National Ryan White remembered for his positive influence AR< ADI \. Ind i AIM Ryan A\ hit. was remembered Mondav is .1 1 mir.i genus young niiin whn inspired under standing about AIDS and as a dedtt ated student wild was a positive intlueiu e on Ills si hoolmatos The (lag flew at hall stall outside Hamilton Heights High School, where the 18-vear old AIDS vii tun had lound friendship and at t ept.ini e alter a long legal battle to attend puhlii school White, a junioi had attended classes ,is retenth as two weeks ago. said I’nnt i pal Steve Iiillon I think one ol the most important lessons 111 \ students and myself 1 an learn from Rvan is the lad that he never gave up a ver\ courageous young mail," he said "lie very much wanted to he at .school lie was very much a lighter And I think every one ol our lives is go mg to he a lot better tor knowing Rv.m and part it i paling in his last three soars.” the priiu ipal said during an im proinptu news conference outside the si him! before the start u( < lasses Whitr lin'd Sutidns .11 K11 * • \ Hospital lur ( ill 1 Id re 11 m I mi iii na pul is 10 da vs ,1! ti'i In' \\iis ,n1111 itlfd with ,111 AIDS ridat nil lespirntors inleilion Ilf ding inisi'd w illi .11 i|tiin>d imimiiif drtn ifiit \ sviidrnmi’ yt'iirs ago having run tlai tfil tlir dtsi'.isf from blood products to Insit his hemophilia I In- teenager .ltd.n ted atten turn during Ins sui 1 csstul light to .itli'iul si hnol in Ins hometown ot Kokomo and fUiiTgcd is an international spokesman tin ihildifii suffering from \II)S lie is 1 ri'diti'd with blithering understanding ot thf disease its devastnt 1 ug fllfi Is and I Ilf lights ot its sufferers His contribution to AIDS awareness was remembered night with ,1 1 andlflight s 1 o 11 on Monunu'iit ( in If 111 downtown Indianapolis attfndfd hv a!unit a) pfoplf I think K\ an Hindi* a big dillereiH e said Kevin Inhnson. an AIDS orgaiu/a tion volunteer who attemh'd the vigil and w hose best friend has tin- disease \ funeral was pi.innril Ini Wednesdav .iml was likeh tn hi' attended hv Mi i Ii,n-1 |m ksui; vv hu huil belt tended While .iml other 1elehnties \l till' Whitt’s laketnmt hmiir .ihiiilt 'ii mill's north of indiaii.ijiolis a l ord Mustang |.11 kmhi ist'n While was ji.u ki'd mi tin- lawn v% ■ 111 .i flonil .u inngemeti! in front o! it I'olu e jinn idl'd si*i imlv |ni kson .md di'velopt’i lion.dd I rump traveled In tin- home on Sutidai In i on sole le.nine White the teen .liter's moth ei .mil sislei \ ml re.i White ■■ t.ilhei W.nne and Ills mother are divnri cd tame Van Uvke a spukeswnni.iii lor Mrs White said Mond.iv She's gi lev ini; She wanted to tin In gel some sleep last mi’ll! lodging h\ the w.n I 1 an t get through this morning |on the phone), that might not have happened \t the si liool a feu miles anal the .id students relumed Mnildus altei a week long sjirmg break and were ion (muted In news reporters and jihotogru pliers Ihr media urn* not allowed unto school property I iittnilion (uninty sher itt deputies eM orted Miilir students into the I>111itif11^ \t an assemble .it tin* start ot the school day Dillon told students they wen* v\ **11 oinr to attend thr funeral I hr ( iiinoi .Hum concluded with .i moment ot si!en< r he said Ky .m u .intrd it vri \ low key and vvr re y^oim; to keep it low key anil have school as normal as possible today l hilon said \ttrr White won his ( ourt h.ittle to at tend st iiool in Kokomo, hr and ills tain i!\ tr It mu ointoi table m that iit\ md moved to 1 ii no. .Ill miles away in I'M I lis death rltt itrd sy mpatliy in his h M iner hometoyy n It s .i ternhle tidin’ I d hoped Imm the hey* minin’ he could have hern the lust to w hip i! said 1 )an ( !artn w ho was hoard president at Western School ( orp when Ryan was harmed from i lasses I here New HIV diagnosis research I’OKTI.AND | AI ’ | Kpdope ln< has sec med t l' S (i.itiiil for .■ diagnostic process u (m I) would determine hi weeks rather than monllis. it kb. 4. 35 • FABRIANO 90# COLD FRLSS i. \ > km . 1.50 M 11 K ux^ 'HiUX i »H 30% OFF ALL WATER COLOR PADS © Strathmore GRUMBACHEK Qorilla SKftCHES ORL'MBACHLR "ACADI MY" lVlil WA1LR COLORS (!.' ! I O/i 1-45 WINDSOR & NEWTON COTMAN TUBE WATER COLORS i! OZ.HOS I W'l >ARD( ( M ( M\S • R1 ( \l X "INI I N-l i i 'I i. M;' • Kh . 2.35 1.60 WINDSOR & NEWTON “TRAVELLING” WATERCOLOR SETS • \l< I 1SI IHK Kl 1 li( >X ii 11.25 • UMMAN I II I P SKI K. II I it ' X 44.45 iiQiirix ■?' IMU >H-.SS!ON.\I \V \ I I RUM.OKS UO-Bookstore 13th & Kincaid MF 7 30 6 00 SA r 10 00 6 00 346 433 1 ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPARTMENT