_U n i versity_ IFC candidate stresses fair budgeting for student groups B\ (olio Andrade Emerald Reporter Helping student groups in < rease cultural diversil\ through equal distriluition o( nionev. is the main goal of 111< i dental fee t iommittee i andi date Ernie Brow n As the lilac k Student I nion director. Brown said he li.is an advantage over other IF( i andi dates he( ause he's heen on the inside and has seen how the svstem works "I've seen the mistakes it’s made and the positive things too.” Brown said Brown, a senior majoring in sociology, proposes several dif lerent «,ns to ensure fairness m the distribution proi ess I 11st In- i'in i>ui.1 u*1 - student groups to seek other me,ms ol lundmg in .id(lition to the II I "(.roups should tr\ to do more i re.itive tin.mi mg before approai hing the II I' with then proposals Ifrtm n said Senundly. brown said pre limmaiv tunding estimates foi tile two largest groups, athlet u s and the 1-All would help keep the II I within their budg ets "If vou i an do that \ mi ll have a good idea ot him unit h is left and won t have am prob leins with funding evervone he said I (I also like to sec w hat groups did m the past as far as bringing programs to the I 'hi versilv Broun said adding that tins will enable the III to provide more assistant e lor groups that are more at live than others He also proposes to establish a reserve so th.it the lit will aide to supplement groups that cannot i over unespet ted t osts : ir emergent ies llrou n saul the MSI had run into that problem earlier in the veur u Idle tr\ mg to bring a speaker in Due to the lit s deficit it was impossible to grant the HSI ' the Ul(ine\ tliev needed it group tills .1 spoukor li.mci or something also 11u■ \ u,uit to tiring to si hoot tlir II ( should bo itblo to toko o.uo ot it bo said llrinvn s.inl Ins tin.ini nil i|u.dific ,itions slom m.iinlv from bis position .is dirui tor ot tin* HI.ii k Stiniont I 'mnn I’.nt ot mv |ob ts to budget the motioN toi tb.it program brow ii said Humn is also social i li.nr man for Kappa \lph.i I'si. a bl.k k Irntemilv involved with tin- (tttii o ot \1iiltn uItnr,i 1 At fairs and i urrontlv organizing .i bl.u k gieok i mini il at tbo t in versilv I-.riiir llnm n Survival Center budget tabled Hv ( Jthi'rini1 tl.mlev l mer.ild \smh cite 1 ditor I'hc Ini iilttiit.il I r<- ( < mini it llT . L11 ( M ,Ill'll IHOIl! ill.Ill S1 (10 DIM) III four student groups Mond.iv mglil mid l.i lilt'd llir Suit i\,ii l ftilei 's budget proposal until more in lormation on llir t elite! 's hind mg ol llir Stinlfiit I/gt‘ill COM Id Ilf olll it I Ill'll IK kcNKU Survival * enlet members had requested money in theii budg rl proposal lo help p,i\ tlu-n shale ui i lists tin the Insur^rnl w hit li is published b\ a i oali tion id I im etsit\ student groups Although the li t voted eat ll ei this year to fund the Instil' lit'll! direilh Ulllt student lees Sun ival < enter i o direi.lur Matt Snider said that Ills group wished to continue to budget their own share ot publishing i lists In ensure t oveiage oi fit \ irotunentul issues "Ur want to maintain our autotionn to make mho out voh e is being heard -aid tin ,oi I loop. I.arth 1).»