Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Ltha Ta^S<$
f I .rrfVsy
! otters
Arnorteans have .1 special
pl.ii e in their hearts toi I lit- un
derdog. as Oregonians have im
then independent minded pm
neei 1 am learning something
about both as I 1 ampatgn tm
the Republican nomination im
1 eame to Amerir a a ipiar
leu enliin ago. a great beiievei
in tiie Amerii.an dream Ke
member how people used to
sav that unvbod\ could grow
up to lie President licit was
bow it was when i arrived in
Portland in Pints idealislu as a
young divinitx student t ould
|oda\ that idealism 1 ontm
lies to compel me to serve As
my business efforts grew sui
1 esslul 1 had more to give i
made time for t me allairs, and
was rewarded with leadership
pi ists
At tile peak of nn career I
find mvselt Inn k at the starting
point I am exi ited to be the
longshot. but wonder what
happened to take the great spir
it of the impossible dream aw a\
even beet) fought, President
Hush has promised tt> bust a
tundratsei iia I)iivc ! iuhnmav
or! How awkward it wifi be lot
nn' to vvin'
Hut that's |iisi w bat 1 intend
to (io As my stall and I start to
oriss < mss tin1 slati' this work
ivi' w ill bt' bringing you a mi's
sage that balances the value nt
II adit ion with tin- pow el ot eu
trepri'tieurial skill ()ur pro
grain is developing Our team
is growing We ask you to join
ns We invite your input And
w e \ able your support
|nhn k lain
gubernatorial i aildnlate
Hr the time w e get to i ollege
we generalh have some ideas
about what we want to pursue
III tills life W e all w .ilk (low I!
"different mails it vou will
We. obviously have our opin
ions about different issues, 1 e
abortion, (diristianity nucleai
testing, ell
I y*. nuld like lo comment chi
Christianity I hree years ago 1
he.ml th<■ message ( liri'.t
brought to earth in a re ay th.it
yyas unbiased b\ mm ielal mis
( Oil! Cpt |UIV. l'lll- ItlCSS lgl‘ W .is
told to ini' tin' \\ is it was w 1 11
ton in tin1 Bibb' Christ brought
us an tin 1‘i‘ilibh* message ot
lose peace unity; ihi' things
so main ol us an- pursuing
I ni writing because I realize
that Christians have made mis
takes in the past and u ill prob
ably make more in the future
As individuals who were given
tile ability tuchoose naturally
yye y\ill all make pom choices
sometimes I hope this does not
i lose peoples minds to ( lirist
and the yyouderlul message lie
brought Many people say that
they are ( hnslians but actions
speak loudei than words
(Tins! set an example I
yvould encourage you to read
about it ill tile \eyy Testament
and make yoiii own "educat
ed ( boll e ( aid bless John
Darrin Heeh
\u )\l > s i ((K’l H (,M I K'!) A> S
Phad Thai
Thai Fried Noodles
( [)\t.n1 s Si xf (i > ( 11( < > Hi ii.tk*lt>rr
;r‘» i niii 11 ?-jh !j
Disney and Looney Tunes
Cartoon Character Collection
• f- un ■■ Unique Clothing
ml,ints thru adults
• Toys
• H .•.:(<
r.'HARACrffll i ss
• Stationary •.
Paper Products
• Jewelry
• N '.'Itv Items
45 P Division Ave.
In the Santa Clara Square
jaoa sia
j )lvR]c5 L >’ 1 IA<*
^ i f * > K
Don 1 worry your little boy s somewhere
in our service department -- but let s
move on and check out the TD500 "
__ Oregon Daily _ _
CO Bo* 1I5» hn<i» Orrg'Mi V740*
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through * nday
exam *ee* and vac abons by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co
University of Oregon Eugene Oregon
The Emerald is operated independently of the Universd, with offu.es
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ATTENTION: Musicians, Writers, Artists:
^ Unique opportunity to u.ork on your .»rt. cruft, hobby, magnum opus, 01
masterpiece for the summer in the beautiful Pacific Northwest On us Is
land resort offers work exchange at its seaside cafe beginning June 1 r>
through Labor Day Duties include food preparation, wait help, cooking
Catering for special groups, dishwashing, or gardening
Exchange room and board for 30 hrs wk (straight exchange) or 40
firs wk (with small stipend) II preferred, work in management, house
keeping, or maintenance (or any combination of the above were flexi
^ Resort is located on quiet side of the island (3 hours north of Seattle by
car and ferry) Kayaking cycling, hiking, camping, hot tubs and sauna
all on premises nearby (treat food, lots of interesting people, beautiful
environment Come help us and well help you have a great creative
summer June lf> through I ubor Day Only ten spaces open
Please send letter of introduction (background, your art form, and
your preference for exchange) with SASE no later than May 1 to:
Artist’s Exchange (Attn: Don Brown)
Doe Bay Village Resort Star Route ••■86 Olga, WA 98279