_Inside_ ■ IFC candidates, Pages 4,5 ■ Campus events. Page fi ■ Track news, Page 16 ■ Softball returns home. Page 17 ■—.Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald W. April H 1 M'li) Ilu^enr ( Iri'Kmi Volume '11. \umhei 1 ,’H Panel discusses media coverage of Woods case B\ Stephanie Holland I merald Reporter Although journalists often have at. less to l.ti ts Imm public records. lhr\ should he sensitive to the puhlit when reporting this inlorniation. mi online to ,t panel held luesday on journalism eth it s "Yes real reporters make decisions based tm the heart. said panelist He bet (alone news director lor kK'/.l l\ I he panel also ini hided Tim (lleason. tniversitv assistant prolessor of journal ism Krit Mortenson. reporter tin /Vie Kegistci Cihinl: .uni I apt.iin I nn Kiri puhlit information ollicer lot the I n gene I’olit e I iepartment Ihe panel, sponsored In the 1 niversi tv's t hapter ol Sot ietv til I'roiessional lournalists discussed the news stones th.it arose last tall when III Kodnev Wood and Ins wile Nani :v Wood were i barged with prostitution in laigeue Ihe wealtln \eu 'link couple last Septeiuher ottered t'niversitv students cash to have M'\ with Nancy Wood while Kodnev Wood took pit lures and tape ret ortled the at is \ male Iniversitv student was paid .S.IO after he had sev with Nancy Wood In December. Kodnev Wood was found ileatl in Ins home New York po lit e saitl W ood apparently shot himself 111 the head Ihe entire incident received national and international attention, irotn l.u gene to the Woods Southampton lesi dent e on Long Island. New 'i oik and to (urn to Woods, Page 1 j Phiilci hv Vjii 1‘iinIi 'students mi I iicsil.n fimtested the imminent re turn ut nwnkex s tu the l nix ersitx \ Libs Group demonstrates against animal study Hv ( hris BnuiH'lt I mrr.ild \ ■>'.<>< i.Uf I ditnr \ hot it .'{I I niversitv students opposed In the impending lelurn nt prim.ili’S In campus lui invasive i'cmmii ii protested outside I hies! is I Kill I liesdaV Ihi'. is pri’llv tntic 11 .1 min-vlulrnt. peaceful wav nt i‘iini .itmg student', .mil tie i .rnipiis th.i! primal. . ,ne i tuning bail. said \ti mil a Seim a i a ul Students lui the 1-1 Kit a I Treatment id \ nun a Is 1‘rutesteis i allied signs man lied and i limited against animal n s. an h in their demonstration that lasted about III minutes I.\eu tlnm.il the rails via - peai ellll the I'tliveisilv tiiuk pie VentatlVe measures h\ plai mg a I anipus sei mats iitfii er at the ell tram e id 11 ties! is where a lit ma Is are kept 1‘nmat. reseati h is on. part id a three seal s 'll HIM! giant looking into hiain mei ham-ans that i untied .-h i live attention m humans I’ossihle he net 11 s liom the lesean h ulmh will deal inamh with human sublet Is im hide the development id new tei hmi|iies lot rehabilitating victims id i lused head injuries and other brain disorders \ i ilium t>l i\ to «* 11 * 11! m.H ,H|iir nmukcvs will hi* k t •}»t imi h vt-ai ill I tic 141,1111 unili'i tin- i .nr ill [isv< holog\ pioh-ssot Hit 11.1 rti Miirri Kin Hr,mi implant, will !»