University— t'holo b\ Konirri khaled A//mini, dirvetur id the Muslim Student \ssoi iation. observes the sat red month ot Ramadan in the Islamii ( 'enter ot I ntone T G I S "Thank God it's spring1 However it is also a time when many ot the students of the University of Oregon think about their housing needs At pi IEASANT PAlvp the demand for housing skyrockets c» early as Sb4e <8ie now taking CtefSostfiond making resekbtii Which will be jrtments ^ ^ "Oft'o l .... Enjoy Jhis summeMn one of tbfrfeesmousing values inSpnngftefci *v •'<**•*' PHEASANT PARK X A 11 A IV I M f N T A \ DARRYL & TAMMY CRAWFORD 475 t INDAt l DR SPRINGFIELD OR97477 747 5411 Formally Ashiane Apartment:, With our Coursebook Guaranteed Program, you can rest assured knowing you won’t have to go to class empty-handed. 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UO Bookstore J46 4331 Muslim students fast during sacred month B\ Daralvn Trappc Emerald Contributor Muslim students .it the I adversity are i intently observing the s.H led month ol H, In tasting e,u It (lav from sunrise to sun set and donating money to the poor Ramadan is the ninth month ol the Islamii i alendar and is i onsidered a < ornerstone of the Islamic religion In the Islamic belief, it was during this month that the proph et Mohammed rec eived the Koran (the sac red test ot Islam) from ( aid through the angel (..iliriel.' said junior hhaled A/zouni. a na live ol Saudi Arabia who is now the direc tor ot the Muslim Student Assoc iation at the I adversity During the month of Ramadan. Muslims "do not eat one gram ot food or drink even one drop of water from sunrise to sunset for 10 d.iv s ' A/./ouni said I asting is an exert ise in self c ontrol If a person can exert ise sell i ontrol in this area, then it helps til other aspec Is ot life." said giaduate student All Siddic| all MSA member. I hose who are ill and women w ho ate pregnant or nursing are not rec|utrt*d to last, hut are expected to observe the .10 days at a different time during the year The purpose of the fast is to "make every Muslim feel the same, that there is no different e between us Whether ric b or poor, e.a b Muslim must parfit ipate the same." A/./ouni said Him ause tile Muslim t.ommuiiilv around the world is made up ut sii mam different nationalities, there is a need to have a time that stresses unity Muslims make up one lourlh ot the globe I here are many different nationalities involved It is not a nation alistii |religion) It is a global one A/./ouni said I he last is also meant lo remind Muslims that there are people thrum; In it it the world who t an not afford food Muslims are eiu on i aped lu donate money to the pool throughout the year but dona lions an emphasized during Ramadan It is a time to think ol the poor and the needy lo think of those who i anno! eat " Az/ouni said The Muslim students at the t'niversitv donate money to local olgamzations 'or to lot a I poor families. unless that Muslim is pool Then they are the ones who rei (live aid A/./mini said When the 1(1 day last is completed, the three day festival of I id begins It is one of tun major Islamii festivals during the yeai Muslims rvlio live in the Kugene area u ill i elebr.ite Kid begin ning April J ' at the Islamii (Kentei of Kugene Mam students who are active in the MSA also participate in activities at the Islamii ( enter Mthough there are approximately 0 million Muslims in the t inted States Az/.ouni believes it is one ol the most misunder stood religious m the i ountry I haven't hit ed any prejudii e here but sometimes people ask harsh i|uestions It is due lo an igno rant e of the Islamii i u It lire. Az/.ouni said Along with questions about the Islamii religion. Muslim xtu dents ale sometimes asked about Issues ill the Muslim i (immunity especially about the Palestinian struggle in the West Bank Ninety three percent ol Palestinians are Muslim In the Is la in it heliel the issue of Palestine is more an Islamii issue than a politii al one It loncenis all Muslims because (one ol tlit* 1 holy shrines is in area ” Az/ouni said We feel that Palestinian human rights were not. lor the most part presented truly and honestly (by the media), so it is our duty to highlight the human rights ol Palestinians from an Islamii pel spei live Az/ouni said \zzouni praised the l hiiversity for being rei eptive to the Mils Inn ((immunity MSA lias a yearly exhibit ol Islamii culture art and human lights issues 1 he group also sponsors guest lei lures and films at the I 'niversitv I be turnout is always great It helps raise awareness at sin h an inlellei trial si bool. Az/.ouni said Although there are more than tut) Muslim students at the I in yeisily and the Kugene area is rei eptive to the Muslim i (immunity Niddiq said it is still quite different from celebrating Ramadan in lus home i ountry ol Saudi Arabia 1 prefer Ramadan at home be said There everyone is m the same situation everyone is fasting It s a different environment here, but a person gets used to it TERIYAKI ALLEY Tofu Vegetable Stir Fry With Rice Large S3.50 Small S2.50 1306 Hilyard • 345 9555 We Buy Quality • Stereo equipment • Video recorders • PA amps & mixers • Portable color tv's "just 2 block-- from cnmpu' Stereo Workshop 1621 E. 19ih 344-3212 M F 9 6. Sal 10 2 S__