Community Dinner, auction will benefit women's shelter By Pat Malaih Emerald Reporter Dinner, an auction and .1 chance to own an lBlh K) operating budget for lire shelter is $201,000 I'iltv pert ent of budget comes from federal, state and local governments 12 pen.ent comes from the l niledWav. .to peri ent t nines from individual t ontributions (rut hiding the am lion) and H peri ent i nines from room and board paid by the residents It.inks said she hopes to raise $20,000 at Saturday s am turn "Kvcn il we real h our goal of $20,000. we will still be operating under a budget defii it of $10.000 for the fiscal year ending June to 1000 The auction is estremeU important to the continued opera lion of the shelter. Smith said ' ll is about one eighth of our to tal operating budget It is tremendoush important to us Hanks added that last year the shelter raised $15,000 at the am tion. but tins year’s donated merchandise eu ends last year s "We have over 250 items this year." Hanks said Some of the merchandise for auction Saturday includes a new i ar. a Ifonda si outer, a mountain bike gift < ertificates to In in! restaurants, vacations to plates like the coast and Sunriver. main antiques and 1,000 thirty-second advertisement spots on lot al telex ision station KK/.I The am tion and buffet dinner will lie held at the lurgene Hilton The doors to the "silent auction" will open at b p in and the dinner will begin at 7 p m The am tion is si lieduler) to begin after dinner 1 u kets for the event are $20 Advance reservations can be made bv i ailing hav Van N'oriw ii k at -Ilia 5870 NCC_ Continued from Page 1 through the University, lie s.iid. The enrollment this year is 2.'t:i, an ini rease from last year but "still a matter of concern." Womar k said In 429 stu dents were enrolled. Womack's expectation is "that a vigorous campus com munity will continue to grow." Until about IS years ago. NCC drew about HO percent of its student body from congrega tions that had historically sup ported the college. Now the number from these congrega tions is down to about -40 per cent. w ith the rest belonging to denominations "across the board.” Womack said "Wo see ourselves as a col lege that welcomes students from a variety of churches," he said. In addition, a goal is to in crease recruitment of interna tional students, Womack said \\ hoa' It's The Killer Hus From Plane! V (ircal movie1 I saw it It) times one meht T H t R t AH f O V F R . WOVIt IH{ ATERS AROUND HERE YOU CAN GE T TO t V l R Y ON f O N T M t BUS EHEE VAl ID U OF O STUDENT I D IS A BUS PASS FARE FOR T M F T F R M i N C l U 0 i D 'N STUDENT INCIDENTAI F fc E S PROVIDED IN COOPERATION WITH ASSOi A T f D STUDFNTS U N I V f R S I T Y Of OR f G O N FREE SEMINAR BARBRI IS THE FASTEST GRO WING TES T PREP A RA TION SERVICE IN THE NATION LSAT • GMAT * Low Introductory Prices ‘ Taught by Attorney's & MBA's • Take Horne Tapes with Practice Exams ‘ Guarantee: score in top 20% or take next course free (Deposits with competitor s apply to Barbri tuition) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11th 5:30 pm. Gilbert Hall #336 ta/6rr Professional Testing Center 1 -800-726-EXAM I f 7 TEH PERFECT Well do your camera work! Transparencies* Reversals *PM T's *Halt tones 300 Erb Memorial Union, 10 00-1 00 M-F i4<> 4 i« I