Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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    S M OKI
II O I s I J
Now Open
Weekdays at I 1:30 am
$ l°o OFF ANY
* Smoked barbeque Chic ken
* Smoked Konst Turkey breast
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Offer CioocJ I Imi 4 1 2-90
14th & Alder 344 447 1
(T'X) I . I •'* ! h)
( ontinurd from P<ik»‘ I
when (ompared to Ins former
residence 111 llle \S est limi-rsi
l\ .him Most people lire pretty
mellow You have lo be re.uh
lo settle down when von move
lo re lire journalism graduate
student s.ml
A rer ent graduate from the
( alilorma I’olytei him al I ns! i
tute Miriam works in a sloi k
broker s offue while her bus
band attends i lasses I bis is
not urn ommon In most i (tu
ples onl\ one partner is a stu
rlent, she said One parent ol
ten stags home to take ( are ol
the kids, she added
This < an be a prirnar\ benefit
of married student housing
"I was able to watch my
daughter which was realty mi
port.nit to me Amazon resi
dent I isa Alien romlne said An
Ml \ student m i reative writ
ing Alien rnmbie had the op
portunit\ to sta\ In one and i are
foi her newborn daughter be
< ause housing w as i heap
\ber< romlne stressed that an
other benefit was the (lose
proMmiU to i ampus West
im reland looks nicer but \ttl.i
/.on is i lose to tile I ntveisity
she said 1 rule im bike to
Westmoreland resident Scott
Swanson is happy with what
In considers excellent bus sei
and a chance to form at
vu e
I ’p^radin^' your report card is easy
with a little help front Apple Macintosh
Its organization programs make study i
time more efficient than ever before. 1
And the Macintosh I mancinp Program,
.iv.ul.ihle .it the Mkroeomputer Support h.ih,
1 c.in let .myone rn.ike the yradc. So find
► out uh.it .1 M.iemtosh c.in do for you.
L Alter .ill, there's iluuvs nxiin tor
W improvement.
Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center
M-F 9 am - 5 pm 346-4402
(|iiaiiitaiH.f!s at the bus stop
You start netting to know
them." hr saiii of Ins fellow
bus riders
Most residents agree that the
t 'im ersih provided housing
forms i lose neighborhoods
Has leal lx overvonc's a student
nr a spouse ol a student 'i on re
real I \ sharing a common expe
rietu e." Abercrombie said
Hut while their experience
ma\ he the same students'
phut1 ol origin is most likely
not Nearlx at) pen ent of the
residents are international stu
dents a< cording to housing di
rector Kamov
A im gel exposed to a lot of
different cultures ” Norman
Norman said her < hildren
have learned to "respect other
people's wavs and not judge
them by our w as s
' It made rue see ms self i n a
new was from someone else's
perspet live ." she said
Nmazon resident and single
mother I lei k s I one also counts
the international influence as a
positive factor ' Ms son per
i eises it as normal lor people to
be from other countries " she
A one tune dsseller 111 the
southern Oregon wilderness
Long s shill from an isolated
log cabin in the woods to the
compact and populated \ma
/nn housing ssas a real turn
around, she said
"We re sort of anomalies."
she admitted of her past living
ari alignment
I let 1 'a) \ ear-old log i abin
linked running ssater, indoor
TUltlOn Continued from Page 1
n's are more expensive I niversitv i’re.siilent M\ les Hr,mil said in
a prepared statement
(It tile Si 1 million, the Cnivorsitv would ret oivo about
Stl.i.000 Sellers salt I
Ue will use the additional funds to improve out qualitv of in
strut turn at the t niversitv of Oregon anti ue will make sure that
mu (inant nil aid pat kages reflet t the additional neetls out students
mav have in light of this int rease." Hranti said
osr would ret eive $-tJ0.400. and I’Sl1 would renewe SilMUMO
I he lunds are allot uteti to the three universities based on the sizes
of their general and education budgets
1 be 1 percent difference is part of a proposal hi law Neil
l aildsi hmidt’s budget. Sellers said.
(aihlsi limidt s recommendation is for tuition to increase a pet
i ent above the level ot the live state t ollegos tiv 1‘ttld
(.ompared natinnallv with tuition rates at other universities. Ore
gon S S! bools rank somewhere in the middle. Sellers said
Compared with schools In the Western United States tuition
i,lies tor Oregon s schools are third lowest behind Colorado and
W ashington State, he said
I lie state s higher education board is si heduled to disi uss Hart
lett s proposal at its April JO meeting and muv vote on tile issue at
its |ulv JO meeting
Sellers said the board had expor ted Hartlett's request for tuition
I be issue the board will face is whether to approve Hartlett s
proposal tm the additional 17 percent for the state s three univer
sities. he said
Ducky Rubbers m
Brand Condoms
* Call to discuss
Brought >'<*u by3
Fowl timr — a division of
Wildlifr I’t-raonal Carr lYoducts
, * Banyan 'irec
I s S I I < I il '
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