Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1990, Page 15, Image 14

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'Obsessive/Retentive' items on display in EMU Gallery
Bv Julie Dei ker
Emerald Contributor
The KMl' (iallen is ( urrentb
cluttered with objects likely to
be passed by at .1 garage sale
(Hass cases are tilled and glit
tering with the odd and unusu
al, overflowing v\ ith i ollei lions
ol things few others have
thought to keep.
“(tbsessive Retentive
Things People Col lei t." on dis
plav through April Id, features
the collecting obsessions ol
people in the cnmnuinit\ but
w ith .in unusual tw ist
Will White, co-direi tor of the
I Ml ’ Callerv . said the idea be
hind the exhibit was "to take a
light hearted approat h to how
and what we see visually by
showing what people have."
l'he purpose ot tin' exhibit
is to express dilferent opinions
m vvluil people liiui . i p j it ■, 11
ini' " W hite s.iui
\blll\ people have S,|\ ed
tilings for years. tilling shelves
and shoe boxes with items that
seem to have no real use. blit
\ et i annul be throw n awav
The peiiple part n ip.it me in
this exhibit, however, have nut
onlv kept these unusual oh
jet Is but he\ e sought to gain
more ot them. moating a i idiot
lion tew others ran claim to ilu
[ilii ate
"Obsessive Ketentive” otters
these people the f ham e to
proudly show then < ollei lions
and to gain an audience, where
before v iewers of these collet
lions ina\ have been limited
In the gallerv people gather
to gaze at lill Mulholland s i ol
let lion ot ( lilt keu ot the Sea
dishes lined up side by side A
si hool of tln'si' colorful .n|iiatu
dishes shines on the platform
w ith new touin( ulorv . j>nuni to
hr ic< ognizeii as ohjiM ts of val
lie .mil ilistini turn
Another item now rareh seen
ness of hone\ liees overflow
from their hive filling ev
er\ (Oilier .111(1 ever\ ittt fl with
these stuped inset ts Despite
r.ist .imnunts of such lni/./iim
ohjet fs. lilt lulled is .1 until e
‘The purpose of the exhibit is to express
different opinions in what people find ap
pealing. ’
Will White
and probably very seldom «<> 1
Ice ted is Doris Day albums Hut
tlit-ir existence is validated by
Lisa Heaves nostalgii ( ollec
lion Scattered across thf gal
lory shorn asr. the smiling Dor
is 1 lay reappears on ear b ol the
numerous albums apparently
looking not just for viewers
but tin potential listeners as
I lay id I enley s c.ollei turn tea
lures another well known tig
lire although this one goes
bar k ey en further than 1 Ions
Day Objects featuring the ley
able I lay y t roc kelt adorn this
shoyvi ase s shelves Pit lures
books and other memorabilia
make up this shrine like rollei
tloll dedliuted to tuoi kett and
Ins t.Oonskina apped fans
( 11 her lovable r harm ters I a
i ome favorite collec tables for
people sue h .is Kenny Dili
w ho ini hides Ins i ollection of
Smurfs in the exhibit I his oh
session resulted in the reten
tion ot multiple figures and
piei es featuring tfie cartoon-in
spired c matures m blue
Someone identified only as
Bee Bee Head displays a c ollec
tion ot honey bees Various ob
lists decorated with the like
C ontmued from Pam* <>
different e immediately
"There’s tons of kids, fie said
"I! was unusual Ihh ausc I
hadn't been around kuls for a
w bile
Abercrombie said the number
of resident i hildren expands
normal quiet hours Due to thin
walls neighbors must maintain
a c ertain level of respei t for
eat h other's privacy, she said
"We re realls quiet out of con
sideration so kids can sleep
Thin walls are just one of the
aspects of married student
housing tfi.it residents see as a
draw fiat k
Crime is a more serious con
Main tenants have had bii v
