_Community_ NCC optimistic about 'new era' Diversification key to gaining more students By Hon Walker Emerald Associate Editor The first time lames Womack saw the inside of .1 building at Northwest (Christian (College was in 1961. when he was i limbing through .1 < Impel w in dow to listen to a friend play .1 song on the organ Womai k was a 1 'Diversity student at tile time, and he thought he was entering a building on the University campus Shortly afterward however, he hei ante a student at N( (' Today, he is the col lege president Womack is not the only l :ni yersity student who has been unaware of the "other" four year institution in southeast Kugelle In a two bloc k parcel adjacent to the t hnversity cam |)us, \( \ ' convey s a quietei more modest attitude With \( It ‘s lltotli unmver.su r\ not far away. Womack said he is oplunistii about a college that is rebounding from years of dec lining enrollment and ti mine i its HUIth anniversary. is r\i>aniliny it firoyr.ims .mil offering; more liher.il .ills < losses I,ist I.ill .It \( it IS ,111 .11 I (“llTill wl adult edui ation i nurse in managerial leadership, in whic h c redit for two years ol study i an tie i ompleted in |iist ox ei a year \c adeniii Dean Song Nai Khee said it is common tor \( it students to < ombine ministerial training with a t'niversity de gree and in rei ent years \(.( lias expanded its own course ollerings as well Some students may prefer (tie atmosphere of a smaller cam pus or they may not net essari ly seek an emphasis on miuiste rial training "What rye are try tog to do is to offer a limited number ol liberal arts degrees to out students lie said ()ne example is the recent ad dition ol an inlen ultural stud ies program Previously. \( it ottered a i ross cultural ministry program that prepared students for over seas missionary work The in ten ultural studies program is lui students wanting to pursue ethnic studies, while not nei es sarih wanting to he a mission ar\ . he said The college may soon further expand its mien.ultural studies program. Khee said in addi tion, it otters majors in speei h and i ontmunii atmn and 01 ga lii/ation.il management '' U e re not li y mg to bet nine anothei liberal arts college Khee said, emphasising that \( I remains Incused on its tin dition.il mission of offering an .it udemii degree within a I hrislinn edm ution However, the number of xtu dents opting tor a liberal arts major is growing steadily, with at least hall now pursuing a lib eral arts degree troll) \t < 01 Turn to S( ( , Page 14 Low calorie fast food for your active lifestyle. Why settle for high caloric fast food? You can enjoy low calorie, low sugar foods from Fall Creek Bakery. • low \ mi siig.ii |Mstrn's • whole grain rolls & i miss.mts mil h.is! 1 Mh n«mr • am pus FAI L ( KFFK BAKERY -ifU Inn.' Mum I ri 10 n Nat X Sun H i li REPAIR Bosch Authorized Service • Gasoline Fuel Injection • Anti-Lock Brake Systems • Diesel Fuel Injection • Electrical Systems • Hybrid Ignition • Electronic Systems • Accessories Tune-ups • Brakes Japanese cars also 1917 Franklin Blvd. Eugene 485*8226 j Sick Of Dieting? Research is indicating that diets don’t work! Get off the diet roller roaster and learn skills for healthy eating and lifestyle changes con ducive to weight management. Join our K Rf [ fom week workshop: Wednesday, April II, I 8, 25 £'» May 2nd 5-6: 1 5 SjHMiNOtrd by th** Sfu l'-tif Health < «*ntt*r l ifestyle Planning Progiam You must preregister at 346-4456. LOCATION: Medical Library (Basement of the Health Center) JANE GOODALL Tuesday, April 10 7:30pm, Unit ( enter One Jtil\ 14. 1060. Jane Grxxlall. a 2b scar old woman Irom Bournemouth. Lngland stepped Irom a goseminent launch onto the sands shore ot Lake langans ika She had been sent bs the lamed anthropologist'paleontologist. I )r Louis S B I .cakes. to Begin a long term studs ol eltimpan/ees in the ssild Jane's arrival at Gombe began the lullillment ol a twofold ehildhotxl dream: "to studs animals in Africa and to svrite about them I ickets available at the Unit C enter, 6X7-5000 and authorized outlets. Student discounts available. Pf«■%« ntiil h) IV Ins .'.ute for S a • ,r \ ■ k >~rrj-u ind ISjb'.i* |H. , y ( o-tponiorrd KI x ( KW | M. |W*d*->d Sutr t nistrvts ( •* . njt I di- a *• ! V V^4ggiT.r-r ( c ( hr#-«: \ ■* »-«1 ( • ’j'u g If ■ *;vd < >rrgns ISA' , Itnw : i.e. .r % Spr* * th»• * » to the I K : rl|. .«