\ i ouidinator ,it tin- S11i v iv.il ( Vntri I towi'V i'i lit membei Paul \hem said that alloi ating mon os to tin- Surv Halt amlei foi the InsUffit'nl would increase the newspaper's budget ht'Voud the amount pieviousls approved bs ihu li t 'We have alreadv Itimled nini' issues ot the liisuigi-nl now tile Survival t'entei wants ilium's to give to the /1i''Ul'ili‘ill \heiii said I doll t teel |us tilled m gis jug them this mon es Attei some ills! ussioli li t members derided to table the budget request until linns il.iv's inreting uhi'M ,i Smvival < t,n!i i i rpirsenlafive t ,m pm vide .m i'ii mi.iP' (mm till1 I Hsu i /si‘itI ill Imu miu h it will cusi tin' paper bl'vnud Its budgeted amount In include tin- environ menial issues cm rragr tin- i cn tf! wants K.irlier in tin- r\ • in in: irpir si'iit.it i\ns Imm rln‘ I.'unmirntii Ini i i it H i/.rd tin1 11 ( im not giv nig tlirm udnqu.itr ilutu r ol thru budget healing ( jimmrnluloi rditm I'atrit k IVikms -..nd th.it tlir group was notified I i id.n. .dtri noon lh.it it would hr appearing .it Mon (1.1V s hndgrl hearing I’rlkllls added lli.it hr was unable to no tils publisliet rhiimas Mann until Stnidas I understand that the per sonnet problems have not been mm ii help In thf II I Mann Tin! Ur »' Irusti,ilcil thiil we kind ‘it gut t iiughl ll.il tooled nil this III Vice i hair I ii dih \ ill In's apologized ,mil cum milii i- membet ( Iti.Kt Benniun lUldi-il lh.il (.uinmrn/titui si,ill members iiiiild Iiti\i* 11• si ln>l idl'd iht'ii hearing d lhe\ had w islit'd lilt- III. allot ali'tl about so ion lu llif CmmnoDidlur to pa\ It a six, issues next vear S-’llll less than die publiialiun re< t'lVi'tl lo pa\ tin eight issues ilus \eai Mnutlav night s hugest alio i alum Weill In Legal Sen ices which received almost S I,Dill) aluiill a I pen enl Hit lease liver lids veal s budget In i ontinue providing students with legal guidance free t>! i barge. I ilmg a lai k ol funds the II I turned dow n a request from the \sl'() Mediation Program director (acquie (iilison lor a i pen enl salarv mist that (ul)son said would have brought bet pav to a par w ill) those of hei LETTER PERFECT Graphics TYPESETTING TYPESETTING TYPESETTING TYPESETTING TYPESETTING TYPESETTING TYPESETTING TYPESETTING TYPESETTING TYPESETTING PASTE PASTE PASTE PASTE PASTE PASTE PASTE PASTE PASTE PASTE UP • LAYOUT UP • LAYOUT UP • LAYOUT ' UP • LAYOUT ■ LAYOUT ' LAYOUT ' LAYOUT ' LAYOUT ' LAYOUT < LAYOUT • UP UP • UP 1 UP ' UP ■ UP ' DESIGN • DESIGN • DESIGN • DESIGN • OESIGN > DESIGN • OESIGN • DESIGN • OESIGN • DESIGN • CONSULTATION ' CONSULTATION CONSULTATION • CONSULTATION < CONSULTATION • CONSULTATION > CONSULTATION < CONSULTATION . CONSULTATION > CONSULTATION ' LAYOUT ' LAYOUT - LAYOUT ' LAYOUT ' LAYOUT LAYOUT • LAYOUT ' LAYOUT ■ LAYOUT . LAYOUT • l M( Mi HUAI l IIS, . 'M 346-438 1 pt'tMS He lot.dlv undrrst.ind tin* riMjtn -,1, viiii'u- mini' than t|ti.il dird. s.ud IH mt-mlii-r )nr Krvill Hill \\ i' rr slui k in I In position that vvr have no iniiri' lunds In alliM ah I hr 111 apprm ril a Si . (Mill 1111drI tm thr pimpum, ahnul a 11 pm mil u>. i t List visit * tMJNDERlAMP * :.Mt At » c 'M I'AH T If s ANO HIM T MOAYS 5/^WinFfl *U GAMES WORK V,,ULU WITMNICKHS GAMES ADMISSION I SO STM STRUT PUIIIC MARIUT UJGIRl • t>8J *4b« ^___ VOU CAN £/lr Spaghetti Every Tuesday PIZZA PETE’S 2673 Willamette INVOLVED. s.n pood In to st.mdmn, on tlv sidulinus On \ pi 11 I I. vou h.ur.n li.nuu to m.iku a diltoruiuu in a \ on, important uniwrsitv institution vour own l O Hook -too I o.ini inun■ ,1 bout it. pivu tis uun opinions ,md obsorv*itions, in >t,ind out m tin i iov.11 In .uuiouri. inn, voui noiiiin.itioii tor .in import.int board position L'O KOOKS I'OKl AWL AI Mil 1I\C, WiuliH'siKiy, April II .it 1:30 p.m. k Room 1.13, (.illu’rt Mali ■ Kc j'Mits I loin tin . i rpout u of In n ■ ( 'omnnnts hum |im \\ illums, (ii-ntisil Mounts i H C immuiits I ruin mrmbirs (shulints, t.u tilts siiuI stuff of l nis orsits of t fregon) H \ommnlions tor boo til positions llifir irill hr ii fur tlrnuinfor >2 > ).l)0 north of IK ) lii>ok>toi c gift rrrtifu ntr> for till iittciiihr>. UO BOOKSTORE Hth .uni kiiu.iui M I . '~>.i t 10 (Kid. 00 I’hoiu' V)i' l-'l