cles stolen and Swanson noted
that his car was broken into
Norman confided that she was
sexually assaulted mi uni' in i a
Mini ami tli.il iit-r liuiiif was
liu r 14 la 11 / i 'll within tin1 Inst two
hours she was thi-ri*
You ha\ i' In In' vt'r\ i iiii'tul
here. Norman salil
Hut other ri'siili'iits are less
adamant about their i mu ern
lor s.detv
I'll s.n we re pretty safe my
self.’ Westmoreland resident
Swanson said
Resident turnover, though
expel led, is another aspei I that
tenants bemoan
"The downside is a lot of
turnover People coming and
going. Kedginald Abercrom
bie said
Although the fai es in the
neighborhood t hange. their ex
pei tations and situations re
main basically the same
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th.lt Hit Hit I ll'.lll Is lo()hllll>
till linin'
Miii h l.irvt**i th.m insci ts m
.11 tu.il size. hut similar in the
size ut their < ullri tions. .in'
Nt.irs 1 H.isti'i 111[ipi>s I his
(ivuisi/i'it iii.imm.il milieus post
i'is i arils i ups ami iiioit ami
represented m niini.iturr
with numerous stuffed animals
imitating this spare toothed .m
Will Whitt' uu I mil's Ins own
i oilet tint) <il the mill .mil mi
Usual tills illlt' Ill.ldr 11J» ill .III
vertising .mil IV memorabilia
I'his i iilh'i tmii mi hull's |ctstin
Inin libnses Kmi.ilil Mi I lim.ilil
tiguies .1 Nine l.ivcs balterv
bank [ill lures nf the \ I'e.iin
.uni iitlier iihiei Is reminiscent
nl I.H.HI lie i iHllllien i.ll 11v41H i
.mil telex isiini hems
I lie mill anil timisu.il lines
lint end there \Ish im hided is
\rIeiii• limeri s |.id n■ k iti hen
x\ .ne Stun .in tli.i he Vine's < .mi
era i id lei t mu Lois Merritt s
i i ix ered animal dishes Marx
hull Hepner's car'nival glass,
Scott Morrell's insulators.
I’hvhss I Vaughan's cookie
jars Hernii e /.igler's egg cups,
hli/abeth ( alius indi\ iillial
(«•! 1 ii molds .111(1 Ho U lilts
Milk Mottles ol 1 Jreguii
I liis obsessive retentive ills
play ot tine iiinmim r.ollei tibles
in.ikes .i tun and light hearted
exhibit ( )h|ci Is seldom seen
and rarely i oiler ted are proud
l\ featured and deserve to be
viewed and celebrated for their
unusual nature and valued not
tot then inherent pint e. hut toi
their oddness and originality
These objects hint gloi\ in the
simple tai I that the\ were not
thrown awns Instead they
were saved and sought and
call now dei orate gallery walls
and shown nses
( thsessIS i ■ Ketenl IS e
Tin tigs People I oiler t is on
display in the I Ml ( .nllery
t hri nigh \pril 1 I
Run for a position on the
UO Bookstore Board of Directors
EXPERIENCE can make the difference in getting .1 job. I lore's an
opportunity to gain valuable experience to succeed in today’s tough job
market. He on the Hoard of Directors for an established corporation
your own University of Oregon bookstore.
Run for a seat on the U( > Hoard of 1 >irectors .ind BE INVOLVED in
guiding an important campus organization for the future The Hoard
members attend monthly meetings, and receive a $30 00 stipend per
These 2-year positions are open for full-time students and faculty:
• 1 Student-At-Large Position
• 2 Sophomore Positions
• 1 Graduate Student Position
• 1 Eaculty-At-Large Position
• 1 Classified Staff/Management
Nominations for board members will be taken at the
Wednesday, April 11th at 3:30 p.m.
Room 133, Gilbert
The Annual Meeting agenda will include reports from the Board Officers and a
State-of the Bookstore address by Jim Williams, General Manager.
There will be FRLL DRAWINGS for $255 worth of UO Bookstore
Gift Certificates for all who attend
For more information, please contact Jim Williams at 346 4331
13th and Kincaid M-F 7:30-6 00 Sat 10 00-6 00 (Ph 346 4331) SINCE 1920