• nisurtftl into imi h tnoukus to stmK ,u liv11\ during si'lritnr attonlion nsuaii !i tin* inonkovs will lie killi'il to ili-ti-rmiti*t u lii’ii- ilic im(il,ilit', .in' In. .ili'il in tin' lii.iin St'UH'l l.i s.iiil Si I \ pi,ms to send nut lUi'ls di-si rilling lutilir .ii tiviiii", in tfll students .ilmut tin1 iftiirn ni mnnkiws .mil .ihout tin t \ j n- u! i I'M',m h lli.it will Hr pi-i lor lin'd VYe ruiil them In know th.it primate* will In' exploited mill siitleruig again .it I hi' I im orsit \ ." slic sail I Misha Dunlap iliri'i tor ol (hti/.eii- lor Animal Rights in I n gem- said In i group w ill wink low,ml edui ating pi'opli' on alti-i natives to animal resenn h 'VVu don't iM'lit-vi- (Mailman's irxearih) will slop Dunlap .ml \Yr want to gall) I'tiDUgh exposure that will'll thi• situation again. well Ii.iv, mori' pt*tip11* hi'hinii us to stop it lorn to Animals, Pago 20 Goodall shares story of 30-year 'kinship' with wild chimpanzees K\ Stephanie Mi‘n< inter fmernld Reporter lane < loodall know ii (or ln-i tlt-veur Held study id Alin.m < htmpanzees. showed slides .mil discussed her wink with .1 Kugene audit-n< e .it the I lull (.enter Tuesday night Speaking as d she were ilip ping through .1 family phi>to al lium (loodall tint ed the history ol one ol three ( hinipau/ee i ominunities in the Cloinhe \a lional Park in the interior ol Tanzania "( lumps hay e a history gist as humans do and 1 have been distiiu lly priv ileged to rec old the history of a culture yy ith no spoken or written language (loodall said (loodall said the primates have an unusual si>1 1.1I stnli lure marked by i lose bonds among family members Kni h 1 lump family is i harm terized by a unique i all ol u hit h (loodall did her oyy n rendition over the loudspeakei (loodall's narration ol tin slides illustrated the 1 harm lei 1stn s that most link chimpan zees to humans sin h as the im of tools lor "termite H.slung a Ii'( hni(|iir in ss hit li tin- i lumps list* H\ igs (u pull termites out ot small holes m tallen lugs I u studs t lumps is to sHiils the mots ol human helms 101 (amdall said ( lumpau/ees do not always disjilas the mstim list- behavior seen in lower animals Instead tiles learn I rum ohscrsation mm h like human i hildieu (iootlall said I ceding patterns and tool making ditfei in eai h t miiiiiu nils . often depending on the environment, and these deltas mis are passed on through gen erat iolls f ami (a II said Tool making is a form ol primitive i ulture (loud.ill said and "i himps use more tools than ans other animal t*v epl tor us Mans ot the slides showed the i lumps plas mg with each other swinging from trees and performing social grooming sshiih (ioodall tailed essential for good relationships ssitlnn the i ommunit\ Although most ol the slides ss ere ol humorous and endear mg primate hehas tor a teSs represented the daik side ot chimpanzee culture as ssell Melissa the matt tan h ot the ( )tirnj> t,1 ini 1 v portrayed m the slides, lost tun id he! children In 0(1,ill s.lid tile kill mg spree ended only u hen I’,is sion and I’limme both bei aine pregnant and had then own i hildren ( tin- olbei youth in the coni intinilv (iellv also died from abnormal ( a uses (iuodall said ( lells bad the potential to In i nine the ( nmmumts s doini mint male leader when lie was lulls matured t 'nlurtunatels when lie uus tour years old .i lese.iri her tinind him u ith tils head ( lit ntt (>i k >i ia 11 said she believes fils death had to do u ith ss it( h i rail u Ini b is u ide spiead in the area She said w it, b dm tors usual! V (lit oil the head (it a dominant male but because i a'tls was sin h .in unusual chimp lloodall believes the witch dm.tor took him tor his turns to ( lumps, Page 1 ~> Pholii h\ Ddtru K.ifil.i I tin t' (iinnl.il I. it hn s/wilt III i c.irs slinl i mu < liiiiii>.tn/ct's m Ihrir 1 hit .in vin iriiniiwnt, siiniin.in/nl lirr work In ,i I niirnr .nulirni r I'lirstl.n nii;lil.