Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1990, Page 16, Image 15

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    Greek giving
\lrinhrl-> III I lll\ els’t\ I r.i! rl II i I It", .Uhl sororities I,list'd .S'.’. / ~>0 till rill# (ilfrk IhlYS
I ‘I (in ill l,' The ll)Ollf\ Will hr tit limit'd III I I Izmir's /./trs.ncrs law id, lilt III .mil I ririuls
Ini h.illn l in,ml ,i l‘l Yt'HI old mnlllt'l w hn ll.is Irilkrnu.i l ilt iilnnr\ w ill llilltl htnir
iii.iimw It'sls lor iHitrnti.il blood plasnm dtmors
I’hnlii In Mark '> It'll
j^jColor ^
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25 sheets
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25 sheets
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Stock Up Now!
890 E. 13th • 342-3456
Across from the U of 0 Bookstore
Slrtitch your dollars
by using coupons from
the Oregon Daily Kmerald.
IFC budget hearings
held on Wednesday
Mi l l l\t ;s
People interested in working
as poll-workers m tlir ASCO
ehx linns should attend .1 man
_Kt als_
dator\ meeting todav al -4 (0
p m in Room 22 I Allen
Ini idental Fee Committee
Will hear budget requests tie
night at 7 111 m the I Ml Board
Room for the following groups
• MIX 111 A
• Student Bar Assoi ialion
• I 'niversiu I healre
• It) Song .mil I lam e
Sni lolngv ( luh meets tonight
at 0 111 Room 714 I’ll' Anvone
interested m six iologs is un it
ell to tl111*11(1
Prime I one from the ( nnipus
Crusade for Christ will he held
tonight at 7 4(1 111 Room 1 to
Students tor Baile\ Stii kel
will have a general meeting to
night at 7 40 in I All (4'ilar
Room I
\ meeting to evaluate the
Neiada l est Site at tion \lli .In
ai free Zone and participation
111 I urth Week will he held to
night at 4 at the koinonia ( ell
tin 14 14kim aul St
I lie follow ini* volunteer op
portunities anil mine ,nr avail
.iblf In calling ilic Volunten
( Ioiiium linn at 58 1 nnou
• Ollier worker tom hums a
week for Shanli m Oregon In
uilvi'i basil ottii f wmk sm li .is
reception, typing and mailing
SUM l.l I.A.MK H S
Its lull* resting Imt is it
\eus:'" Ibe title ..t ,1 panel
illsi ussion about tbe news cm
er.ige ol the Rodney anil Nant \
Wood prostitution case tonight
at ~ in the IMt Walnut Room
I’art n ipating m the discussion
\\ ill he ( apt Tim Dirr. public
informal inn off it nr ti ir the Ku
gene I’nln c Department. Tim
Cleason. associate professor
from the S< hool of journalism;
Knc Vfortensen, Rt'i;istrr-Cii,mi
reporter; and Rebel i a l'orc e.
RK/.I new s direi lor
Applications tor the Creek
Indorsement Committee are
available in I Ml' Suite a tile
are due tonight at a
Incidental lee Committee
candidates will answer ques
lion- m .in open forum selling
tonight at r III in the KNU ' Hen
binder Room Individuals and
organizations are eni ouraged to
Public f orum on Public Safe
tv w ill be held tonight at 7 at
the llugene Conference Center
at the I ugene Hilton The lo
rum will discuss the new De
purtment of I’uhlii Safety's
long range plan for commumU
relations i'uhlii comment is
w i h ome
\ workshop on applying to
graduate sc hoed w ill he held
today at t ;itl p m in Room tli-t
( Iregon I lall
A ( ll-KOM tutorial on tin
tile Ml A hihliogiaphv Iliti'r.i
lure .iiiil language) database
will lif held today .it 1 !l)
|> m in tin- Referent e I fepart
infill ol I lie K night l.ibr.irv
KKMA Campus Radio will
lie holding an inforni.itmil table
today and Wednesday trulli tt
a in In t to p in in the I All
1 islilHiwI lobby
Powerful ( iti/enship Kdui a
tion is the title nt a workshop to
lit held today nt i to p m in
Room I.{7 Education by Stu
dent Campaign for Disarrna
me lit
Ml IK and \SI <) Presiden
tial i undulates who wisli i- hi
considered by the Creek I n
dorsement Committee should
submit applications in kAll'
Suite i In '> p m today
fMafce Somebuntiy ‘Jiappij
‘This ‘Easter Season
VVV invite you to come into the
lit) Bookstore ami choose from
our wonderful Spring Collection
• Beautiful Cards
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• Jelly Beans
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’ Cute Stuffed toys
• Easter Books
1.3TH AND KINCAID (PH. 346-4331)
MON-FRI 7:30-6:00 SAT. 10 - 6:00