 am familiar with how
the Senate works. I under
stand the processes of stu
dent government and I want
to continue to play an active
and supportive role.
1 know how frustrat
ing it is to he a student and
to feel that you problems are
not being taken seriously
and 1 will work hard to see
to it that your concerns are
heard. It is my goal to work
hard to let students know
who their Student Senators
are and how we can help
them. I would also like to
continue striving for an even
more outstanding and en
thusiastic Student Senate.
Seat #9 - Business
“It’s nice to be impor
tant., but it’s more important
to be nice.” (Jessie)
Seat #10 - Business
No statement received
Seat #11 - CIS/Math/Phys
ics/Gen. Science
No statement received
No statement received
Seat #14 - AAA/PPM/Eco
No statement received
Seat #16 - Undeclared
“It will he a great day
when schools have all the
money they need, and the
Air Force will have to hold a
bake sale to buy a bomber.”
No statement received
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